Jul 18 2007

Surrendercrat’s Lame Slumber Party

Published by at 7:20 am under All General Discussions

It is the middle of June July [man summers fly by fast] and American is either working or on vacation. So if the Democrats stayed up all night blathering on, underscoring how impotent and inept they are in terms of moving passable legislation, is anyone going to pay attention?

After a rare all-night debate, Senate Republicans were expected on Wednesday to prevent a vote on a Democratic measure that would require U.S. troops to withdraw from Iraq by next spring.

The measure, an amendment to the annual defense authorization bill (S 1547), has been the centerpiece of a Democratic strategy to force President Bush to change course on the Iraq War. It would require Bush to begin the drawdown of U.S. forces within 120 days and to complete the withdrawal of most units by April 30, 2008.

Democrats staged the all-night debate to draw attention to Republican opposition to a simple up-or-down majority vote on the amendment by Carl Levin of Michigan and Jack Reed of Rhode Island. The Senate was scheduled to vote at 11 a.m. to end debate on the measure, but with the Republican minority insisting on a 60-vote threshold for cloture, the vote was expected to fail even though a majority of senators appeared to support the amendment.

Pure waste of time – as usual for this Congress. There are two things that consistently poll below the President: The Surrendercrat Congress and The SurrenderMedia. At least Bush get’s things done. You may not agree with his goals – but he makes progress. I am still waiting for Congress to produce a bill that will become law instead of staging these looney tune PR stunts.

If this is political theatre the Democrats are doing a fine job of reviving the Keystone Cops (basically a whole platoon of stooges from around about this time last century). When you pull a stunt and it turns into a dud it only looks bad on the ones pulling the stunt. Maybe the Dems could try running away from town and refuse to do anything – like they did in Texas? Basically it is the same result: nothing.

17 responses so far

17 Responses to “Surrendercrat’s Lame Slumber Party”

  1. lurker9876 says:

    It was all part of a plan that the Democrats and moveon.org came up with…which is to keep submitting those resolutions and keep voting on them repeatedly. They’re doing it to tire the Republicans and convince them to change their minds.

    If they keep doing it, they’ll lose the votes?

  2. lurker9876 says:

    I wouldn’t go for a simple up or down vote on this bill.

  3. kittymyers says:

    It is the middle of June…

    You mean July — right?

  4. kittymyers says:

    It is the middle of June…

    You mean July — right?

  5. kittymyers says:

    It is the middle of June…

    You mean July — right?

  6. AJStrata says:

    Anybody else think this summer is going by too fast?

    Thanks Kittymyers!!

  7. lurker9876 says:


    You read John Cornyn’s resolution and its votes?


    94 – 3 – 3.

    It’s nonbinding but….

    94 voters believed that withdrawal from Iraq would allow Al Qaeda to establish safe havens.

    Then the Democrats tried the slumber party approach.


  8. AJStrata says:

    I am stunned at the idiocy in congress right now – both sides. At least the GOP only loses it on immigration. The Dems can’t seem to ever get it together.

  9. kittymyers says:

    (My comment got posted THREE TIMES? Looks like I stutter 🙂

    How do you see all this idocy playing in the ’08 elections? Will the voting public even remember? Better question is: Are they even paying attention now?

    Considering their WOT policy of defeat at any cost, are the Democrats just stupid or are they evil? I say evil — but that’s just me.

  10. AJStrata says:


    I have no clue which way 2008 will go because both parties are imploding.

    I do know one thing though. If the dems took up my challenge and declared they want to clear Iraq of al-Qaeda and then get our troops out I think they would have a shoe-in for controlling congress. The only thing they screw up royally is national security (big deal of course). If they get smart they could get the trifecta.

    I don’t think they are that smart. It really is up to the GOP to stop letting the hot heads tank their numbers.

  11. satrist says:


  12. satrist says:

    ok. let me try this again


    I see it as evil also. When being in power means more than God, country, troops and all else that’s good, those who crave power will do ANYTHING to gain or regain power and to me that’s evil.

  13. crosspatch says:

    I think the Democrats might be unintentionally doing us all a big favor. The enemy must be so completely perplexed and demoralized by all the media talk of surrender while on the ground our forces have increased and are on the move against them.

    It must be confusing the living daylights out of an enemy who reads our media and becomes hopeful that there is light at the end of the tunnel and suddenly a new offensive kicks off and it turns out the light was from an oncoming train.

    I would say that at this point the enemy probably doesn’t know *what* to think but I am sure that by now they share our opinion of the quality of our media’s accuracy. My bet is that al Qaida in Iraq probably trusts our media reports about as much as George Bush does at this point. Wishful thinking, jumping to conclusions, and spin are not reporting.

    To AQI and ISI I say: That’s what you get for reading our newspapers, guys. You are now about as misinformed as you can possibly be.

  14. MerlinOS2 says:

    A good article for all to read of how corporate interests are shaping the reporting from Iraq from some of the embeds on the ground.

     Many of the film’s subjects are employees of well-established newspapers and broadcast networks, and as such they have profited from the exposure and credibility that prominent media outlets enjoy. But despite the benefits of their organizational affiliations — without which correspondents would be forced to finance their own travels abroad — many of them resent corporate efforts to manipulate the content of their stories. Samstag attempted to interview executives at the major news networks, including CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, but all of his requests were denied unceremoniously.

  15. Cobalt Shiva says:

    I would’ve been great as a Senator for this one.

    “OK, you want an all-night session? No (expletive deleted) problem. But what’s with the cots?”

    “Well, for those members who want to catch some sleep–”


    I would then periodically go through the cot section, beating on a trashcan lid, shouting “GET OUT OF THE RACK, REVEILLE REVEILLE MAGGOTS! MOVE IT MOVE IT!” and applying a size 12 combat boot to any Senator’s fundament within range.

    Getting censured would be worth it. (c8

  16. Terrye says:


    Yessir, assholes and elbows…that’s all I want to see!

    What a bunch of morons. Do they really think America gives a rat’s ass about their all nighter?

  17. crosspatch says:

    “Do they really think America gives a rat’s ass about their all nighter?”

    Sadly, yes, they think that people are watching that political theater they are producing up there. They believe that the public interest is in direct proportion to the amount of ink and page placement devoted to them by the Washington Post. So if they make page A-1 with a half page above the fold, they believe Americans are really paying attention.
