Feb 21 2008

Newsweek Demands President Obama Surrender To al-Qaeda Unilaterally and Across All Fronts

Published by at 3:39 pm under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

Want to know how delusional the SurrenderMedia is regarding securing this nation? Just read one liberal’s nutty demand that Obama promise to surrender the war against al-Qaeda unilaterally and across all fronts:

Yes, we can all agree that 9/11 was one of the worst moments in American history. And we can certainly agree that Al Qaeda must be completely eliminated. But the group has never come close to duplicating 9/11; even the train bombings in London and Madrid that were attributed to Al Qaeda-inspired cells were minor by comparison. Are Al Qaeda and its ilk still really our number one challenge? What about global warming?

(H/T RealClearPolitics) What a buffoon. Take it from an engineer/scientist – global warming is a theory and Bin Laden’s war on us across the ME has been a reality – not some made for TV BS movie. This is the same crap we got in 2006 from the suicidal idiots on the left: “End the war in Iraq!” Or in English: “Runaway and give the region over to Bin Laden!”

This insanity on the left, that there is no threat and 9-11 was just a some random hit we have to accept form time to time. They don’t see 9-11 as all that big a deal – a few thousand Americans died – what’s the concern? This is why I call coined the phrases SurrenderMedia and Surrendercrats. They are nothing but panicked and scared fools screaming that they want the big-bad world to just go away and leave them alone. Pathetic. One more word from someone with a BS in biology to a fool with some whimpy journalism degree: Darwin was right. If your path is to go extinct that is your choice – the rest of us adapt, survive and flourish. And we will do so with pride and honor.

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Newsweek Demands President Obama Surrender To al-Qaeda Unilaterally and Across All Fronts”

  1. TomAnon says:

    I think I found the connection:

    A few thousand less Americans = Smaller carbon footprint = Cooler Happy Planet!

  2. Terrye says:

    Even if I believed that global warming was a big deal, I would still want to see the President go after AlQaida. I have never understood this either/or mindset of the left.

  3. kathie says:

    It isn’t just one guy who believes this BS……..remember Bill Clinton he was going to hunt the bad guys down and bring them to justice (law and order stuff). This is the Democratic party thinking. A few bad things happen from time to time, we don’t go to war over a few domestic bad happenings. It costs too much, you have to have a big standing Army, rather then dropping bombs from on high. The Dems are about domestic salvation, really they could care less about protecting the Nation. That is why they should be legislators not Presidents. Why would they not pass FISA ? In Obama’s and Hill’s speeches it’s all about domestic programs, only a few words about bringing home the troops from Iraq, and oh buy the way I’ll hunt down bin Laden. It’s an after thought, like Clinton hunted down the bombers of the Cole. Feel good rhetoric.

  4. Dorf77 says:

    Just enjoy the luxury of Knowing Them by Their Own Words. The ‘Lobal Warming’® fools are much better identified publicly than allowed to exist in the shadows. They can be lampooned as necessary…..

  5. dave m says:


    Please keep an eye out for the statistics on this
    year’s winter, whenever they are released.
    I’m betting they show a colder climate than normal.
    That won’t matter to the climate nutters, but it will be
    increasingly hard to scare the silent sensible majority,
    if they can see the planet not warming up.

  6. the struggler says:

    The kid that eats too many marbles doesn’t grow up to have kids of his own.

    ——-George Carlin on Natural Selection

  7. When Idiots Attack…

    Originally, I thought “hey, just another liberal who is giving Islamic extremists what they want.” It is easy to get that from
    Memo to President Obama
    Never mind Iraq. Just end the ‘war on terror.’
    Uh huh. I came close to cherry…