Aug 05 2007

al-Qaeda Has Lost Iraq – No Question II

Published by at 4:41 pm under All General Discussions,Diyala,Iraq

More evidence is finally being reported by the SurrenderMedia as the changes across Iraq have become so pronounced news organizations can longer credibly ignore the sea change there:

RAMADI—Once the most dangerous place in Iraq, the self-proclaimed capital of the Sunni insurgency, Ramadi has become a bustling, largely peaceful city where residents are starting to repair the damage of nearly four years of heavy fighting.

Still, the improved situation here comes as some relief to the U.S. military, which not long ago had counted an average of 10 to 15 attacks a day in Ramadi alone; now, there’s about one attack a day, and no Americans have been reported killed in the city since mid-May (versus seven in July 2006). Elsewhere in Anbar, five Americans were killed in July, one more than in June but far fewer than the 19 in July 2006.

Abandoned buildings are being refurbished or torn down to make way for new ones. Schools and mosques get priority. “The terrorists tried to kill our education system,” remarks local contractor Saad Hammad Al Sharki. “Without that, it makes it easier for the people of Ramadi to join them. So we had to fix the schools and the youth centers first.”

al-Qaeda is the responsible for killing and torturing Muslims and destroying the core of their communities. It was the al-Qaeda Islamo Fascists who car bomb and chlorine bomb and massacre Muslims. The mass killings of Muslims has been at the hand of al-Qaeda. And now the Muslim street has sworn on the Koran to kill and defeat al-Qaeda alongside Americans. And in return they get back control of their communities, their lives and their future. A reasonable arrangement in anyone’s mind.

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “al-Qaeda Has Lost Iraq – No Question II”

  1. kathie says:

    There were a group of “conservative” reporters who met with Bush last week. It was off the record so they couldn’t report what was said.
    One of the reporters hinted that a lot more is going on in Iraq then any body is reporting, I got the impression that Bush and Patraus didn’t want it reported so that it couldn’t be sabotaged by al Queda.

  2. ivehadit says:

    And isn’t it wonderful to see the benefits of being patient pay off? Especially in regards to how George, at great cost to himself, has sat waiting patiently for the Iraqi’s to take back their land which shows to the Arab world beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are not interested in imperialistic take-overs of their lands….And all this while George has been pummeled by the disingenuous global socialist dems and their mouthpieces, the Antique media. And even some who claimed to have been his supporters.

  3. lurker9876 says:

    It’s been fairly quiet in Iraqi, hasn’t it? Those suicide bombs are now fewer and far between, huh?

  4. You know people should take a look at the headlines in Canada papers. Same arguments made by liberals but it is in regard to afghanistan.

    Just incredible

    The problem is for them that Harper is going to start getting the same headlines soon as Bush.

    At the end of the day the wisom of Blair, Harper, Bush, Howard and our other allies will be found to be sound.

  5. crosspatch says:

    Things are going so well in Anbar now that the Marines are switching to “soft cover” patrols in the cities. Meaning they will be wearing their soft hats instead of helmets and doing away with the body armor (but keeping both in easy reach if they need them).


  6. Terrye says:

    I did see this morning that there was an attack at TalAfar, 28 dead. My first thought was that will make the Democrats happy. How sad.

  7. Rich says:

    The scourge of the suicide bomber is severe. The damage that one person can do is incredible, both in terms of loss of life and propaganda. In addition, that person is incredibly difficult to stop. I’m amazed that we have not seen such a epidemic of these in the US. The optimist in me says that the CIA, FBI etc aren’t as imcompetent as I believe them to be and that there are things we don’t know about that are holding back the tide. But the US is an incredibly open society and risks can lurk everywhere and the other part of me says its just a matter of time. While Iraqis are adjusting as best they can to this reality, it is reality that weak Americans wouls simply shut down in the face of such attacks.

    I only see this war being won when Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia are transformed governments, if not societies. I hope they can change from within because the rest of the world doesn’t have the guts to change them from without.

  8. gwood says:

    Rich said:

    “I’m amazed that we have not seen such a epidemic of these in the US. The optimist in me says that the CIA, FBI etc aren’t as imcompetent as I believe them to be and that there are things we don’t know about that are holding back the tide. But the US is an incredibly open society and risks can lurk everywhere and the other part of me says its just a matter of time.”

    I think we’re on the same wavelength, but let me go a step further….

    I believe that the fact that we haven’t suffered another blow on our soil has nothing to do with interdiction. No, their CAPABILITY to strike has remained intact, and it is time we consider another possibility as to why we haven’t been struck again here at home.

    The WTC and Pentagon attacks occurred not from an abundance of hatred, but from a profound lack of respect, well earned over previous years of non-response to terror, not to mention at least two cut-and-run events. We now have to entertain the possibility that we have cowered the enemy, at least enough to restore the respect we had lost. Consequences, like two countries falling in exchange for two buildings, and the sight of American GI’s willing to stand and shed blood without fleeing, have perhaps caused the jihad to ban any further provocation of the Great Satan. There have been attacks everywhere else, so we know the capability to have remained intact.

    Like Rich, I too still worry about a strike on our soil though, because when the jihad is about to draw its last breath, an attempt will be made to save face.