Mar 12 2008

Global Warming Retreats

Published by at 12:49 pm under All General Discussions,Global Warming

This is just too much:

Satellite measurements available since 1979 show no warming in the southern hemisphere and the trend in the northern hemisphere appears to have waned since 2001. In August 2007, the UK Met Office acknowledged that obvious global warming had stopped. Paleo-climate scientist Bob Carter testifying before the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works has noted that the accepted global average temperature statistics used by IPCC show no ground-based warming has occurred since 1998. A research led by David Bromwich, Professor of Atmospheric Science in the Department of Geography at Ohio State University and researchers with the Byrd Polar Research Centre at Ohio State University shows that during the late 20th century, the temperature in Antarctica did not rise to the level predicted by many global warming models. According to UN scientist Madhav L. Khandekar, a retired Environment Canada scientist and an expert IPCC reviewer in 2007, the recent worldwide analysis of ocean surface temperatures shows that sea surface temperatures over world oceans are slowly declining since mid-1998.

While the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is steadily rising from 280 ppm and might reach 560 ppm by 2100 as predicted by IPCC, the world’s average temperature, instead of following a steep upward gradient, is actually plunging after a period of upward trend.

This blog and many others who understand science have been saying for years (see my posts on this matter here) that Al Gore would not Global Warming from his tanning bed to save his life. And now scientific data is putting the lie to all the Chicken Littles. Clearly we have not enacted Koyoto or reduced carbon footprints one iota. But the warming trend has stopped (did so years ago) and is apparently retreating. One question – do these fools who predicted doom & gloom have an ounce of credibility left? I so ‘no’. H/T Gateway Pundit.

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