Mar 06 2008
Two Decades Late The Orwellian World Of 1984 Hits Canada
In George Orwell’s classic 1984, where he created a fictional view of government control run amok (which many relate to socialist and communist forms of governments which tried to create mass mind control), the government controls speech and rewrites history – almost daily – so it can stay in power and dominate the masses. It is a dark and brutal view of humanity’s possible future. [Click picture below for more on the movie 1984]

The fictional world of George Orwell is now coming to life north of our border in Canada, where the internet is under attack by the “The Canadian Human Rights Commission” – which one has to wonder what jurisdiction a human rights body could possibly have on free speech? But here it is:
When it was announced last week that the government is planning to pull financial aid (tax credits) for any film or television show that it deems offensive or not in the public’s best interest, I couldn’t help but shudder. I think our recent experience in dealing with various human rights commissions may be a precursor that will give us some considerable insight into how these new regulations will be applied to Christians. If the past is any indication, it doesn’t look good.
The Canadian Human Rights Commission has already been used on many occasions to shut down websites and to place lifetime speech bans on webmasters who have been hauled before its tribunals.
The human rights commission attacks on Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn have made a lot of people aware of the danger of allowing these government bodies to regulate the speech of Canadians, and the internet has been abuzz with stories of bureaucratic abuse. The fight for free speech has begun.
No wonder liberals admire the Canadian system so much. This is what happens when purity wars begin. We have to have complete freedom of speech or else we have controlled speech. The way to handle abuses of free speech is to realize freedom to speak does not convey credibility or respect for what is spoken. Thus a people can distinguish between David Duke – the last of the KKK idiots – from Ronald Reagan, the visionary conservative president who finally opened the country’s eyes to the failures of liberalism. Trust the people to filter the good from the bad – we don’t need commissions of thought police.
Dirt Bag Down? Muqtada Al-Sadr Comatose In Iranian Hospital
Maybe, maybe not…
Shi’ite cleric and leader Muqtada Al-Sadr was secretly transferred a few days ago from Iraq to Iran for hospitalization as he was comatose. It was reported that his illness resulted from food poisoning. Al-Sadr is being treated by Iranian specialists, as well as by Russian doctors brought in to help the Iranian medical staff treat him.
Everyone would love for that to be true, but we gotta have some real confirmation before believing it. Remember that the entire region is always a kind of mirrored madhouse where the lies outweigh the truths 10 to 1. For example, it could even be possible that Al Sadr himself is circulating this story so that in a couple weeks he can engineer a miraculous “return from the dead!” with which to impress his followers. Right now, who knows?
Wow kathie, I missed that. Make it so.
As to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, I file that under my UN. All Dems see this as their route to their ultimate power sharing with their beloved ‘world’.
AJ, I find it somewhat ironic that you can so easily see Orwellian thought in the actions of Canadian leftists yet find “liberal fascism” as proposed by Goldberg as “over the top”. You’ll have to explain that one to me, please.