Aug 19 2007

Petraeus The “Betrayer”?

Published by at 9:03 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

Want to know how desperately some left tilting people will go to deny Iraq is turning around? They will go so far as to call General Petraeus a betrayer of America:

AFTER being hailed as King David, the potential saviour of Iraq, the US commander General David Petraeus is facing a backlash in advance of his report to Congress in September on the progress of America’s troop surge.

Critics, including one recently retired general, are privately calling him “General Betraeus” on the grounds that he is too ambitious to deliver a balanced report on the war.

Sounds like we have a mopy general with victory envy. To even hint Petraeus is betraying this country because he wants it to succeed while the opposition has been pushing for our defeat to the point of discussing pulling funds to make sure we lose pushed the concept of ‘projection’ of one’s fallacies onto others to the straining point. The left is not projectging, it is propagandizing. It is lying through its teeth just as Goebbels lied through his teeth for the Nazis. Just as al-Qaeda claims successes in their hour of defeat as the Muslims start to reject their tactics and see through their egotistical fantasies, the surrendermedia and surrendercrats cannot pretend to be pro-American and expect anyone to keep a straight face anymore.

The act of trying to call Petraeus what is in essence a Traitor to his nation demonstrates the desperation on the left. They no damn well their reputations will be screwed for decades to come if Bush can turn things around in Iraq. But they are too naive or panicked to realize they cannot change the dynamics in Iraq by name calling here in the US. So the expose their idiotic intentions in a fit of self delusion. Petraeus is trying to make things right – and all oppose him clearly want to make things turn out bad for us. Those are the betrayers – the traitors.

21 responses so far

21 Responses to “Petraeus The “Betrayer”?”

  1. kathie says:

    When our media will print any leftist statement, thought, theory, with zero context or investigation how are they any different then the Saddams of the world?

  2. Dc says:

    I have been waiting for all this to come crashing down on their heads. All of it. I’ve been amazed just how resilient and how far gone they are at this point…to not even realize they are “hoping” and “fighting” for us to be defeated, for our soliders to die, for our nation to grovel at the feet of dictators and others who use force to dictate terms. You seen..then..they will have been right and THAT will teach “us” a lesson (they surmise). The lesson they want taught, and that they teach everyday, ramming it into the brains of every child and student in America, is …that you don’t fight your enemies you fight your parents/the “system”/ gov, etc. You talk to your enemies and fight and divide your own. When you do get “timeouts”. ..where punishments, penalties and consequences are symbolic and not real…nor meant to do harm.
    When it’s laid out like that….the way they lay out war removing all context from it and making it an objective argument….it’s plain to the nose on your face..that they are supporting the positions of those who are “opposed” or whom are the “enemies” of our nation.

    They are sheep, led blindly by a book they read or a new slogan..or the latest commie fashion statement…to propogate the message of the people who would destroy America if given the chance, cheered on by their peers..and our enemies of course. These so-called liberal/progressives/communist (etc.) don’t actually want that, nor do they see themselves as participating in that way. It’s all a “game” to them. It gives them a “cause” to believe in….so they don’t have to believe in “other causes”. Everything is “alternative” to them. They live in a complete fantasy world, where executions, etc..are all symbolic statements of protest…not “really” real. And if they are real..then …somehow…it all happens because you are not listening to them. ..which is all is lost in what you believe in…everything you believe is a lie to support someone else….you will die for nothing, so put down your weapons..and everybody else will. (Tokyo Rose was good at that too).

    They drive around in SUVs while they shake their fist and get in people’s faces about “global warming” and the “environment”. Swarms of vagabond/homeless looking kids…who’s parents own a multi-million dollar home in trendy parkslope Brooklyn, ..speaking about the evil of free -markets and capitalism, etc…wearing the latest Mao and Che fashions. Grown men and women..putting up posters of Mad Magazine, with Bush’s face on it, etc..impeach Cheney and Bush..etc. acting like 6th graders who escaped the school field trip. It would be funny if it were not so sad.

    And every ONE of them, can recite to you the campaign slogans of ’04 and other media driven campaigns etc…they “believe it”.
    And I’ve waited for their world to come crashing on their heads. I contribute when I can. I ask some of the flip-flop wearing BDS loudmouths..if they have an IRA, etc..and have any mutual funds. As it turns out…most of them are making money off “Haliburton”, etc…and other very large entities that are pervasive in investment portfoloios …not just here…but around the world, without even knowing it. They are willing to impeach a sitting president, harm our nation, leak national secrets, replace our capitalistic systems with a more “socio-friendly” and “eco-friendly model..reaplace our gov with a more “internationally influenced” one, etc, etc….but are “not” willing to give up their tax deferred investments that make money off the same? That..or they are just too busy protesting, and calling people idiots..and non-intellectual…to realize that their portfolios, IRAs, inheretance..etc..are all rife with the very thing they are trying to kill off. It’s like watching monkeys in a barrell.

    Even “then” they don’t get it. They just get in your face and froth at the mouth spouting…no blood for oil..etc..etc…while they are leveraged up to their own arses in it.

    And I have to wonder…if they can’t even “get it” at that point, then what hope do we have that the plethora of back page retractions that have quietly been going on to withdraw most of the basis for the popular belief/ accusations they continue to make…will have any impact on them at all? Even..when they are pointed out?

    From what I’ve seen.. as they see even the “possiblity” that something may come to light in the media, gov, or elsewhere that might undermind or set their favorite strawmen afire…they rush to discredit it before it ever comes out. They “prep” the field…so that when it does finally come’s quickly swept aside and out of mind. If their strawman does get the guts stomped out of it by a pack of flying monkeys, they replay a scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail..with the Black Knight…suggesting it was a mere flesh wound…and they rebind the straw back up…or..create “2” new ones out of the old one…to continue on their “fight” against the true enemy in the world G Bush’s America and his wars.

    Somehow..they’ve managed to seperate themselves from the America the rest of us (nay..even they) live in. You see..its Bush’s America that is the evil one that must be destroyed. And this is “his” war..not theirs. etc..etc. So, when they are leaking national secrets..or helping our enemies, or calling our troops baby killers, they are not “actually” disparraging America..not at all..they are getting a Bush..the evil Chimp. And the people who run the gov and work for him, aside from the “true” patriots who leak and undermind “his” efforts (no matter what the cost) , are all evil zombies..who seek to control our minds and bodies..etc..and have us all believe things we would not normally believe (like AlQueda attacking WTC on 9/11). You’s all part of the plan to get oil.

    I know “grown-ass” people..who believe this shit. It makes me sick.
    And I pray for rain….a BIG giant turd to fall on their heads….that they cannot deny. Because we need “everybody” on the same side if we are going to get through this alive with any sort of “America” any of us we like to live in.

    Anyway, I’ll step off my soapbox now. Sorry for the longwinded post.

  3. BarbaraS says:

    The dems are trying to discredit Petraeus now so the electorate will not believe him when he does his report. This is all carefully orchestrated. This is the way the dems work…put all this crap in print now and people won’t realize their tactics in September. All they will remember is Bush tried to prevent Petraeus from reporting. They are slime and have fallen so far down the abyss the only thing they can do is keep on going down. There is no way up again. They continually astonish me as to the new lows to which they sink.

  4. kathie says:

    The Dems and the media have been saying for years that Bush lied us into war. When the Dems came out with that excuse as to why they voted for the war, the print and broad cast media repeated it over and over again. In their mind it became a fact. The media and the Dems are of one mind. So why would we expect anything different from them now about Petraeus. If they discredit Petraeus their only option will be to defund the war. Will they do it? If not how will they explain not defunding the war?

  5. Dc says:

    It’s more than “discredit him”. They are trying to” say” what Patreous is going to say..before he says it and misdirect it. They are implanting the meaning of it now for whatever he says…it doens’t matter at that point. Most of them will have already assimilated whatever message before..and have moved on carrying it with them.

    They are telling you “now”, what to believe, what the facts are, etc. (ie..this is what he’s going to say) and what it’s about and what it means. 6 weeks from now..they will retract most of it quietly in a series of retractions or corrections that will hide the fact that their entire point or position of the story was bullshit. But, the public will already be infected with it already and go foward.

    After that, you can hold up the evidence in their face like a stinking carcass and they won’t believe you.

  6. Dc says:

    I should add….that after they’ve prepped the ground..if Patreous were to say something that didn’t match what they’ve already put out there…they’ll just call him a liar..or say he’s trying to “cover up the truth”..etc.

  7. dhunter says:

    We can only hope the Reids, Pelosi’s, and all DIM presidential candidates keep up with this traitorous behavior , because at some point we will be so far down the road to victory that it can’t be denied by all but the most liberal of the American press and any sane politician hoping for re-election. And those who have fought with AlQueada here in this country may go the way of AlQueada in Iraq. If only we had a halfway responsible press. This may be their Waterloo their Custers last stand. The liberal left looks just like Baghdad Bob standing on the steps of a palace in Baghdad proclaiming the Americans are not in country when in fact they are blocks away and have him surrounded. As has become evident in recent days some on even the left and in the MSM have seen the light and realize that this river called Denial may not be the river they want to die or stake their futures on. We need articulate presidential candidates on the Republican ticket to grow a pair and help their Commander In Chief by holding the Dims feet to the fire and speaking the truth on Iraq.

  8. lurker9876 says:

    We are seeing the slow news days of late. Wonder what they will do when Congress goes back to WDC after a month long vacation….

  9. Dc says:

    This river of denial flows back all the way to 9/11.

  10. Dc says:

    That was the wakeup call that never happened. for them. That their policies of denial came “due”.

  11. dhunter says:

    Many of them got it after 9/11, remember, many including Hitlery tried to out tough Bush on terror and Iraq, giving the President all he asked for, giving tough speaches etc. But only because it was politically expedient. Now they think it politically expedient to be against the war on terror. I hope against hope they are wrong and have sided with the terrorists and against the best fighting machine ever. Dumb to side against the US military. The die hard liberal press will try to propagandise until they look sooo foolish even they can’t keep up the facade. We shall see how dumb the American people really are. It would help if our current administration would fight the fight here at home as they do abroad. The message needs to get out and soon that we are winning and will win if the Dems don’t surrender first. The American people are not by nature losers and like hero’s, it’s just that they have had damn few to behold. Perhaps the upcoming elections will flush out a few heros and real patriots with the stones to call the Dems and liberal press for what they are: TRAITORS , politically expedient traitors: We definitly need a few good men. Petraeus may be one!

  12. Dc says:

    Dhunter, I appreciate you giving them the benefit of the doubt.
    Not they did NOT “get it” after 9/11. A “few” did..not many.

    I was standing in WTC plaza when the first plane hit that day. I was getting my friend out of 1 Liberty when the 2nd one hit. I was 3 blocks away when the first collapse happened…and crawled on my hands and knees. I was at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge when the 2nd collapse happened. I walked 7-1/2 miles that day (I still have my shredded clothes and worn out shoes), and “on” the way..stopped by a deli on Altlantic Ave in Brooklyn where there were arab men celebrating, jumping up and down laughing.

    I pulled pieces of what used to be somebodies guts out of my hair, along with a piece of skull bone that still has scalp attached to it.

    It didn’t take one week..for the liberals I speak of above to start making excuses for it. I’m speaking from “personal” experience..not theory.

  13. Dc says:

    What I mean by that day there will be some people who will forgive them for this. ….I won’t. Ever.

  14. Dc says:

    Mayor Ed Koch..a donkey democrate NYC mayor….got so shook up at the site ..that he could not speak. He was a changed man that day. Like a lot of us..born again. He got angry the bullshit these people were throwing out.

    He’s one of the people, the few, you are speaking of…not the many. Because there are no “many” of them.

  15. Dc says:

    Lieberman..they threw out of the party!

  16. Dc says:

    Name me one democrat…who has supported the WOT since 9/11…that hasn’t been completely disowned by the demorcats??

  17. Terrye says:


    What a terrible thing to have to go through. But the Arab men {who should have had their asses kicked} are not the Democrats.

    I am disgusted with them myself and I have not voted for a Democrat since that day. But I have also noticed that there are people on the right who are more than willing to forget that day and sabotage Bush knowing full well what is at stake.

    One man who has remained steadfast as been McCAin, and how has his party treated him?

    I think a lot of people in both parties have forgotten a lot of things.

  18. Dc says:

    There is always the “but” after isn’t there?

    It wasn’t the dancing and laughing arab men…who got in my face “after” 9/11…knowing what I had been through…who expoused the bullshit I refer to. It is plainly stated above as I wrote it.

  19. Dc says:

    McCain has said the right things when they needed to be said. But, he’s a career politician/congressman…who’s shown that he is willing, to put aside even his own strongly held beliefs…for the sake of reaching a compromise. Those areas where he has done this…have not turned out to be shinning examples for him.

    Would he be “different” in that regard as president? I don’t know.
    Would he then ..stop making congressional “deals” and “lead”?
    Set the pace? Make hard decisons? Because that’s what we need. Given that, what “other” strongly held beliefs would he be willing to compromise on for the sake of making a “deal” with someone….as our president??

    I respect McCain. But, I don’t have a reason to trust him with my life. And you “are” going to be trusting whomever the next president is..with not only your life…but the life of your family.

  20. cali_sun says:

    What a despicable display of ignorance, and treason, not mentioning slander of a highly achieved General.
    I can only hope for voters to see it for what it is, hatred of the military, and victory for Pres. Bush.
    The dems are trying really hard to create another Vietnam, there are the ‘Kerry’s’, coming out of the woodwork, more ignorant and dumb as ever.
    God help us all should dems take the Whitehouse in 2008.