Jun 22 2007

More Iraqis Turning In al-Qaeda

Published by at 11:55 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

The tide is turning in Iraq, like a wave of fresh air rolling over the desert country cleansing it of the red hot hate of brutality and bloodlust that comes with the Islamo Fascists. It seems in every area we are applying the Surge forces and tactics, the locals are turning on al-Qaeda and turning them in to the US and Iraai Multi-National Forces:

Coalition forces seized multiple weapons caches near Tuwaitha Sunday.
Soldiers from Company D, 1st Battalion, 15th Regiment, who are currently attached to 3rd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment conducted Operation Destroyer Strike based on information gathered from local citizens.

The operation was a part of Operation Marne Torch, being conducted by Multi-National Division-Center in efforts to eliminate insurgent sanctuaries southeast of Baghdad.

“In that area there are a lot of people frustrated with sectarian violence and al-Qaeda,” said U.S. Army Capt. Troy Thomas, a staff officer with 3-1 Cav. Regt. “They are just fed up with it.”

U.S. Army Capt. Brian Gilbert, commander of Company D and the commander of all Soldiers involved in the operation. He is in contact with local leaders and members of the city council on a daily basis. He spoke with local citizens and city council members following the operation.

“We talked to pretty much everybody that lives there and they were happy to see us,” Gilbert said. “They were specifically happy about us showing our commitment to their security and taking the bad guys off the street.”

With the local Iraqis everywhere turning on al-Qaeda it is truly just a matter of time before they are defeated. This will not end the problems in Iraq, but it will end about 80% of them. And the defeat will rip apart what little credibility al-Qaeda has in the Muslim world.

Just a few short months ago al-Qaeda was on the verge of chasing America from Iraq, thanks to the Surrendercrats’ and SurrenderMedia’s efforts to declare ourselves beaten. If we had given up and quit Iraq al-Qaeda would have become the most potent force in the Middle East in centuries. And the world would have on its hands another Nazi-Italian fascist axis in the making, one that would infect Muslim nations far and wide. The great Satan would have been slain.

Thankfully al-Qaeda’s recruitment poster are not out saying “You too can kill an American – Join Bin Laden’s Holy Jihad. We did it in Iraq, we can do it in Spain”. No, now al-qaeda is not just fighting America. It is fighting and losing to Iraqi Muslims who are fighting by our side. This is not over, but I think it is worth recognizing the huge changes taking place and giving credit where it is due. Thanks to the determination of our military and the Iraqis who are coming forward (and no small risk to themelves) we will not see endless re-runs of our exit from Iraq like we did with Vietnam. The Islamo Fascists will not get as far as their Nazi-Italian predeccessors from the last century.

More here, here and here. Just watch this spot as the reports come in.

29 responses so far

29 Responses to “More Iraqis Turning In al-Qaeda”

  1. thecentercannothold says:

    Eight more troops killed today;no turning point here.

  2. lurker9876 says:

    Patraeus warned us to expect bad things and more casualties this summer as our soldiers are now entering the dangerous areas.

    And this remains a low-casualty war; still far lower than Clinton’s 7100 soldiers killed during peacetime! And Bush’s term is almost over.

    You haven’t told us anything new! Nothing new! Nothing new!

    We are winning with this surge and moving forward!

  3. thecentercannothold says:

    Winning what? Petraeus already conceded he would never have enough troops for a military victory. You’re winning
    a pro-Iranian government which is opposed to US policy as
    much as or more than Saddams Hussein’s Baathists.

  4. DaleinAtlanta says:

    How’s the Twilight Zone, Nutbag?

  5. thecentercannothold says:

    Somebody make sure this frustrated warrior doesn’t mow down
    “the enemy” at his local city square.


  6. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Ah….YEAH, whatever; when you start to make some sense, come back and post again; I give you my permission!

  7. thecentercannothold says:

    Soothsayer and I are keeping you busy reacting to the dismal features of the no-win war–otherwise you’d have nothing to comment on about the war.