Feb 01 2008
GOP RINO-Traitors For Hillary
I am laughing and crying with the apoplexy raging the hyper-right today. The most hilarious is Anne Coulter would rather campaign for Hillary over McCain.

Is she now a greater RINO-Traitor than McCain because she is not just working on compromise bills with Dems but supporting them in the Presidential election? And isn’t sitting out the vote so Hillary can win also the act of a RINO-traitor? It would mean a President Hillary can open the borders and give all the immigrants the right to vote (two things Bush, McCain and Kyle all opposed)? Is this the best way to progress conservatism? When will their madness end!
First of all you are doing as much ranting (as you call it) as Coulter so why is it o.k. when you do it but she doesn’t have a right to or you accuse her of being one of the ones threatening you?
They expect loyalty? No, they hope to persuade people to their side…I don’t like the way some of them do it but that’s what they’re doing.
If you are a registered Republican, then get out there and try and change the party to what you would like it to be. If you’re a registered Independent or Democrat than either commit to the core values of the party you’re squaking about or try and get the Dems to become more moderate. And if you don’t want to commit to either then YOU have chosen to align yourself with an Indy party that has no voice because it has no candidate.
Disagreement…or pointing out ones verifiable record is not a form of blackmail or threat.
Well excuse me, but I am not Ann Coulter. I do not fancy myself a leader of anything. I don’t sell books about how awful Democrats are then promise to campaign for them. I do not go on national television and make an ass of myself.
The way this works, is Ann gets her say and if I respond to something stupid she said, I am ranting. The stupid thing she said is just her voicing her opinion.
Spare me.
Hey Dale,
Long time – welcome back.
No… You are BOTH ranting. And that is Both of your rights. If she chooses to go on T.V. and make an ass of herself that is her right and so can you if you so choose.
And Coulter isn’t the leader of anything! She’s a pundit and an author! The MSM is the one telling you she is a spokesman for the Party and you are buying into it!
Listen, Ann Coulter is what she is. Once again, I like some of the things she stands for but I have a huge issue with the way she says it. She is my least favorite. I know a lot of people who thinks she’s funny which many times is what she is doing. But I don’t happen to think sarcasm is very humorous but that’s just me. She’s the “Shock Jock” of conservatism. She is what she is.
Thanks AJ; I’ve been really busy at work, and a few other personal things; so I’ve cut back my posting to a bare minimum; but I DO read every day!
I really like your Iraq updates.
PS: I have some analysis on the US Casualties in Iraq, over the past 5 years.
Would you like to use as a Post?
I can send sometime tomorrow?
And what are you doing whippet? If I am ranting? Oh yes, just speaking your mind.
That is what is interesting. Gee, it seems to me that you are rantig as much as I am. You are ranting about me ranting.
So exactly what is the point to your little lecture?
I mean, am I threatening you or something, whippet? Gosh, I don’t mean to threaten you. No more than sweet funny little Ann meant to threaten the rest of us.
There are plenty of other commenters here who think Coulter got out of line, are they ranting too? Or is just me?
I’m not “ranting” as I’m not thowing out hysterical accusations of threats and blackmail by some group of “right wing purists.”
And once again you appear incapeable of grasping the concept that you are using your right to rant to accuse others of some ulterior motive because they are doing what you are doing, which is ranting! You continue to miss the entire point…I believe that you have a right to rant, scream, disagree…whatever, without you being accused of some conspiracy for doing so…And Rush, Coulter, Malkin and the rest have that same right.
It’s called disagreement and it’s everyone’s right…not just yours.
Agreed. Welcome back, Dale. Sure missed your posts and hope you will do more posting once again!
I think Rush and Ann and the likes will cool down and start to have second thoughts and swing their votes to McCain if McCain wins the nomination. And I think that their choice of words and behavior are out of line as well. I’m not ranting about them, am I?
I’m voting for Romney in my primary but if McCain wins, I will vote for McCain over Hillary or Barack. Dale spelled out the main reasons why I would vote for McCain. Since the independents are going to McCain, that makes him more electable against Hillary and Barack, especially in light of the increasing voter turnouts. McCain is also getting the hispanic vote.
Big Lizards has a good post about this topic as well. He does a good job explaining why people aren’t flocking to Romney. Oh, Captain’s Quarters showed that McCain is getting alot of votes from the independents that are anti-war so the war isn’t driving the votes.
No. The other people here who think Coulter got out of line are not ranting, they are stating their opinion because they are not accusing others of threatening them somehow, which you are.
Typical, you would then suggest that I am accusing you of threatening me when I did no such thing. Amazing.
Oh well that explains it.
Ed Morrisey over at Captains Quarters is a staunch Romney supporter. He must be a ranter too because he classifies Ann’s stunt as extortion.
And you know something whippet? I do not recall ever saying that Ann Coulter did not have the right to make a complete ass of herself is she was so inclined.
I didn’t say that you did. So, I will no longer engage in these little games that you play.
“Oh, and Anne Coulter is pretty high up there on the narcissistic scale to. She probably feels a need to “punish†the GOP for “misbehaving†and that is why she is saying publicly that she will support Hillary. My answer is …
*YAWN* ”
Left by crosspatch on February 1st, 2008
The thing is not very many McCain supporters are promising to vote Democrat if Romney gets the nomination. And I do not like being bullied or blackmailed.
I don’t think McCain is any more of a narcissist than most people running for this office would be. I don’t think he is as much a narcissist as Rush Limbaugh is either.
I think Romney is a rich spoiled venture capitalist who thought he could buy the White House. I would vote for him if he got the nomination, but I don’t see him as some selfless soul just trying to help out America.
Left by Terrye on February 1st, 2008
Great posts today!
And AJ, I love the title!
Although, T, I’m not sure I would go that far to describe Romney. I know people who know him and he is a nice person. But I’m definitely voting for McCain for all the reasons you have stated…ie blackmail and control/dominance…And Ann’s little meltdown last night!
I don’t know. I admire Romney for turning the Winter Olympics around. He came in and took on a train wreck for no personal gain whatsoever. And he did a fine job of it.
This is worth reading:
That pretty much sums my feelings up too.
Why You’re Going To Vote For John McCain In November And Like It!
And Tim Carney’s…
Commentary – Timothy Carney: McCain vs. Hillary on earmarks: Good government vs. pay to play
Late to the party… interesting post and comments. Yes AJ, the RINO label was long ago discovered to be a bit of projection by the real RINOs. But they will never admit it.
Here is something quite telling and funny. The guy who originally pitched Rush Limbaugh’s show to KABC/New York now yearns for the Fairness Doctrine as an antidote to the monster he helped create. I can relate!
This year is turning out to be a wake-up call for talk radio, don’t you think? With Rush Limbaugh and others complaining about the choices made by the voters in many of the primaries and caucuses. I heard from talk consultant John Mainelli – the guy who brought Rush to WABC, New York – and John says:
“The funny thing is that I now think that returning the Fairness Doctrine would be a very good thing. The Fairness Doctrine would sure as hell put an end to all these one-note, crusading, agenda-driven talkshows. Or at least the hosts would have to be a tiny bit clever to sneak around the rules, like everybody used to. Maybe they would actually have to become thoughtful, insightful, open-minded, and possibly even humorous.”
Look at this this way:
The Republican party is about 35% of the electorate. The “hard” right is about 10% of the Republican party or 3.5% of the electorate. If they ALL vote for Hillary, it won’t matter:
McCain Leads Obama by Six, Clinton by Eight as of right this moment, anyway.