Jun 28 2007

Guess We Need To Dump Some More Hypochondriacs!

I was in meetings all day, but I suspected the vote would not make it based on some early morning indications. I will be looking at the votes but it would seem more far left and far right folks moved to leave us in the same mess we have had for 20+ years. Well, there is only one answer: get rid of the fringes left and right.

The motto for 2008 should be “Stay Out Of The Fringes!”. For me that means I would rather see Webb (D) stay on for a while longer – at least until we can get this immigrartion issue fixed. And of course I will support Warner (R) if he runs in 2008. But if Warner retires all bets are off. The Dems probably will not run a liberal in VA so it will be up to the Republican options to see which way I would vote. But if we ended up with a Mark Warner type vs. an Allen/Sessions type VA would probably be all Democrat at the top of the ticket in 2008. I don’t have time for an analysis of where it makes sense to trim the fringes, but I am sure there are plenty of opportunities out there.

Until then I plan to thank the GOP for every victim of a crime by a repeat offender illegal alien for doing so much to allow these animals to stay in our country. The DO NOTHING NOW! crowd one this round. But each round takes a toll on them and they loose more credibility and support. It is just a matter of time before enough get tossed out before we can try again. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want a Clinton or Levin or any liberal in office. But the Dems are willing to let moderates into their caucuses more than the frantic right.

Besides, the far right has run its course. They have nothing to offer new and if we need to protect the gains we made we can do that when needed. Yes, we may lose some ground, but that was happening anyway. You need to align with folks who will give you some part of your goals. With the GOP caving on stem cells and other matters their utility is about used up. They are victims of their own success. We have 90% of the stuff proposed by the Contract with America and Bush’s pledges – so take the progress and find opportunities for more. The one open issue is Iraq.

But if Bush’s Surge has done what is needed to stabilize the situation, then that too can be a success fairly immune to Congressional meddling by 2009. That I will watch. If Iraq does stabilize then al bets are off. Might be time to give the Dems another shot. Who knows. But anything is better than NOTHING NOW! – the new and everlasting GOP mantra. This was interesting – can’t wait to do it again.

169 responses so far

169 Responses to “Guess We Need To Dump Some More Hypochondriacs!”

  1. For Enforcement says:

    biglsusportsfan, don’t know your point, but your post on Mitchell supported what I had said.. Thanks for the support.

  2. DaleinAtlanta says:

    “Culture!” “Culture?” You call THIS “culture”?, a Boombox and a bowl of Guacamole dip?”

    $10 cyberbucks to the person who can tell me what movie that is, that shows the clash of Amerian & Mexican cultures, in a humorous way!

    Great movie by the way, one of my favorite comedies; along with “Just Friends”!

  3. biglsusportsfan says:

    “biglsusportsfan, don’t know your point, but your post on Mitchell supported what I had said.. Thanks for the support.”

    Enforecement the point is that Mitchell supported Comprehensive immigration reform and Hayworth didn’t. THe above shows that. LEt me put it clear for you. HEre is a COmmerical that Mitchell ran
    GRAPHIC: Don’t believe J.D.’s lies.

    VIDEO: Mitchell talking

    GRAPHIC: Harry Mitchell opposes amnesty

    Don’t believe J.D.’s lies…. Harry Mitchell will lead the fight against amnesty…

    Hayworth is running false television ads meant to deceive voters claiming that Mitchell supports amnesty and Social Security for illegal immigrants. [www.jdhayworth.com]

    Harry Mitchell supports comprehensive immigration and border security legislation proposed by Republican Senator John McCain and Republican Congressmen Jeff Flake and Jim Kolbe.

    According to the Chicago Tribune, McCain’s plan “does not provide amnesty or Social Security to illegal immigrants…” [Chicago Tribune, 9/26/06]

    And according to McCain himself, “That is not amnesty. We’re not forgiving anybody for breaking our laws. We’re making them pay a very high price.” [Concord Monitor, 5/23/06]

    “Amnesty is forgiveness,” McCain said in March 2006. “This is payment of a fine. This is admission of guilt. … This is earned citizenship, that’s what it is.” [ABC News, 3/28/06]

    Even the Republican Party’s 2004 Platform demonstrates the falsities of Hayworth’s allegation that Mitchell supports amnesty.

    From the Republican Party’s 2004 Platform:

    This new program would allow workers who currently hold jobs to come out of the shadows and to participate legally in America’s economy. It would allow men and women who enter the program to apply for citizenship in the same manner as those who apply from outside the United States. There must be strong workplace enforcement with tough penalties against employees and employers who violate immigration laws. We oppose amnesty because it would have the effect of encouraging illegal immigration and would give an unfair advantage to those who have broken our laws. [2004 Republican Party Platform] ”

    So you see that Mitchell supported Comprehnsive reform and Hayworth didnt. Mitchell was not hiding the fact as you can see in this commercial

  4. For Enforcement says:

    Apache, my post didn’t show up, you banned me already?

  5. DaleinAtlanta says:

    LE; proud of you man!

    20 seconds into the new Blog, and you get BANNED!


    Way to go son…

  6. For Enforcement says:

    biglsusportsfan thanks for all that, again supporting my point, that Mitchell was more extreme than Hayworth. Don’t know why you working so hard to prove I was right. but I appreciate it.

    Comprehensive reform would be great, amnesty wouldn’t.

  7. SallyVee says:

    LSU – just read Big Lizard. It’s an excellent post. You and I immediately see the wisdom of what he is saying. I hate to do a “but” but… my worry all along has been the extreme rhetoric, vile namecalling and undermining of Bush & so many other good leaders, and the staking out of completely inflexible positions. I agree that everyone — including me, and I am willing to shut up right now — should take the Lizard’s advice to heart. But, how are the extremies going to walk back the cat from calling our president Jorge Arbusto and much much worse, to embracing him as a conservative? I will pray for this miracle to occur but I am not optimistic.

    Possibly the best we can hope for is relative silence or a temporary cease fire, but again, I think the intoxicating nature of today’s “victory” may prove irresistable. I think the mob believes it can parlay the moment into a successful movement and that may be the fatal miscalculation that sinks our ship, with innocents like you and me on it. I remain open and hopeful but I cannot erase my memory or pretend I didn’t see this day coming.

    I second LSU’s recommendation, for all here who care about the future of the Republican party and this nation. See:


  8. biglsusportsfan says:


    For goodness sake Mitchell has the same view of what “amnesty” is and What it is not as that is identical with McCain and Bush. It is right there in black and white.

    Ignoring what happened in a politcal race does not make it disappear. I can remember Hayworth on FOX news crusading aginst comprehensive immigration reform.

    HE had other problems but the mass of hardliners did not save him

  9. smill1953 says:

    This blog has turned stupid.

  10. biglsusportsfan says:


    I think in the end it will take events to happen and realize that conservative need the President. It hsould be obvious that just under the Const he is still revelant.

    We still got a year to get as many Circuit judges as we can on the COurt. Who knows. Maybe iof God smiles on us we shall have Stevens retire in a week or so.

    I think on those that supported the bill have a very pragmatic edge to them. We get grief over being realist but we know the Coalition must survive.

    We shall see what organs of though like the National Review and others do during the next weeks. I think they will realize that a coming together is needed. I think everyone has to vent some steam.

    However, if there is another war on supposed rinos like we saw in 2006. It will not be pretty

  11. apache_ip says:

    Hmmm…. no, I haven’t banned anyone. It would appear I have something misconfigured. Give me one minute.

  12. retire05 says:

    Got a big news flash for all you pro-amnesty people; the Dhimmicrats never intended for this bill to pass. But Kennedy, the consumate politician, knew what would be the outcome of defeating this bill: a) the MSM would start carrying Democratic water by labeling this as “another” Bush defeat (they already have); b) the Dhimmicrats could protray the Republicans as racists and Mexican haters (they did that on the floor of the Senate) and c) the Dhimmicrats would garner even more votes in ’08 from the Hispanic bloc (which they knew the defeat of the bill would do).
    Kennedy wrote this bill so it would be so distasteful to everyone in America that it would be defeated. This bill was DOA before it was ever written.
    Doubt it? Think about this; while Cornyn and Hutchison are on the floor saying that the coversation about immigration reform must continue and we must secure the borders and enforce our laws and then deal with the millions, the Dhimmicrats are saying that immigration reform is dead and will not be brought up again during THIS administration. And the president? Did he respond by saying “ok, we are going to secure the borders, as I promised, and enforce the laws and try again”? Nope, he said he was moving on to the budget.
    Tonight Kennedy and Reid are clinking their scotch and water glasses together saying “mission accomplished”.

  13. lurker9876 says:

    Well, retire05, anything Bush does, the Democrats will make sure it’s another Bush defeat.

    Boy, those Democrats are very good at playing those games.

    Do you guys really want to vote for these guys?

    Did you notice that the House Democrats voted against blocking the cost of living raise for themselves?

  14. apache_ip says:

    The comments are up now. But I have a broken “logged in” link. I was playing with a captcha plugin and I modified some of the source code. I was using Dreamweaver and Dreamweaver noticed the source code change. When I went to upload the files to the server, Dreamweaver asked if I wanted the links updated. I knew when I selected “yes” that I was making a mistake.

    Argh! I can’t believe I did that. I knew it was a bad idea. I knew better. I knew better. I knew better. And I still did it. I’m peeved at myself.

    Give me 10 minutes to fix the source code.

  15. apache_ip says:

    Fixed now.

  16. apache_ip says:

    Tonight Kennedy and Reid are clinking their scotch and water glasses together saying “mission accomplished”.

    They were in the perfect win-win scenario. Either they would get millions of new voters, or the Republican party would eat itself alive while simultaneously alienating the Hispanic population.

    The Democrats, and their MSM accomplices, have managed to completely blur the distinction between illegal immigrant/alien and Hispanic. And the Republicans just sat back and let them do it. It was nauseating to watch. Even now, on this blog, posters are saying that if you were against the bill you are “anti-Hispanic”. WTF??? How do you deal with that kind of stupidity?

    It was the perfect win-win scenario for the Democrats. And it was the perfect lose-lose for the Republicans.

  17. biglsusportsfan says:

    noe=w we just have 490 days and counting

  18. reader2007 says:

    Even in victory, the hissyfitters are still throwing a fit. Now we have a conspiracy theory that the Dems planned this. They must be so smart….ugh…..hissyfitters are gonna put the Republican Party down into the mud.

  19. Terrye says:

    The Dems planned this? Well you know, they did see the radical right go stupid over Harriet Miers and Dubai and so maybe they thought, lets give those wingers enough rope and they will hang themselves.

    This is not a winner for Republicans, if it were, they would still be in the majority after their side show last year. Instead they LOST. Now, they can try to blame that on Iraq all they want, but the truth is that the races themselves make it plain who won and who lost.

    Hey, but keep it up. The name calling, the conspiracy theories, the finger pointing, the complete inability to come up with a workable plan that can actually be made into law with some degress of success.

    I mean you have only lost half the hispanic vote, get to work on the other half.

    And the wall? I expect we will hear fighting about that too. What kind of wall, how long, made of what, how high, how many sensors. These guys will not be able to just build it and shut up. No way….and then they have to deal with the reality that there are other ways in.

    No, I give up. As long as the radical right thinks it demagogue the issue and bully everyone else, there will be no solution.

  20. Terrye says:

    And I mean it, if you guys think that this kind of behavior wins you votes, just stop and think about who the Speaker of the House is.

    I honestly do not know what kind of fantasy you have to be living in to believe that this issue is a winner for this party. It was not just one hardliner who lost in that election, it was a bunch.

    There is a reason people like Allen and Santorum lost as well. The right is wearing out its welcome and it needs to ease up on the rhetoric.