Apr 28 2008

Jeremiah Wright – The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Published by at 1:44 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Personally I find Rev Jeremiah Wright a sad echo from a sad time in America. He, like so many other aging baby-boomer liberals is living in the glory days of the 60’s and 70’s. He is trying as hard as he can to stoke the fires of racism in the country – all in the name of Jesus no less. Truly a pathetic sight and a reminder of why the rest of us are glad to be living in a world were racism is just an echo and not a reality. For those still stuck in their own personal quagmires my condolences – but it is not America’s fault.

Jeremiah Wright has found his 15 minutes of fame and he plans to go out with fiery bluster as he impugns the character of one Barack Obama:

he Rev. Jeremiah Wright said Monday that he will try to change national policy by “coming after” Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) if he is elected president.

The pastor also insisted Obama “didn’t denounce” him and “didn’t distance himself” from Wright’s controversial remarks, but “did what politicians do.”

Wright implied Obama still agrees with him by saying: “He had to distance himself, because he’s a politician, from what the media was saying I had said, which was [portrayed as] anti-American.”

Calling a politician a charlatan is nothing new, except when that pol is running as the anti-pol. Wright has just called Obama a charlatan – big surprise there – and he would know being his religious mentor for 20 years. Wright is going to jam his bitter, bible toting world view onto America and Obama no matter what the cost because he is on a mission. He is going to fix America once and for all and he will not stop until he gets the revenge he pathetically desires. The man is a lost cause folks.

As is the liberal movement. The anti-war baby-boomer liberals keep trying to resurrect Vietnam in Iraq. The feminist baby-boomer liberals keep trying to resurrect the male-female battles, and the Rev Wright type baby-boomers keep trying to ignite racism. They never got a chance to save America from these evils, the missed out on their Walter Mitty fantasies where they are the ones to save humanity. Wright has become so obsessed with his demi-god status he has grasped at weird and unsubstantiated studies which purport to upend everything the American Hero Rev Martin Luther King preached to a nation aching to leave racism in its past. Now he claims it is not the content of the character but the color of the skin which differentiates human beings. Truly a sad day for African Americans.

How much longer do the delusions of an aging and wailing generation have to poison this country? My generation and my kids generation don’t see races, they see people, friends, neighbors who happen to have different genetic codes. I am blessed to live in a neighborhood which is richly diverse, and we respect each other based on where we have come to be – Americans living the American dream and raising our families amongst some of the best people on the planet.

Why should we or our children destroy this piece of diverse co-existence simply to placate a bitter old man who has found a reason for his anger and hate in scripture? Clearly we see why Obama said bitter people run to the bible and church to assuage hate. For Wright and his ilk Jesus gives him a excuse to coddle and keep his anger alive. His ego is so invested in his anger he sees himself as a messenger of God, bringing the message of hate to a peaceful and happy country.

Thankfully what my kids and their friends see is a dinosaur who is bleating out his tired cries as he prepares to leave this world to their generation – who are going to simply look upon him as that crazy uncle who never did find a way to live in, and enjoy, the modern world. Reverend Wright may be stuck in the middle of the last century, but our children are building the world of the 21st century and have no interest in moving backwards. Their friends are too dear to them to give them up for Ol’ Jeremiah and his disconnected rants.

Addendum: As usual once I write a post I figure out better ways of saying what I meant to communicate. What I wanted to make clear is it is my hope and prayers that the young folks under 30 do not let the views of this miserable man infect the hopes and aspirations they hold for their own future, for the world they are, or will be, building. I expect that my prayers will be answered on this matter, given what I know about the youngest generations coming behind the liberal baby boomers.

23 responses so far

23 Responses to “Jeremiah Wright – The Gift That Keeps On Giving”

  1. robert verdi says:

    He is weak on a lot of things especially his nonsense about HIV created by the government. His clap trap about America deserving 9/11 is no different then any other garbage that thinks of America as a Hegemon. The HIV takes it to a whole new level of paranoid fantasy. If McCain wants to hit his competion, thats the angle.

  2. WWS says:

    Wright stepped into truly bizarro territory when he went on about how blacks and whites have different brain structures, and some really weird nonsense about “griots”, whatever that is. Wright doesn’t even understand that he’s validating the old racial deterministic views of the KKK and their like.

    And poor Obama has to sit their and grit his teeth while the old hatemonger puts all of this on display. Boo Hoo.

  3. kathie says:

    It sounds alot like the white hatred that the far left exposes. It’s big business and money hungry people who are at the root of all pain and suffering. It is those who earn over $250,00 that keep those who earn less down. It is the oil companies who take money out of our pockets so that we can’t buy food. And on and on we hear it day after day from the left. We are all the victims of something. I hear it from the 60’s generation, it is their way of life. I’m am sick of victimology of any description.

  4. Cobalt Shiva says:

    It could be worse: he could be named “Jeremiah Weed.”

  5. 75 says:

    Anyone else find it both humorous and ironic that the leftist media,who prides itself on bashing conservative evangelicals every chance it gets, has finally opened up the proverbial “can of worms” by exposing their own false prophets? Hilarious…even CNN yesterday was lamenting that this clown was publicly spewing his insanity again.

  6. Terrye says:

    I am a baby boomer myself but I don’t think that Wright’s appeal is about generation, it is about hate. Plain and simple, hate…. and from what I have seen there are plenty of young people out there who are just as capable of being hateful as the baby boomers.

  7. 75 says:

    Wright’s just another leftist race-baiting loon masquerading as a reverend of God and arbiter of his race. He is no different than Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or Calypso Louie Farrakhan except that he hasn’t yet gained his fame. He’s certainly going for his 15 minutes now, though, isn’t he? He’s just lookin to parlay all this attention into a more permanent political gig.

  8. kathie says:

    “Farrakhan is not my enemy, he did not put me in chains, enslave me” no the American people and the American government did. America is Wright’s enemy. I do not believe for one second that Obama does not believe this as well. America as the enemy is the basis of everything Wright says, America as the enemy is his fundamental truth. Obama believes this as well, that is why no flag, no hand on heart, why no matter what we bring the troops home, why Michelle has never been proud of this country before Obama won a few contests. Obama believes he knows what seperates us from each other, other countries and the world, there for he can bring us together.

  9. Terrye says:

    No one enslaved Jeremiah Wright.

    And if he thinks this country is such an awful place, he can leave his mansion and go elsewhere.

  10. BarbaraS says:

    As 75 says Wright is a Jesse Jackson wannabe but he has put Obama between a rock and a hard place. He can’t throw this guy under the bus because he would lose a great number of his supporters. And since he doesn’t throw him under the bus he loses a great many white votes. Obama should have used better judgement by not associating with this loon in the first place. He was told by people in the know that this church would not help him in politics. He goes to this church because this is his ideology and Wright’s views are his views.

  11. the struggler says:

    Chris Matthews is lookin’ ill.

    He’s gonna spew!

  12. Whippet1 says:

    Watching and listening to Wright giving his speech at the Press Club this morning what I viewed was the classic rascist but his is even more vile because of why he does it. He has a astronomical ego and that was on display this morning. He was unbelievably rude to the questioners (which is funny because I believe they were from the media. One of their “own liberals” slapping them upside the head.)

    He is vile because he is using his own race and God to benefit personally and professionally. His hatred is for personal gain not for the benefit of his “people.” He wants attention, at any cost, to sooth his huge ego. I’m not even sure he believes half of what he’s saying…but look where it’s gotten him. Money, power, attention. God has a special place for men like Wright, and it sure ain’t heaven.

  13. Redteam says:

    Wright says: “blacks and whites have different brain structures, and some really weird nonsense about “griots”, whatever that is. Wright doesn’t even understand that he’s validating the old racial deterministic views of the KKK and their like.”

    I don’t think DNA testing would show a large difference in white and black, I think most differences are heritage, culture , and associations. 

  14. kathie says:

    Wright is a preacher of the Black Liberation movement. What he says week after week is the philosophy of the Black Liberation movement. If Obama didn’t believe in the Black Liberation movement why would he choose that church? It doesn’t matter if he heard every word that Wright said, if you understand the fundamental tenet of the church, you, I could write the sermons. Take any activity, political or otherwise and talk about it from the Black Liberation point of view. The question that needs to be asked is: What part of the Black Liberation philosophy do you believe in and how will that affect the way you lead this country?

  15. ph2ll says:

    Wright is helping Barack by being so outrageous. It would force Barack to distance himself in a decisive/bold manner, note how he has yet to truly due so at this point in time, simply because he found himself having to defend Wright and take “hits” since his supposed clarifying and impassioned “race”speech. So now he needs help, and I suspect an inside deal between the good Reverend Wright and Barack. Wright gives Barack a way out. Barack promises Wright something, your guess is as good as mine, beneficial to him or ? After all Hillary could take this if the “media” start turning on him by reporting critical reports of Obama. And he knows it…

  16. WWS says:

    Wright is not helping Barack at all – at first, I thought this was just going to be more of the same, we’ve already heard that Wright’s a nut and the left has discounted it.

    But when I saw that even Andrew Sullivan (say it ain’t so, Andrew!!!) was shocked and calling for Obama to denounce Wright – I realize that this is not just some small thing – this may be The Big One for Obama. I guess that Obama has 24 hours to convincingly and completely repudiate Wright and all of his beliefs, or his campaign is finished.

    Of course, by renouncing Wright he admits his judgment has been badly flawed for the last 20 years. So he may be doomed no matter what he does.

    Say Hello to Hillary, Democrat Nominee for President.

  17. robert verdi says:

    Pastror Wright recieved a 1.6 million dollar mansion for his service to his church. What a country!

  18. CatoRenasci says:

    I agree that to the extent Obama’s religious belief is sincere — and there is a fair argument his church membership was more about political credibility than anything else, at least to begin with — it is almost certain that he must at least agree generally with the theology taught in Wrights Black Liberation Theology Afro-Centric Trinity UCC Church.

    The question that everyone seems to have ignored — who knows, maybe it’s in the can waiting to be dropped — is his ultimate radical origins in his actual youth: his high school mentor was a card-carrying Communist Party USA black radical poet, Frank Marshall Davis. The published reports have said he was a friend of Obama’s grandparents. They were apparently both from Kansas living in Hawaii, but that alone would not explain a friendship that apparently (the published sources are unclear) preceded even Obama’s birth.

    Why would a black communist be friends with a white couple like Obama’s grandparents? How would he even come to know them? In reading about Obama’s white grandfather, one notes that in connection with the incident grandma had with the black panhandler, it was grandpa that made the issue racial.

    Was Obama’s grandfather (and/or grandmother) a communist? Or what used to be called a “fellow traveller”? Was radical politics — present or past — the basis of the family friendship?

    This subject is relevant, because it could provide some context to Obama’s mother’s relationships and, far more importantly, Obama’s gravitation to the radical left at Occidental College and Columbia University, as well as his attraction to Saul Alinsky and ‘community organization’. Moreover, it would put his connections to Ayers/Dohrn in perspective and explain how, if he felt he had to have a church for street cred, the one he would be attracted to was the only one around that was based on a Marxist world view: Wright’s version of black liberation theology.

    While black liberation theology is apparently a mostly Protestant thing (Cone is UCC), the broader liberation theology movement was primarily Roman Catholic and has been condemned by the Vatican.

    I wonder if the relationship of Obama’s family to Frank Marshall Davis might provide an important key to unlocking the mystery of Obama’s otherwise strange path.

    I think what it may show is that Obama has imbibed Marxism literally from his infancy and has always been a man of the hard left. I think he learned, through his movement in upper class circles at Punahoe, Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard Law, that the only way to obtain power in the broader society was to acquire a verneer of respectability in his language, manner and dress — already easy for him because he had such a culturally ‘white’ adolescence.

  19. KauaiBoy says:

    Someone explain exactly what religion this charlatan is preaching—-sounds like a completely different Jesus than I was introduced to.

    Blacks sold other blacks into slavery for hundreds of years (and still do so today in Africa) and reverends like this only keep their flocks enslaved to stupid thinking so as to continue fleecing them.

    Where is the separation of church and state—-or at least a fair tax system to hold them in check to focus on their real mission.

    As to Osamabama—this commie creep was playing the religion game to win the hearts and minds and is no surprise to me what an incompetent fool (or good politician) he is.

  20. TomAnon says:

    The stench of Wright is so overwheliming I am having a hard time getting thorugh it; however, I smell a massive mea culpa coming from Obama. Something big enough and Clintonian enough to inoculate himself from Wright forever more.