Apr 14 2008

Obama Was Right For Wrong Reasons

Published by at 11:05 am under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Is America bitter with government. Hell yes, look at the polls. Is America bitter because government doesn’t provide all we need? Hell, no. Few people want handouts, and fewer want bureaucrats meddling with their lives, which is the price of handouts.

And for those who believe all the BS pols spout about what they will do for them and are bitter they are not getting what they wanted? Well, it is time to grow up. Obama said America is bitter that government has not functioned. Well it has not functioned because of out of control partisanship, rancor and basically behavior that would not be tolerated in any other area of society. Lies about others, lies about what they will do for us, graft and corruption – it seems Americans have a right to be bitter with the low caliber and unprofessionalism that has permeated the offices of elected officials, the news media and the talking heads who create a living out of ringing the alarm bells.

Polls show Americans are very happy with their lives, it is America which is off track. Scott Rasmussen notes a strong majority disagree with the ugly picture Obama paints of this great nation. A measely (and bitter) 25% agree with him. The same liberal elite that has made up 25% of the population forever. It is not something wrong with middle or small town America, the problem is in DC, news rooms, in our entertainment industry, in the ad agencies. The problem is not the core of America, it is the rot elsewhere.

Obama had a handle on this election when he ran on ‘change’. Problem is he is just more of the same in a new, slicker package. Get beneath the facade and you have a pol who sees nothing in America to harness or grow, he just sees a bunch of people not following the right path. That is the problem with partisans these days (even some on the right spend too much time looking for purity instead of potential).

After years of false promises America is fed up. We are older, wiser and much more attuned to how things should work and do work in DC. Two things have created this mess. One is the information age and the explosion of knowledgeable voices on the blogs who have torn back the curtains of the media and those in power. We have had a good look at the mess behind the curtain and have realized those we once admired were good at weaving fantasies, not solving problems.

The other culprit in this malaise and angst is our aging baby-boomer population. As they hit the ends of careers and look forward they are just not satisfied. The biggest moaners are those who miss the days of hippies and love and peace – more fantasies that never were going to come true. Look at the complaints about the war on terror! Too hard, we are causing the hate, why can’t we just all get along. It is pathetic really. I have had to follow the boomers my entire life, and I have never seen a more self-centered and demanding group (on the whole, there are plenty of exceptions in a population that big). They tossed out tradition and religion for freedom of expression and freedom from responsibility. And they never found their Nirvana.

Are we bitter? Hell no – we are just about to clean house and let some younger, more positive blood take over. There is a bright future out there. And it will be fun getting there without all the doom and gloomers who find infinite reasons not to do something. There is no perfection folks, just progress. Time to get over the fantasies. Government is not a fairy with a magic wand.

35 responses so far

35 Responses to “Obama Was Right For Wrong Reasons”

  1. ivehadit says:

    Third world countries have a higher percentage of their populations as dependents vs. those who are independent of government. New Orleans had/has that problem.

    Just look at New Orleans to see what the country will look like if the democrats get in office. And I say democrats (plural) because it’s not just obama that will infiltrate the government….for years to come.

    Democrats are a power-hungry blight on our country as they stand today.

  2. norm says:

    boy howdy you started out so well…i was shocked…we agree on something. but then you just fell back on the same lazy mis-representations…which is really too bad because you were onto something. obama isn’t saying people aren’t following the right path — i’ve never heard anyone say the war on terror is too hard — and as for your boomers comment…your own caveat leads me to think you know you are way over the gross-generalization line. cleaning house and letting in younger blood? neither john mccain nor hillary clinton is about that.

  3. norm says:

    ivehadit…i’m not saying you are wrong but help me understand…why exactly is it that third world countries and new orleans have higher percentages of people dependent on the government?

  4. VinceP1974 says:

    Corruption of society and government

  5. ivehadit says:

    For the record Norm, if you are new to this site, I lived in New Orleans for twenty years. I know a lot about the city and it’s government.

    Re: Your request: You can make the connections on your own, I’m sure.

    [I was a leader of a group which brought together people of all faiths, races, creeds to bring accountability to the leaders of the city. (Obama will know what I am talking about when I mention this.)]

  6. The Macker says:

    VinceP nailed it. Plus leaders that encourage dependency and don’t understand free markets and individualism.

    ” i’ve never heard anyone say the war on terror is too hard “-
    That’s all we do hear.
    “It costs too much.” “Too many lives have been lost .” “Our military is spread too thin.” ………….

    Freedom comes at a high price, but there is no substitute!

  7. 75 says:

    The only way Norm could have never heard anyone say “the war is too hard” is if he can’t hear himself speak or read his own writing. He’s been whining about 4,000 and trillions for days now.

    He’s either clueless or dishonest…just like all Democrats.

  8. norm says:

    macker…those criticisms have nothing to do with “it’s too hard”. they have to do with incompetence, lack of adequate planning, and mis-directed resources. the so-called war on terrorism isn’t too hard…the way it’s been prosecuted is. there are more than one means to an end, even if your hyper-partisan views won’t allow you to see it.

  9. 75 says:

    Norm, please enlighten us with your superior expertise on fighting a war. I’m sure Petraeus and the rest of his staff would love to hear your thoughts on the matter.


  10. Mark_for_Senate says:

    norm, you are a complete idiot if you think ANY war goes exactly according to ‘plan’. You obviously are unable to read or understand history. What a pathetic waste of valuable air.

  11. 75 says:

    Mark, I would add…
    …especially since people like Norm are fighting the plan every step of the way.

  12. VinceP1974 says:

    Look at these poll numbers. Obama’s poll numbers are worse than they were during the Wright thing.

    Likely Democratic Primary Voters
    Mar 7-8
    Mar 26-27
    Apr 5-6
    Apr 11-13

    Clinton 52% 51% 45% 57%
    Obama 41% 39% 45% 37%
    Someone else 1% 2% 4% 2%
    Undecided 6% 8% 6% 4%

    Gee norm. Why is the Democratic voting base everything that just accused evil conservatives of being.

  13. norm says:

    75…all patreaus has proven is that almost anything is possible if you throw enough money and personnel at it. hardly the picture of good policy. unless of course you are part of the “new” conservative movement where huge deficits and big government are a good thing.
    mark-for-senate…i love it when you guys use that excuse. i don’t remember bush saying that when he was walking around that aircraft carrier with that codpiece you guys thought looked so hot.

  14. NNB says:

    I want to say thank you to AJ. It is about time we started discussing this “America is on the wrong track” question in polls. America is, I’m not. I keep my priorities and don’t allow politicians or the government to make decisions for me that I am capable of making. I know when to get out of the rain (or rising water). I am weary of hearing everyone use the “we’re on the wrong track” to be the excuse for more government intervention. America is on the wrong track with over promising, big government and generations of people we have raised who are unable to stand up in their own lives. We have too many leaders who are not servants of the people, but elitists who want to lord over the lesser mortals. No, thank you. They need to be voted out of office. Every federally funded US institution should encourage EVERYONE to be the best they can be whatever their limitations and not sit life out waiting for the water to recede.

  15. ivehadit says:

    Now we all know how intellectually dishonest norm is since he has brought up the “Mission Accomplished” banner. That banner was for whom, Norm? Why was that sign on THAT ship? Do you know Norm?

    Tommy Franks knows. He directed it. You want to take him on?

    And I got news for ya, MANY LOVE that shot of our President.

    And one last thing, those who are in the know are well aware how FANTASTIC our troops and military have performed in the past 5 years. And how LOW our rate of military deaths have been compared to what could have been. Every death is a reminder to me, Norm, that each and every soldier that gave his/her life did so because they BELIEVED in their mission. They did it for you. Too bad you don’t honor that which they believed.

  16. VinceP1974 says:

    Every time a Bush critic attacks him for the Mission Accomplished banner, they’re shitting all over our Navy.

  17. norm says:

    ivehadit and vince…um…you brought up the banner not me. but i’m glad to see you like the codpiece. didn’t realize you were a log cabin republican.

  18. 75 says:

    “…i don’t remember bush saying that when he was walking around that aircraft carrier…”

    Norm, were you referring to some other Bush carrier moment?

  19. VinceP1974 says:

    Well now i’m being slandered .. so I guess I won that one.

  20. Terrye says:


    If people like you were half as interested in winning as you are losing it might not be so damn difficult for Democrats to win the White House. But by the time the elitist cry baby whiney America sucks crowd gets through making the Democrats look like a bunch of kooks, they lose. Again. Even Clinton would not have won if Ross Perot hadn’t helped him do it.

    The truth is you just hate Bush, Bush is a Republican, you see the war as a Republican initiative, ergo screw America, let’s lose the war and help the Democrats.

    The years and years of conflict with Iraq that lead up to the war do not matter. The fact that the alternative might well have been a harder and more costly war later is beside the point. If we had just turned Saddam lose and kissed his ass..all would be well. End of story, that is how simple the norms of this world are.

    And the problem is Americans see through that simplicity.