Apr 13 2008

Amateur Obama Is A Professional Elitist

Published by at 8:41 am under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Boy, did Obama stick his foot in his mouth this time. Somehow people of tradition and religion who want to raise their kids their way (not Hollywood’s way, nor the way of the sleazy super rich NY Club crowd) do these things out of frustration, instead of purpose. Somehow following your normal, run of the mill life brings all sorts of bad into our world. That apparently is what Obama said yesterday when talking (down) to some average Americans:

The trouble started when the Chicago Democrat, after saying Washington had failed to stem the tide of lost jobs, dropped a bombshell on his fellow Americans by saying: “And it’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Given who this guy’s paster has been for two decades it is no wonder he sees religion as an expression of frustration with perceived wrongs. That is all Reverend Wright preached – wrongs by America and wrongs by whites. But it is worse than that. It seems hunters and those who carry guns to protect themselves are frustrated? I thought they were sportsmen and people who had to go into dangerous areas to do their jobs. Who knew? And my lack of a 6 figure job makes me angry at those immigrants toiling in the fields or washing dishes or doing landscaping or working construction or cleaning toilets in office buildings? Doubtful. Outside of “toiling in the fields” I have done all those jobs (and others) to work my way through school and to get where I am today. I have no desire to go back and I don’t need those kinds of jobs to answer my job needs. I am not angry at the people who do these jobs, I sympathize with them.

It is clearer now why Michelle and Barack look down on America and feel only now, at this moment, it is worthy greatness. Only now is it doing something for them (how Clintonian!). Only now is it waking up to how misguided it is on all levels. If we just get rid of the traditions, the family structure, the religion, the right to self protection, the right to free speech – America would be a better place! How can we not all see it?

It would be the second coming of Stalin’s USSR is what it would be. Obama is a professional elitist for sure. But he is still an amateur politician. He has not learned the art of lying to the people as well as other pols.

15 responses so far

15 Responses to “Amateur Obama Is A Professional Elitist”

  1. WWS says:

    This is hilarious on so many levels – here are Five things you’ve got to love about this blunder.

    First, of course, is Obama’s non-apology for the statement, which came down to saying “I’m sorry you people are too stupid to understand what I meant.”

    Second is that these were supposed to be private remarks at an exclusive San Fran fundraiser, and were apparently taped and distributed to the press by a Hillary mole in the audience that night.

    Third, Obama doesn’t get that the supposedly private nature of the remarks makes them even worse; his explanations come down to saying “You shouldn’t be mad, I never meant for you to hear what I say about you behind your backs.”

    Fourth, Obama’s supporters (including the now infamous CNN panel with Toobin et al) have seized on this explanation. “Obama never meant to say that, but if he DID say that, then he was right anyway.” Thus compounding the damage by revealing that Obama was just giving voice to how most dems despise small town America, or at most view it as some kind of Wild Kingdom in which no rational or successful person could ever choose to remain.

    Fifth, and Best, and the award winning entry for Political chutzpah for this campaign season – Hillary is now traveling the back roads of Pennsylvania proclaiming that she is a Gun-lovin, Church-goin’ lover of small town values and Always Has Been.

    oh, this is a beautiful thing to behold!

    and as one blogger has already noted, this is why you don’t run rookies for prez.

  2. Neo says:

    Two more points ..

    1) Obama’s only major contact with religious people are those at Trinity UCC. From the “GD AmeriKKKa”, I get the sense that they may be frustrated and bitter, so by obvious extension .. what guns are they clinging to ?

    2) I can’t get over the last part of the now “infamous” quote ..

    anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations

    I mean, this is said a week ago Friday, and a few days later the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-NewD irection) exercises the trade “nuclear option,” changes the rules and stops the clock ticking on the 90 day up or down vote on the Columbian Free Trade Agreement.

    I guess this was to save face and not look frustrated and bitter and whatever ..

    By Jack Cafferty’s logic, I expect to see the Congressional Democrats in al Qaeda training camps by next week.

  3. MerlinOS2 says:


    The FTA is being held hostage as a bargaining chip to pass a massive bailout related to the sub prime mess.

  4. truthhard2take says:

    Not bad, Strata. Almost makes one wish your anti-hard line
    views on immigration as conveyed in the past year didn’t qualify you
    as equally elitist.

  5. Terrye says:


    Are you kidding? I mean really. AJ is not a hardliner and he never pretended to be. However, Obama supports drivers licences for illegals and at the same time voted against comprehensive immigration reform because the unions did not like it.

    The man is a pretzel on the subject. So, does that mean that Obama thinks all his union buddies are a bunch of rubes who can’t compete, so they get all frustrated and pissed off at foreigners? But hey as long as they vote for him and their money is green he is willing to play along with their silliness.

  6. Mata says:

    MerlinOS… bribery to pass a bail out package? Hummm. They are battling on a few items and details, but hardly enough to put a stopper on this. Can you elaborate why you think that?

    Personally I think it’s politically inconvenient before the election. They’ve worked with the GOP for quite awhile on this FTA. However on the heels of both their candidates, coming out publicly against NAFTA, how can they possibly pass this with DNC at the Congressional helm without looking like lying politicians that will say anything to get elected?

    Fact is, HRC and BHO couldn’t stand in front of midwest union country and *not* blast NAFTA. They merely catered their rhetoric to the venue and audience. I think the DNC will pass it without a hitch after the election.

  7. VinceP1974 says:

    I think it’s funny how BHO complains the Fed Govt isn’t doing this or isn’t doing that.. or is ignoring this or that…

    Why doesn’t someone challenge the idiot with “Um.. you’re part of the Government now.. have been for years… what have you done to fix these problems you say everyone else is ignoring”

  8. norm says:

    your charges of getting rid of religion etc., along with the obligatory stalin reference are downright hilarious. if only that was what he was saying your post would actually make some sense. but as usual…it doesn’t. obama was refering to the fact that throughout history during times of economic distress people have often turned to religion, family, and cultural traditions (and the inherent lack of tolerance of others that often goes with that.) this leaves them prey to wedge politics and voting on issues like guns, gay marriage and immigration. do i know democrats who hunt because they love to hunt? of course i do. was the framing of the comment regretable and stupid? of course it was. would you rather partake of gutter-snipe politics than discuss the issues at the heart of the statement…a collapsing economy, outsourcing of jobs, lost pensions, and unaffordable healthcare. ? of course you would.

  9. 75 says:

    Norm has a firm grasp of leftist talking points. It’s a shame none of them are legitimate.

  10. VinceP1974 says:

    I love when Leftists try to tell us we didnt’ hear what has clearly been said.

    And it’s total BS.

    ” to the fact that throughout history during times of economic distress people have often turned to religion, family, and cultural traditions (and the inherent lack of tolerance of others that often goes with that.) this leaves them prey to wedge politics and voting on issues like guns, gay marriage and immigration”

    I just have to laugh at the arrogance. Leftists actually believe this. They also believe they are compassionate and tolerant.

    They’re getting dumber year by year and tragically they also seem to be more self-deluded and immune to reality than ever.

  11. norm says:

    once again i see personal attacks rather than reasoned answers to the points raised. typical.

  12. VinceP1974 says:

    reasoned answers demand reasoned questions. Not some retread of the identical talking points that we’ve had to endure for the past few days now.

    Do you think we haven’t already been presented with your false analysis?

  13. 75 says:

    Unreasonable people spewing unreasonable talking points receive neither reasoned answers nor respect. The initial premises of the points you try to raise are illegitimate. Simple.

  14. norm says:

    vince…i challenge you to show me how the statement taken in context and as a whole was not about the economy, jobs, pensions, healthcare, etc, and how it was about if “…we just get rid of the traditions, the family structure, the religion, the right to self protection, the right to free speech – america would be a better place…”

  15. 75 says:

    Clearly, Norm, Obama’s comments were meant to disparage republicans or conservatives who favor the second amendment, family values, and traditional customs. Which part of “bitter” did you not understand?