Jul 02 2007

Immigrant Wife Of Missing Soldier Gets Green Card

Published by at 1:38 pm under All General Discussions,Illegal Immigration

Good news today as the immigrant wife (here in the US illegally) was provided a green card as she awaits word of her husband’s fate. No word when the mob of angry GOP amnesty hypochondriacs plan to storm the woman’s home and take the card back from this evil criminal woman who is flouting the laws of America – while she waits to learn if she is now the widow of a heroic US serviceman. Word is the hypochondriacs, probably led by Rep “purify my culture” Tancredo, will take action once it is certain her husband is dead and her ties to America are severed so they can march her to the border and dump her.

48 responses so far

48 Responses to “Immigrant Wife Of Missing Soldier Gets Green Card”

  1. Soothsayer says:

    Signs of rationality in government? Her green card is a start.

    Another good sign: a three judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit:

    David Sentell (Reagan)
    Karen Henderson (Bush 41)
    David Tatel (Clinton)

    unanimously told the criminal I. Lewis Libby to pack his toothbrush and get ready to serve time, as Scoot-boy will NOT be getting appellate bond during the pendency of his appeal.

    The only question left is: Does Bush let Scooter twist slowly in the wind . . . or does the Prez find the cojones he has been so sadly without since his cheerleading days at Yale . . . and pardon the multiple felon for helping to obstruct justice in service of Darth Cheney’s evil schemes.

  2. And once again, the Anti-American, Anti-Semite, Pro-Jihadi “Bootlicker”, rides to the rescue, and relieves us of tedium and boredom, with any and everything She posts!

  3. biglsusportsfan says:

    “does the Prez find the cojones he has been so sadly without since his cheerleading days at Yale . . . and pardon the multiple felon for helping to obstruct justice in service of Darth Cheney’s evil schemes.”

    Why do people always bring up the cheerleading thing as to Lott and Bush. I eman goodness how many times when I was at a LSU game did me and my friends wish we were Guy cheerleaders lol

  4. Soothsayer says:

    I eman[sic] goodness how many times when I was at a[sic] LSU game did me[sic] and my friends wish we were Guy cheerleaders

    Did you want to wear pleated skirts, too?

    As for the criminal I. Lewis Libby, correspondence addressed to 28301-016

    should get to him eventually.

  5. Terrye says:

    When I think of cheerleading I think of Malkin in her little outfit prancing around like some demented puppet.

    But as far as soothie is concerned, I think that some of the righties should take note who they have begun to sound like. Yep guys, you sound more and more like soothie. Why the other day FE and Soothie were comparing IQ scores.

    A regular study in self absorbed arrogance. A sort of mutual appreciation society.

  6. Terrye says:

    Back on the subject, who cares about Yale and this post is not about Lewis Libby either. Besides, Soothie when it comes to criminals the Republicans are small potatoes compared to the really outrageous and bizarre kinds of criminal behavior we have come to expect from the Democrats. So maybe you should think about that glass house you are living in before you start throwing stones.

    The point is this woman has one less thing to worry about and if Tancredo messes with her he will end up looking like a moron.

  7. biglsusportsfan says:

    “Did you want to wear pleated skirts, too?”

    No skirts but as you can see there alot of benefits 🙂

  8. biglsusportsfan says:

    I have got to think even Tancredo is smart enough not to touch this.

  9. smill1953 says:

    …A regular study in self absorbed arrogance. A sort of mutual appreciation society…

    about the first thing of terrye’s i agree with.

  10. A regular study in self absorbed arrogance. A sort of mutual appreciation society.

    Left by Terrye on July 2nd, 2007

    Never has ANY poster on this board, in an attempt to insult someone else, betrayed more about their OWNSELF, than with this post!

  11. Terrye says:

    Well Dale, I am simply pointing out that when it comes to criticizing the President and other Republicans who dared to get off the reservation, soothie and FE sound like twins.

    But then you know me better than I do, don’t you?

  12. Terrye says:

    Speaking of conservatives saying stupid things, how could Fred Thompson say this:

    He expressed his opposition to the immigration bill in Congress and decried the flow of illegal immigrants from Cuba, saying: “I don’t imagine they’re coming here to bring greetings from Castro. We’re living in the era of the suitcase bomb.”


    Cuba? Back when this man was actually a Senator voting in Congress he did nothing about the fact that Cubans get special treatment when it comes to illegal entry. They have gotten special treatment every since Castro decided to that he liked the Soviet Union better than he liked us.

    To this day, these people do not get here by walking, they come in by water. Which is something we should think about while we build the border fence. The Gulf of Mexico and the California shore line are not walled off either.

    But back to Fred deciding at this point in time to call Cuban refugees terrorists, What was the man thinking?

  13. But then you know me better than I do, don’t you?

    Left by Terrye on July 2nd, 2007

    Ah, I’ve never not only NEVER said that; I don’t even think it’s true!

    I’m just amazed, that’s all!

    That you can even begin to compare FE to “Soothie” is just absolutely amazing to me!

    One is a Leftist Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Nutbag (Bootlikcer); the other is a person who is no different than those of us who are law-abiding Americans who support the President.

    You all just don’t like FE, because he disgreed with your echo-chamber approach to ILLEGAL Immigrants!

    He did nothing at all to earn your emnity, nor scorn, nor AJ’s “banning” except point out the obvious, and dare to actually disagree with you all.

    But even that is too much for all of you!

  14. Cobalt Shiva says:

    But back to Fred deciding at this point in time to call Cuban refugees terrorists, What was the man thinking?

    That he was pandering to what passes for the “mainstream” of the GOP today.

    Folks, Fred’s brain steps out for a five-minute smoke break, and he manages to write off the entire state of Florida. Well (expletive deleted) done, Freddie. Why don’t you just go back to Law & Order for another four seasons?

  15. Terrye says:

    Yes, I compare them.

    Do you think that just because Soothie is left and FE is right that there is no comparison? The truth is I have heard people on the right of late who sound very much like Rosie O’Donnel and her kind. Parnoia, conspiracy theories, etc.

    The issue of illegal immigration has lead people on the right who should know better… to call the President of the United States Jorge Busho and accuse him of being a traitor and all sorts of stuff. I have heard and read tons of those kinds of mindless comments and FE is been right in the middle of that along with a lot of other people.

    Do you think that deliberately misrepresenting the truth, attacking the patriotism and character of anyone who disagrees with you and making a point of weakening war time president because he supports a bill you do not like…is ok if you happen to call yourself a conservative?

    The end result is the same.

  16. Terrye says:

    And you know what? This is AJ’s site. He can ban anyone he wants.

  17. Cobalt Shiva says:

    Jorge Busho

    “Jorge Arbusto” is becoming a favorite.

    It was merely stupid-but-clever the first time. After that, the cleverness kind of evaporated.

  18. reader2007 says:

    Why do immigration bill opponents continue to cry (e.g., Dale).

    Don’t you know that the bill failed to reach cloture in the Senate?

    Geez Louise!!!!!

  19. Terrye says:


    Well, he is a bigshot in the New York City, a Prosecutor and all, I am sure he will carry New York…so who needs Florida?

  20. MerlinOS2 says:

    This is not really a shock, she is high profile and the congress all the time passes individual legislation adjusting the status of illegals who rise to the bar of gaining attention.

    There are many examples in the congressional record, this isn’t something new and fresh.