Aug 07 2007

Communist Refugee Compares Liberal Tactics To Those Of Communist Russia

Published by at 7:44 am under All General Discussions

The blatant PR campaign coming out of the leftwing ‘think tanks’ is so reminiscent of Orwell’s 1984, a world of non-stop government lies and propaganda, it has prodded one refugee from the oppressions of communism to come out and outline the comparisons between the Soros-funded liberal PR and life under the oppressive USSR:

But as someone who escaped from communist Romania–with two death sentences on his head–in order to become a citizen of this great country, I have a hard time understanding why some of our top political leaders can dare in a time of war to call our commander in chief a “liar,” a “deceiver” and a “fraud.”

I spent decades scrutinizing the U.S. from Europe, and I learned that international respect for America is directly proportional to America’s own respect for its president.

Later, when I headed Romania’s intelligence station in West Germany, everyone there admired America too. People would often tell me that the “Amis” meant the difference between night and day in their lives. By “night” they meant East Germany, where their former compatriots were scraping along under economic privation and Stasi brutality. That was then.

But in September 2002, a German cabinet minister, Herta Dauebler-Gmelin, had the nerve to compare Mr. Bush to Hitler. In one post-Iraq-war poll 40% of Canada’s teenagers called the U.S. “evil,” and even before the fall of Saddam 57% of Greeks answered “neither” when asked which country was more democratic, the U.S. or Iraq.

Sowing the seeds of anti-Americanism by discrediting the American president was one of the main tasks of the Soviet-bloc intelligence community during the years I worked at its top levels. This same strategy is at work today, but it is regarded as bad manners to point out the Soviet parallels.

The European leftists, like any totalitarians, needed a tangible enemy, and we gave them one. In no time they began beating their drums decrying President Truman as the “butcher of Hiroshima.” We went on to spend many years and many billions of dollars disparaging subsequent presidents: Eisenhower as a war-mongering “shark” run by the military-industrial complex, Johnson as a mafia boss who had bumped off his predecessor, Nixon as a petty tyrant, Ford as a dimwitted football player and Jimmy Carter as a bumbling peanut farmer. In 1978, when I left Romania for good, the bloc intelligence community had already collected 700 million signatures on a “Yankees-Go-Home” petition, at the same time launching the slogan “Europe for the Europeans.”

So what we have is the far left borrowing from the play book of the USSR and European leftists of the last century, and using the same tired exaggerations to try and destroy America’s image for personal gain and political power. Nice, eh?

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Communist Refugee Compares Liberal Tactics To Those Of Communist Russia”

  1. scaulen says:

    OK Southisou the Banshee where are you?? Come on out and tell us this is all BS and the LLL is here to save the day. Just one more proof that Communists and Liberal Democrats are one in the same. Their counter culture revolution of the 60’s and 70’s was so well infiltrated by communists that they all grew up into closet commies and don’t even realize it. It was the perfect recruiting tool, sex, drugs, rock and roll, and every one living on the dole. It’s funny because after the collapse every one said communism was dead. I think it went underground and became more dangerous. So dangerous as to take over on of our parties.

  2. dbostan says:

    Coming from the same hell hole, I can attest to the truth in this article.
    It is freightening for me to see the old communist tactics, methods and arguments, used by the demsheviks in the US, today.
    Unless we wake up, we will be an increasingly commie “paradise” (just watch them working to redistribute your money)…

  3. dbostan says:

    Coming from the same hell hole, I can attest to the truth in this article.
    It is frightening for me to see the old communist tactics, methods and arguments, used by the demsheviks in the US, today.
    Unless we wake up, we will be an increasingly commie “paradise” (just watch them working to redistribute your money)…

  4. momdear1 says:

    It is indeed a fact that the vast majority of the left wing dissident (All anti whatever, save the world ) organizations were organized by and are run by the millitant activist Communists from the sixties Civil Rights and Peace movements. When I learned that they all worked together and supported each other’s “causes” and that their stated purpose was to “Unite all dissident orgnizations and empower them to overthrow the government.” I asked what they proposed as a replacement. I was told “Communism.” I told them, “You are beating a dead horse. It was just proven to be a failure int he USSR.” In unison, they all told me at once, “It failed there because they were not practicing it in it’s true form. In it’s true form it will work.” Yes the ultra left wing idealogues are dedicated communists. Note: I was tried “for being a racist” at a Kangaroo type court the next day and ejected from the board of directors of one of the big National “Environmental” organizations. Also. Hillary Clinton’s college friend, Carolyn Mugar of Boston, who says she and Hillary worked together in the Civil Rights movement, and who was also the organizer and now runs FarmAid, was one of the most vocefirous supporters of this unified purpose, saying, “I want to go on record that we are all committed to work with these other organizations.”

    Unless you recognize and know your enemies, you won’t know how to defeat them.