Dec 01 2007

Dems: Americans Too Ignorant To Understand Iraq

Published by at 9:10 am under All General Discussions

OK, this is an interesting way to destroy voter support for your party: claim they simply don’t know what is happening when you botch an issue. It is the tried and true “voters are to ignorant to understand” path to self destruction. The Democrats cannot accept the fact that Iraq is heading on a path to success. They are so defiant in the delusions of fantasizing Iraq is the second coming of Vietnam they will go to any length to fight off the reality. And that includes blaming Americans for being too ignorant to understand what is happing in Iraq :

Congressional Democrats are reporting a striking change in districts across the country: Voters are shifting their attention away from the Iraq war.

In an interview with Politico, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) attributed the change to a recent reduction of violence and media coverage of the conflict, saying there is scant evidence that more fundamental problems with the Bush administration’s policy are improving. Even so, he agreed voters are certainly talking less about the war. “People are not as engaged daily with the reality of Iraq,” Hoyer said.

People are not “engaged daily”? Talk about your projecting your problems on others! Iraq is one of the most important issues we have. It has been for years. Let’s remember the bubble these people from the leftward fringes live in – they all believed the war was lost and nothing was going to turn it around in February. They literally bet their political power on this prediction, declaring the Surge a failure before it even started. They forced 42 votes in Congress declaring Iraq a lost cause. They have been living in the first quarter of 2007 – when al-Qaeda was at its peak – for the last 8 months ignoring every sign of success. Remember their comments when Petraeus came to Congress in September? The far left accused the man of betraying our country in a full page ad in the NY Times and insinuated there was not progress in Iraq. And now we all know how wrong the dems were back then.

The reason the far left is not talking about Iraq is because they would have to face their the demise of their own credibility – and they are not going to do that! The folks on the far left wilt at anything threatening, so facing up to their destroyed credibility is not going to happen. The far left is simply trying to change the subject because the topic of Iraq begins and ends with their hyper-defeatism being proven wrong. Which is so ironic I can understand why they would talk about anything other than Iraq right now. The defeatist were defeated, hoisted on their own petards. Hoyer and the Dems are just continuing the same mental pattern they have been in for years now – delusional denial. And it is why they are actually unable to get ahead of this issue – they are still living 6 months in the past seeing a situation in their minds long gone from Iraq.

So their latest attempt to keep their fantasy alive is to claim those of us who saw the writing on the wall in Iraq back in February and March, and who tracked its progress day by day since, are not “engaged”! Look through the posts I have on Iraq over the last 9 months or so and realize how idiotic it is for the Dems to complain it is us – who recognized the growing success in Iraq – who are the ones who are ignorant about Iraq! Too funny.

It is one thing to be historically wrong on a subject (our modern day Chamberlains have earned themselves a place in history as some of the dumbest ever when it comes to facing down threats to humanity), but to claim Americans are too ignorant to understand as a way to pretend the Dems did not make their whopper of a mistake is just adding salt to their self-inflicted wound. Surrendercrats – you were wrong, time for YOU to surrender and let America and the Iraqis work on exploring the possibilities of a successful future. Take solace in the fact someone did lose as you hoped, it happened to just be your own selves who imploded on your own rhetoric. But take heart, some Americans lost as you predicted.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Dems: Americans Too Ignorant To Understand Iraq”

  1. stevevvs says:

    Check out Helen Thomas’s comments, posted at Captains Quarters. This woman long ago went nuts!
    Good post AJ.

  2. Boghie says:

    I would like to take a moment and…
    Thank the Far-Left Democrats for their sacrifice!!!

    To the simply Center-Left Democrats, why???
    MoveOn Democrats ‘Stay the Course’.
    You voted for Murtha and Pelosi.
    Are you watching this???

  3. stevevvs says:

    I thought I’d tell you if you were looking for just ONE all inclusive book on Islam and Jihad, this is THE book for you.
    Dr. Bostom has exhaustively put together a collection of Islamic writers and their writings on Islam from the beginnings of this religion. It must have taken years of research to assemble this collection.
    So, this book does not contain much of his opinion, rather, it contains the opinions of Islamic Theologians. It is truly something every Westerner should own.

    Not counting the Appendix or the index, it runs 674 pages. It is broken down into 8 parts, with sub chapters under each. The 8 parts are as follows:

    Part1: Jihad Conquests and the Imposition of Dhimmitude- A Survey
    Part2: Jihad in the Qur’an and Hadith
    Part3: Muslim Theologians and Jurists on Jihad: Classical Writings
    Part4: Jihad – Overviews From Important Twentieth – Century Scholars
    Part5: Jihad, Seventh through Eleventh Centuries: Summary Text
    Part6: Jihad in the Near East, Europe, and the Indian Subcontinent
    Part7: Jihad Slavery
    Part8: Muslim and Non – Muslim Chronicles and Eyewitness Accounts of Jihad Campaigns.

    Appendix A: Towns and Villages Ravaged during the Seljuk – Ottoman Jihad in Asia Minor, Eleventh through Fifteenth Centuries
    Appendix B: Jihad Slave Raids (Razzias) by the Tatars, Mid – Fifteenth through Late Seventeenth Centuries
    Appendix C: Muslim Jurists, Theologians, and Historians
    Appendix D: Non – Muslim Historians, Authors, and Islamic Scholars

    There is an entire chapter on 9:29 which everyone should read.

    If you desire to learn about this topic, and especially, what was said centuries ago, this book is for you. I have only read the first 28 pages, only because I’m reading 2 other books currently. But I can not wait to really devote my time to this incredible collection. It would be worth anyone’s time if the seriously want to study those who wish to do use harm. Enjoy Your Day.,

  4. MerlinOS2 says:


    Haven’t you noticed they have even started starving Iraq from the news? When things were bad it was every other headline. Now when did you last hear of it?

    I look at the left side blogs and what would I be reading. The writers strike is the hot issue over at HuffPo. 60 or 80 stories deep on that “troubling” issue. FireDogLake has their panties in a bunch over gun control in DC going to be in front of the Supreme Court like next summer maybe. The Kos kids only seem to be worried about whether Rudy can get it up or not at his age and who he is doing it with.

    Simply put they are starving Iraq for Oxygen.