Aug 03 2007

No Confidence In Congress On Iraq

Published by at 12:55 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

It what could be a resounding blow to Democrat (a.k.a. Surrendercrat) hopes in 2008 the American public is pretty much unanimoulsy fed up with Congress when it comes to Iraq:

Just 24% give the president favorable ratings of his performance in handling the war in Iraq, but confidence in Congress is significantly worse – only 3% give Congress positive marks for how it has handled the war. This lack of confidence in Congress cuts across all ideologies. Democrats – some of whom had hoped the now Democrat-led Congress would bring an end to the war in Iraq – expressed overwhelming displeasure with how Congress has handled the war, with 94% giving Congress a negative rating in its handling specifically of that issue.

Well, Bush is not facing the voters again, so we know who we can inflict our frustrations on in 2008. 94% is clearly an unprecedented rejection of the Democrat Congress on this matter. And as news continues to come in and grow that The Surge is making a huge difference in Iraq, these numbers (which cannot go any lower) will simply cement into place. Especially as we hear more and more how al-Qaeda’s murderous brutality is pushing the Iraqi, Muslim street to rise up and take arms against al-Qaeda and ally with the Iraqi government and work along side US forces.

al-Qaeda’s blood stained hands from year of massacring Muslims by the thousands is the force now driving the situation in Iraq. The purveyors of a modern holocaust against Muslims, not westerners, are the ones who have brought the Muslim street out to finally decide the path of the future. And al-Qaeda has LOST that debate and is losing all support. They have tried to use “The Dark Lord’s” methods (for you Potter fans) only to find brutality does not breed subervience but only revolt. And Democrats are clearly pushing for America to lose, not win. Not a good place to be.

The Democrats put all their hopes in America losing Iraq. When they did not pull off that loss, by forcing our surrender in the funding votes, they not only screwed their reputation with their anti-war base but they showed the rest of America that they really do want al-Qaeda to succeed. And in succeeding it is clear al-Qaeda will grow much more dangerous and more Americans will die because of it. With the choice now between al-Qaeda losing in the minds and hearts of the Muslim street or America losing at the hands of the Democrats, there is no spinning out of this political death bed. America is unanimous in its rejection of Congress. A good house cleaning (left and right) seems to be in order for 2008.

21 responses so far

21 Responses to “No Confidence In Congress On Iraq”

  1. fenianhombre says:

    If the American people are upset at Congress, then it is probably because of their failure to end a bloody and needless war. It has now been estimated nearly million Iraqis have died:

  2. dhunter says:

    Died at the hands of Muslim fanatics for the most part. Evidently that does not bother some in the United States congress or their supporters. A house cleaning is in order, also a slap down of the mainstream media propogandists. The free market system is taking care of the mainstream media propagandists evidenced by their dropping ratings and revenues. How low can they go? A war to protect freedom everywhere.

  3. MerlinOS2 says:


    Your crap number is you are spouting is base on the already discredited Lancet data.

    They are only doing time series projections based on that.


    Damn these people are stupid.

  4. MerlinOS2 says:

    Here is the link to the site he links own justification of their death counter which is contrary to every other casualty estimate available on the web.


    Fairy Tails come true!

    Gee dummy you should have taken better use of your time between lectures at the Kos Kids gathering and went to the bathroom instead and wiped. 




  5. MerlinOS2 says:


    Hey Man

    We want better trolls please.


  6. MerlinOS2 says:

    In other news

    The Russians are trying to claim a land grab for oil and gas saying a land ridge extends up to the north pole under the Law of the Seas treaty by planting a flag under the North Pole with a couple of mini submarines.

    But then we planted a flag on the Moon.

    Take that suckers!

  7. ivehadit says:

    Yes, the liberals thinly disguised contempt for Iraqi’s shows every time.
    I suppose when they post the death toll in the Iraq war, it means they want to go back to the shredders of Saddam where people were put in feet first so they could feel the horror all the way through. Pathetic, isn’t it…

  8. MerlinOS2 says:

    Hey clueles!

    Taking your numbers or close to it

    A million / five years / 365 days per year = 547.94520547945205479452054794521 killed per day.

    In short get a life.

  9. MerlinOS2 says:

    Putin is already suffering blowback and somehow I think coal in his stocking is in the future

    Backed by an uncharacteristically angry and menacing looking semi-circle of elves, Santa Claus appeared in a web video vowing to turn the North Pole into a “red snow, Russian prison of fire” if the “invader Putin did not leave the Jolly Realm”. It was posted this morning on his website. “Are you insane, Mr. Putin?” cackles Santa’s Chief Elf on the tape “did you not realize how quickly these little fingers and our mighty factories can turn out millions of IEDs instead of toys?” Several of the elves were strapped with AK’s.

  10. Terrye says:

    I am with Merlin here, we need better trolls with new material and new lies.

    BTW, 3% is the margin of error.

    Weird, very weird.

  11. scaulen says:

    Can I try out for the new troll position??? I’m sure I can be negative and witty.

    OK ummm err Cheney sold all the Iraqi AK 47’s that we bought from Cuba to bribe Fidel to build Halliburton pleasure palaces on the island to China so they could then re-sell them to North African +3
    pirates I mean entrepreneurs to be smuggled into Northern Ireland to be then distributed to the Islamofacists ooops I mean freedom fighters in London to stage a bloody coupe I mean a rising of the people to re-elect a monarchyless government. Thus instilling the religion of peace and the beauty of sharia on the Island of the white devil. Oh and Bush = Hitler, and it’s all for oil for Israel!!!!!

  12. Terrye says:


    You lack the necessary venom. But, nice try.

  13. scaulen says:

    Oh yeah venom huh…… I burst my pimples at you and call your not enough venom request a silly thing, you tiny-brained wipers of other people’s bottoms!!!! And, if you think you got a nasty taunting this time, you ain’t heard nothing yet, dappy English k-nnniggets! Thpppt!

  14. MerlinOS2 says:


    It was Ollie North not Dick Cheney!

    Boo Hiss

    Get err right if you want to get err done!


  15. lurker9876 says:

    Iraqi attitudes continue to shift toward secular values

    Hey, Mer, almost finished with Bat Ye’or’s book about Islam and Dhimmitude. Boy, the Christians…worldwide…really put me to shame as they continue to play the negationism of Islam. Bat is right that the only way to beat the terrorists is to force them to recognize people of all faiths, atheists, and agnostics as equally.

  16. lurker9876 says:

    More Overlooked History: The Muslim Libel Cases

    Alms for Jihad

    Exactly as Bat Ye’or described in her book and several articles.

  17. scaulen says:


  18. scaulen says:

    OS2. I still have the Warp edition in my software collection.
    But seriously it’s a new conspicacy that will revive the lefts biggest boogie man that they’re shining knight couldn’t take down. Once Fidel gets back into top billing, we can start threatening him with missiles, blockades and scores of trained Cuban expats with out air cover. It will allow them to flex their muscles and show how they will beat communism once and for all!!!!

  19. Terrye says:


    I’m sorry honey but your heart just ain’t in it. Once again, nice try.

  20. Terrye says:

    I think the whole multicultural, pc, attitude helped play into the jihadis hands myself.

    But in truth I think some of the attitudes of Christians re Muslims dates back to the centuries of warfare and the desire not to repeat it. Christianity reformed, Islam needs to.