Feb 01 2008
GOP RINO-Traitors For Hillary
I am laughing and crying with the apoplexy raging the hyper-right today. The most hilarious is Anne Coulter would rather campaign for Hillary over McCain.

Is she now a greater RINO-Traitor than McCain because she is not just working on compromise bills with Dems but supporting them in the Presidential election? And isn’t sitting out the vote so Hillary can win also the act of a RINO-traitor? It would mean a President Hillary can open the borders and give all the immigrants the right to vote (two things Bush, McCain and Kyle all opposed)? Is this the best way to progress conservatism? When will their madness end!
Saw her last night on Fox. How childish can she be? Positively covert hostile some are in the conservative ranks. What if the moderates and independents in the party acted the same?
Ann, et al are so entitled and special. Not.
That picture is terrifying!
Ann has jumped the shark. Brilliant, but dumb.
Well this is the same woman who likes to throw around the words raghead and faggot.
I remember during the Harriet Miers ordeal, her slamming Miers for going to a state university. She said that Ivy Leaguers were just better than other people. Elitist. My guess is McCain is just military trash to her. Hillary, on the other hand, comes from her social class.
Well, the true conservatives, with a small “c”, are mighty upset
and I am not interested in the whole bunch of them.
I gave up on Miss Coulter after she declared that “Jewish people
need perfecting”. I thought that was not only scarily theologically
puritanical, but also amazingly politically stupid.
On a conservative site I like, one guy blamed the RNC for
McCain’s seeming surge and so I asked him if it was fair to blame
the RNC for how the electorate choose to vote, and a different poster said Yes.
Well unbelievable, they have a system for this in Iran, their “council
of experts” who can disqualify candidates to their parliament
after their election if they don’t meet standards of islamic purity.
Do conservatives want that system here? Based on the Book
of Reagan ? They might find most voters ignore them.
I think this is the election that doesn’t belong to the pollsters,
the pundits, and the true guides of both parties who are telling us
what to do. Not the Kennedys nor the Bono, not the Coulter
nor the Rush. Obama said “time for a change” but not the
way he means it, the change is this time the experts won’t decide it.
Some of the conservatives cheering a democrat win are saying
so what? teach ’em a lesson, America will survive anyways.
Maybe so, but how well it will survive is open to question and
I fear for our country and also for the West if Obama gets in.
I don’t know whether he is an islamist in hiding or not, but he
has already told us that appeasement will be his plan.
Appeasement will assure that the West is attacked again, very big
time. Recession? You only need to lose NYC, SF, and London,
and the world will get what a recession really is. And that event
is very very possible.
So maybe a whole bunch of angry conservatives will sit home
and feel proud that they did not compromise their principles,
but maybe a larger bunch of centrist Democrats, will look at the
abyss that is Obama or Hillary, and say no thanks, too dangerous,
come back next time. I doubt anybody can poll it today.
To everybody disgusted with the elections, has anybody invented
a better system to choose leaders? Not yet, far as I know.
See, here’s the thing for me. Hillary and McCain are both major narcissists. Narcissists are basically major liars and tend to believe that the end always justifies the means. They also believe their own lies. And they can flip flop from one side of the issue to another while believing they have had the same opinion all allong. The only reason you would oppose them is if you “don’t understand”. If you are given an intensive briefing in their position and still disagree, then you are just plain stupid and incapable of understanding. The notion that you understand completely and think it is wrong does not exist in the narcissists world because that would mean that they are wrong and that just can not be.
I see Romney as much less narcissistic than McCain or Hillary so from just a basic personality check, I am going to have to vote McCain. I would have rather voted Rudy than McCain but it wasn’t to be. I also liked Fred but he wasn’t to be either. I think all Fred managed to do was take votes away from Romney early in the campaign and make McCain’s lead larger earlier.
Romney will get my vote next Tuesday but if McCain gets the party nomination then I will hold my nose and vote for him.
Oh, and Anne Coulter is pretty high up there on the narcissistic scale to. She probably feels a need to “punish” the GOP for “misbehaving” and that is why she is saying publicly that she will support Hillary. My answer is …
The thing is not very many McCain supporters are promising to vote Democrat if Romney gets the nomination. And I do not like being bullied or blackmailed.
I don’t think McCain is any more of a narcissist than most people running for this office would be. I don’t think he is as much a narcissist as Rush Limbaugh is either.
I think Romney is a rich spoiled venture capitalist who thought he could buy the White House. I would vote for him if he got the nomination, but I don’t see him as some selfless soul just trying to help out America.
I agree with you and certainly agree with you on Coulter. But some here need to actually read or watch some of her entire quotes instead of listening to the media tell them what she said because sometimes (not often with Coulter) but sometimes they aren’t what they appear.
Coulter obviously feels that the GWOT and the immigration issue is not as important to her as supporting a terrible Democrat candidate in order to resolve (in her opinion) the problems within the Republican party. I personally think she’s wrong but I see what she’s trying to do. I just don’t agree. I don’t understand why you get so upset by it? You disagree with some of these people on a few issues and make those feelings known, as you should. You are guilty of believing that you have the right answer and they believe that they do. How is what you speak about any different than what they are doing?
Both political parties are currently fighting with all of their factions to try and keep their core principals intact. You and many other moderates have chosen to be uncommitted to either party but expect them to conform to your combined view of both. Until there is a viable 3rd party candidate that those who chose to straddle the line between conservatives and liberals can commit to I think it is absurd to try and change either party. If you commit to one and believe in it’s core values than have at it! Fight from within that party for changes important to you. But you are all adrift between parties by choice. Choose to commit and fight on! And if you can’t commit, work to become a more viable party with your own mixture of principals.
There’s that blackmailing reference you always use. You never did explain who is blackmailing you?
McCain, the son of the Commander-in-chief of Naval Forces Europe, is also a spoiled rich guy who thinks he has a natural born right to the White House. The differences between McCain and all the other candidates of both parties is his mental instability and his belief that war is an end in itself. He’ll throw a fit at Putin then get the US into a shooting war with Russia over somewhere like South Ossetia or maybe Kosovo. Hillary only wants power for its own sake. She’ll do less damage to the world than Johnny Psycho.
So Jules, are you a shrink? Too many people believe these guys are cartoon characters. They are not. I am 56 years old. I have been aware of who John McCain was for many years. I don’t think he is half as nuts as Coulter is.
I am talking about the self anointed base of the party who are threatening to sit home in November or vote for the other party if we mere peasants do not do as we are told and vote for their candidate in the primary. We will pay……
The anti McCain people are so overboard about this that they believe people like Rudy or Arnold or Olson or Coburn of Oklahoma, not to mention all sorts of ordinary Americans would vote for a mentally unstable person rather than Romney. That is just so ridiculous. Desperate and under handed as well.
I almost never watch FOXNEWS; so the one time in six months I do watch, I have to see Coulter’s meltdown on McCain.
Look, I don’t like McCain; if it was up to me alone, I’d pick someone different.
But it’s not, so we are left with what I’ve been saying about American Presidential elections for decades: with only two major choices, we almost always are left with voting AGAINST someone!
That is, we vote FOR the person who is the LEAST of two evils!
Sad commentary on our political system, as it curently is, not only on the strangle hold of the Two major parties, but the fact we can’t seem to find ANYONE who’s actually any good!
Bottomline though, despite McCain is a RINO, and I don’t like him; he IS in fact, the most important thing for me, that is, he is an “American”!
Our other two choices, are the MOST EVIL Politician in American History (the “Billary” Symbiote”; or the Hollow-suit Fraud Senator who is a Muslim, practicing Taqiyah!
That’s why I say at least McCain, for all his many faults, is at least an “American”, and not an Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist Nutbag Socialist/Alinskyite Traitor, like the other two!
Thus, unless I want to see America DESTROYED by possibly eight years of “Billary”/Hussein Obama, I’m voting McCain!
No, “they are threatening to sit home and not vote in November or vote for the other party” because that is their choice. It is you who chose to feel threatened by them. They are not threatening you.
And it should be the choice of the American people who they choose as a President. They are not threatening Ann. If Ann Coulter can not handle that then she does not need to ranting like a loon.
These people can dish it out, but they can not take it. They have to their way or everyone else in the party can go to hell. So what if voters choose McCain in the primaries, these socalled loyal GOPers will only accept an outcome they approve. Screw the rest of us.
And yet, they expect loyalty. Why? Why should I have any loyalty for the likes of Coulter?
I have no problem with people walking into those polling places and voting for Romney.It would be nice if they would extend the same courtesy to people with a different candidate. In fact there was a time I had him higher on my list than McCain. But after listening to this nonsense, I have changed my mind. I will support McCain.
And the whole reason they are threatening to stay home or vote for the other candidate is to try and force people to change their votes. It is undemocratic tactics. Shame on them. That is blackmail.
Yikes. If Ann is even half-serious about pushing Hillary if McCain becomes the GOP candidate, then Ann is jumping the shark in the same way that feminists in this country collectively jumped the shark when they felt the need to defend then-President Bill Clinton against the likes of Paula Jones and Juanita Broderick.
If this is the way that conservatism (the movement) is going, then I’m done with conservatism. I still believe that the War on Terror, in one form or another, continues to need waging; I still believe that less government is better, that taxes should be kept low, that frivolous lawsuits need to be discouraged, etc., etc. — but I’m done with the whole Ann Coulter clique. If the leading figures in the conservative movement are ready to throw their own party’s presidential candidate overboard and help to elect Hillary Rodham Clinton, previously known as the worst possible choice for the President’s job, then what exactly is the point of the conservative movement? What exactly am I helping to achieve by supporting conservatives nowadays???
I wonder if it occurs to these people that they are shrinking the party? That the Republican party with the help of people like Ann Coulter is becoming the party of crackpots and loons. Once upon a time that was the territory claimed by the Democrats.
No wonder young people are flocking to Obama.