Jan 17 2008

Bhutto Did Not Have A Chance Against 3 Assassins

Published by at 8:09 am under All General Discussions,Pakistan

It seems 3 al-Qaeda assassins were sent to kill Benazur Bhutto. They apparently set up a 3-way ambush which meant she had no chance once she stuck her head out of the her armored car:

In its initial investigation report submitted to the Government of Pakistan, the British investigators held that Benazir Bhutto was shot dead, thus rejecting the government’s view that she died after colliding with the lever of the sunroof.

According to the report, Benazir Bhutto was targeted from three sides and the lever of her car was not the cause of her death. “This notion was supported by videos and other material found from the crime scene,” the report said.

The “British investigators” are from Scotland Yard and just recently concluded it was al-Qaeda who killed Bhutto. I am sure there will be more details coming out on the assassination. Too bad the press is obsessed with the (typical) errors in early reporting instead of interested in al-Qaeda’s efforts to destabilize Pakistan.

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