Jan 25 2008

The Real Clinton Legacy – Defeat Of Liberalism

Published by at 10:12 am under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

I find the relationship the Democrat party has with the Clinton’s fascinating. No man did more to destroy the decades long lock the Democrats had on Congress than Bill Clinton. When he entered office the Dems had the Congress by huge margins and now the White House. By the time he left office the entire power structure had turned upside down – it took a GOP turncoat to keep the Senate in Democrat hands for another two years.

All through this time the left has kept their love-fest of the Clintons going somehow. But now, in their latest bid for the power they crave so much, they may have truly broken the back of the Democrat party. Their handling of Barack Obama is finally splintering the last monolithic group holding up the dems: African Americans:

For nearly two decades, Yvette Wider, an African American, adored Bill Clinton, once described by a famous black novelist as the nation’s first black president.

But now, after Clinton’s “fairy tale” remark about Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in New Hampshire and a statement in South Carolina that Obama had put a political “hit job” on him, Wider said she feels she hardly knows the former president. “I was surprised to hear him make a comment like that, because I thought he understood our people better,” said Wider, who said she will vote for Obama in Saturday’s South Carolina primary. “It made me think he’s been playing us all this time.”

Well, yes the Clintons do play people because they don’t believe in issues, they believe in power. But what has been most stunning and enlightening this round is how crassly open they are about it. They have to be, because Barack Obama threatens their dreams and they will attempt to use the race card if that is what it takes to win. I keep hoping Hillary wins, because I think by the time she does so she will have destroyed the Democrat base and no one in this country wants another round of Bush-Clinton. And if she does finally wake up African-Americans to the true nature of the Dems, they will find it near impossible to win broad elections for the next 10-20 years. So you go Hillary! Squash all who stand in your way.

9 responses so far

9 Responses to “The Real Clinton Legacy – Defeat Of Liberalism”

  1. agimarc says:

    Interesting observation, as conservatives have been accusing the Bush’s (41 and 43) of destroying conservatism for years. Perhaps we are at the point where we as a nation are about to shuffle the political and ideological deck.

  2. dave m says:

    So if the Clintons can’t win because they have angered
    the African-Americans,
    and Obama can’t win because there aren’t enough
    and Edwards can’t win because everybody hates trial lawyers,
    then ohmigosh! Who does that leave?
    Is Che Guevara really dead?
    We need a Hero!
    (Bonnie Raitt, methinks)

  3. AJStrata says:


    I agree that is what 2008 is all about – throw them out and start over.

  4. Mark_for_Senate says:

    I agree, but we need to go one step further: congressional term limits, (Senate, two 6 yr; Congress three 2 yr) with a 10 year ban on lobbying after service. (The only restrictions on ‘freedom’ should be imposed on Congress, not the people!) That will reduce a lot of money and corruption that has taken over DC. They may even actually do their jobs as opposed to constant campaigning and vote buying! Screw a ‘marriage’ amendment. We need a congressional term limit amendment. THAT would be the winning strategy of ANY political party at this point in our history!

  5. MerlinOS2 says:

    I have seen a lot of commentary around that the bigger issue because of all the areas Hill is trying to appeal to the problem is going to be pitting the Hispanics against the Blacks.

    That is a battle royal in areas like LA and any where it occurs in large concentrations.

    There have been a bunch of stories running out in Ca about the turf wars between them in La and other areas and the prison system has turned into a watch your back ethnic nightmare out there.

    Even if Hill shatters the black vote because of over the top trashing of Obama, where do you think they are going to go. The Republicans have as much chance of picking up large numbers of them as Huck has a chance of getting a landslide victory in San Francisco.

    Obama may be going to whip her in SC and some other places but she has such a lead in the big electoral vote states that it is her nomination to lose.

    She likely calculates to do enough to take Obama down but still has the black vote firmly in her pocket in the general.

  6. WWS says:

    The constitutional term limits amendment is a good idea – but the very first step in the process is to get 2/3 of all sitting Senators and Rep’s to vote for it. Think any of them would do that? Actually, they would get together and pick the guy who’s retiring to be the “one vote short” that would happen. Term limits are like Santa Claus – everyone talks about them like they’re a good thing, but you’ll never see them for national offices.

  7. wiley says:

    I agree with your post, except for the title. If only it were so. Liberalism is alive & well as the dem leadership in congress, leading newspapers, broadcast news and vast majority of college professors all are all staunch advocates for lefty policies.

    Yes, term limits would be a great reform, but, like the flat tax or fair tax, will never see the light of day.

  8. MerlinOS2 says:

    Not that it would happen but it could also have term limits initiated by citizen initiatives at the state level.

    Having said that term limits to me are an abrogation of responsibility of the voter to keep themselves informed on the issues and vote with integrity to keep the politicians acting in concert with the constitutional intent and purpose.

    I will also point out that many suggested the 22nd amendment limiting Presidential terms would never have come to existence.

    I would much rather see the repeal of the 16th (I believe thats the one) amendment and put Senators back to being appointed by the state to be their advocate in congress rather than be voted for at large.

    I believe that has been one of the most damaging things to the encroachment on states rights, especially in the form of unfunded mandates from the federal level and seems to make the Senators due to electioneering finance requirements subject to undue influence by those who fund their campaigns that may run counter to the best interest of the states themselves.

    Return Senators to the states and you will see a more likely return to federalist doctrine and lawmaking as a result.

  9. MerlinOS2 says:

    As to the black vote issue in the SC election , Dick Morris has a very good analysis posted over on the Rasmussen site that examines the potential impacts and strategy that is occurring within that context.

    A recommended read to understand the potential dynamic at work.