Apr 20 2008

US Has Been Actively Hunting al-Qaeda In Pakistan

Published by at 8:43 am under All General Discussions,Pakistan

Americans need to be wary of two-faced pols – OK, that sound obvious and easy but it isn’t. Pols have become quite adept at telling lies that are hard to detect or can be ‘parsed’ to mean something totally opposite (it all depends on the what the meaning of ‘is’ is – of course). One lie is that we are not taking the battle to al-Qaeda in Pakistan. Well the NY Times has finally admitted that we have been taking the battle to al-Qaeda in Pakistan and, in fact, have had special permission to hunt them down:

Pakistan’s government has given the Central Intelligence Agency limited authority to kill Arab and other foreign operatives in the tribal areas, using remotely piloted Predator aircraft. But administration officials say the Pakistani government has put far greater restrictions on American operations against indigenous Pakistani militant groups, including one thought to have been behind the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

American officials involved in the discussions said that they had not ruled out striking Pakistani militants in the tribal areas. American forces in Afghanistan are authorized to attack targets in Pakistan in self-defense or if they are in “hot pursuit” of militants fleeing back to havens across the border.

American-led forces in Afghanistan fired artillery at what they suspected was a Haqqani network safe house on March 12 that an American spokesman said posed an “imminent threat.” But the Pakistani Army said the strike killed only civilians.

Basically Pakistan has allowed us to hunt the foreign terrorists on their soil, but demand we leave the locals alone. Reasonable for a sovereign allied democracy. If you listen to Barak Obama or other Surrendercrats we are doing nothing and we need to invade our democratic ally.

I have posted on this arrangement many times, so this is no secret (see here, here and here to highlight a few). So how is it the SurrenderMedia let’s Obama get a pass on our efforts in Pakistan when we have had the unprecedented permission to hunt al-Qaeda inside Pakistan using special forces and CIA assets? How could the news media miss that one? Clearly they didn’t. So the next question is why did they hide it from their customers – the American people?

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “US Has Been Actively Hunting al-Qaeda In Pakistan”

  1. WWS says:

    They don’t think their customers are the “American People”, their customers are the Democrat Party and Move-On.org.

    Or should I say masters. We’re at the point that if the mainstream media died tomorrow, it wouldn’t be too soon. It’s past the point of salvation – it needs to finish its fall into irrelevancy and be replaced by something else.

    Which, thanks to the internet, is happening.

  2. kathie says:

    Of course the US has been hunting for bin Laden, from the
    beginning. That was the deal and why we are sending money to Pakistan. We do lots of things that we do not publish in the New York Times. I think we are fighting a war.