Jul 26 2005

And The Award Goes To..

Published by at 7:00 pm under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

The winner in the category of “Caused the Most Killings and Maimings in Modern Times” is [drum roll….]

Palestinians and their enablers on the left! Come on down and get your trophy!

From Dennis Prager at Creators, thanks to the folks at RealClearPolitics

In the last few weeks, innocent men, women and children have been blown up, paralyzed, brain damaged and otherwise had their lives ruined by Muslim suicide bombers in Britain, Egypt and Iraq.

Who can we thank for this man-made plague? Palestinians and the Left.

We need to thank Palestinians for their major contribution to humanity — religiously sanctioned mass murder of innocents through suicide. Prior to the Palestinians, this did not exist.

Palestinian Muslims — no Palestinian Christians have committed a suicide bombing — have created a religious and moral basis for mass murder and did so within a worldwide religion with a billion adherents.

What therefore happened was that the religious justification for murdering innocent people took hold in the Muslim world. It apparently never occurred to Muslim leaders that once you justify evil, that evil will eventually be unleashed against you, too.

If blowing up Jewish children is OK, so is blowing up Egyptian, Moroccan, Iraqi, British, Spanish and Russian children.

And that is where the Left comes in. They have provided the secular and universal justification for Palestinian Islamic terror against Jews.

But, alas, the anti-Israel Left (an almost redundant description), too, did not understand the genie it had helped unleash onto the world. Why is it all right for Muslims to blow up Israeli children, but not Russian children? Israeli buses, but not British buses? Jews in Israel, but not Muslims in Iraq?

Actually, for many on the Left, it is all right. The socialist mayor of London himself blames the terror in his city on British support for America and Israel, not on Islamic terror-theology.

I think we should all thank Palestinian fanatics and the liberal (“ignore the carnage, they deserve to be blood thirsty’) media and politicians. When you see one, simply thank them for bringing homicide bombings into the cilivized, elite world.

Where would we be without it???


Mark Coffey also discusses this post at Decision ’08

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