Mar 16 2008

Chris Dodd Indicates Sinking Obama

Published by at 8:19 am under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Chris Dodd was on Fox News Sunday and just completely bumbled the Reverend Wright issue, which is a sign of how the issue is tanking Obama’s chances. Dodd could not answer why Obama has stayed around Wright for years, and answer why the words of this minister were not denounced much early much stronger. Clearly Obama lied to America the other day when he said he was not aware of comments as Chris Wallace dug up an earlier, much weaker rebuttal by referring to Wright as the crazy old uncle who says crazy things. And when Dodd had to face the fact Obama lied he could only beg for a change of subject. If Obama is lying to us now that means he will lie to us when President. We don’t want that kind of mess repeated.

The Dems definitely circled the wagons as Schumer stood by Dodd’s lame excuses and diversions. The two dems know the damage is taking hold across the board or they would not have defended each other. But America is not buying the diversion. The two senators said these were distractions and we need to talk about the issues. But Wright (and Geraldine Ferraro) were talking about the issues. They were talking about race relations in America and the lunatic left anti-American views.

America knows this and knows that the people who back or lead a campaign give an indication of where that candidate is going. Once you got the Dems on the mundane topics of economy and health care they were quite able to regurgitate their talking points. But when they had to face the hard issues bubbling up from their base they did not know how to deal with it and just wanted to move on.

The talking heads have lost their connections with the people – that is clear. And they have not figured out how to regain it. America is not giving these losers who have led us into hyper-partisan deadlock anymore leeway. No more benefit of the doubt. Either show some leadership and understanding of what Americans want (and it ain’t hyper-partisan sniping) or lose our backing. I can see they signs that this crop of leaders is out of gas and a new generation is about to take hold. Can’t happen soon enough for my tastes.

Update: Not coincidentally an Obama supporter spoke out today and emphasizes my point about the lies and how they are killing the the wonder boy Obama:

Guilt by association is totally unwarranted. Barack is not responsible for Wright’s views. However, how he responds to those views – and whether he is being straight with us, the voters – is critical as to whether he should lead our country.

This is the acid test Obama just failed. He tried to say he never heard these kinds of statements in 20 years, but as Chris Wallace noted he was trying to pass them off as harmless rantings of an old man a year ago or more. He tried to side step the issue then, and outright lied to the voters this weekend when he tried to claim he was unaware of the rhetoric from his church of 20 years – a laughable position. As Brit Hume noted, even if he missed every flame-throwing sermon somehow, had to be aware of the controversy.

Now we are faced with two versions of a repeat of the Clinton years: His wife and Obama who lies to America’s face as he tries to cover up missteps. Not sure America wants either choice right now.

21 responses so far

21 Responses to “Chris Dodd Indicates Sinking Obama”

  1. dave m says:

    hy would Newscorp block this information from being made
    public? Surely not because :
    News Corporation Europe, headed by James Murdoch, reached an agreement with Saudi Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal for a joint venture television project that will add two English language satellite TV channels to the regions media landscape. Prince Al-Waleed and Mr. Murdoch, The Younger, finalized the deal in January during Mr. Murdoch’s four day official visit to Saudi Arabia. The Prince hosted a dinner for Mr. Murdoch at ‘the desert camp.’
    Shirley not, and as they say, don’t call me Shirley.
    But one could imagine a scenario wherein the corporate boss,
    wanting to expand into Arab lands, would shut down his own
    news station if he thought it might spoil the deal.