Jul 16 2007
Iraq Parliament Should Take A Breather, Come Back When People Calm Down
The SurrenderMedia is all in a tizzy because the Iraq Parliament is at loggerheads on key legislation and is taking the month off in August. Personally I think this is a good idea. When emotions are high and stress is making it hard to compromise, taking some down time to cool off and regain some perspective is not a bad deal. The armchair know-nothings are good at one thing, showing their impatience at others for not fixing things the way they like them. Like I have said many times, impatience is not a reason to surrender Iraq to al-Qaeda. In fact, al-Qaeda is banking on us to be incapable of a long hard effort and all too willing to run away. Let the Parliament take a break and see if that doesn’t actually help move things along. And talking-heads: shut up and just read your tele-prompters. Your opinions are not needed, we have minds and experience and education too.
Part of the problem is that it is regularly over 110 degrees in Baghdad this time of year. People don’t think straight under those circumstances. They should take a break and come back when the weather and the people have cooled off a little.
Our Congress is pissed because the Iraqis are taking a month off? What a hoot.
I would not be surprised if they are still not working anyway. I hear that the oil law is out of the cabinet now and they are going to bring it up for a vote. My guess is they do not want to do that until they know they have enough votes for it to pass.
The Congress is making it plain to people in Iraq that if the terrorists want to get rid of us all they have to do is make it impossible for the politicians to get anything done, then voila..we run away.