Aug 24 2007

Light Posting

Published by at 8:40 am under All General Discussions

As folks probably can tell I am swamped with meetings and travel at the moment. The situation will not be improving for much of today. Hope everyone has a great day!

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Light Posting”

  1. TomAnon says:

    End of year funds, feeding frenzy alert!

  2. lurker9876 says:

    AJStrata, I see that Captain’s Quarters noticed an article published by another newspaper that Alberto Gonzales may be leaving and that Michael Chertoff will replace him.

    He’s speculating that the Senate Democrats may be glad to see Gonzales go so they may go a bit easy on Chertoff.

    Gonzales leaving is not going to eliminate things because of their goals to paint the WH as very corrupt and convince the Americans that Hillary is the one that needs to replace Bush in ’08.

  3. AJStrata says:


    Our good friend the Captain is being naive. Democrats NEVER go easy in return for one of their hated enemies leaving. They go on the offensive. I doubt Gonzales is leaving – just some fantasy from the far right. They hate Gonzales and Martinez and all those folks who have ties south of the border and constantly predict the end of the ‘immigrant’ influence in the party.