May 28 2008

Liberals Are Always The Last To Know

Published by at 7:57 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT,Iraq

I predicted many times that liberals and their liberal SurrenderMedia would be the last to realize America won in Iraq and dealt a heavy blow to al-Qaeda, destroying its credibility and support on the Muslim Street. Now there are clear signs in the dark side of the blogosphere, inhabited by Islamo Fascist creatures, were more and more reporting is showing up on how badly the terrorists lost Iraq:

Al Qaeda web sites are making a lot of noise about “why we lost in Iraq.” Western intelligence agencies are fascinated by the statistics being posted in several of these Arab language sites. Not the kind of stuff you read about in the Western media. According to al Qaeda, their collapse in Iraq was steep and catastrophic. According to their stats, in late 2006, al Qaeda was responsible for 60 percent of the terrorist attacks, and nearly all the ones that involved killing a lot of civilians. The rest of the violence was carried out by Iraqi Sunni Arab groups, who were trying in vain to scare the Americans out of the country.

Today, al Qaeda has been shattered, with most of its leadership and foot soldiers dead, captured or moved from Iraq. As a result, al Qaeda attacks have declined more than 90 percent. Worse, most of their Iraqi Sunni Arab allies have turned on them, or simply quit. This “betrayal” is handled carefully on the terrorist web sites, for it is seen as both shameful, and perhaps recoverable.

So, while many pro-Bush, pro-war blogs in the West have been reporting on the pending victory in Iraq for ‘our’ side (yours truly proudly a member of that crowd) and some more fair and balanced news organizations have been reporting on the successes in Iraq, it seems the only information outlets still living in a fantasy world of denial are those of liberal SurrenderMedia – who predicted Iraq would be another Vietnam and The Surge was/is/will be a failure, yada, yada, yada. It seems the only failures regarding Iraq are with the SurrenderMedia and Surrendercrats in Congress who tried to stop victory from coming all together. Pathetic, isn’t it?

38 responses so far

38 Responses to “Liberals Are Always The Last To Know”

  1. ivehadit says:

    AJ, it just warms my heart to read how mighty our military is and how bold and courageous our President is and has been for the good of our America, the Beautiful, not to mention the rest of the world. Even though we don’t see it printed in our media there are many who love America and what we have done, no?

    The agenda of the Left makes me sick. They are sick, truly. They embrace the underfunctioning and victimhood of the lowest of humanity…and really just downright evil. They “miss the mark” on so many things in this world, imho.

    I expect there to be a big lashing out from the Left and probably a big attempt at something to make them feel powerful.

    So, for them, I guess it’s, “On to Global Warming, a.k.a. Kill Capitalism!

  2. […] thanks to Memorandum on the roundup, with related thoughts from Jawa, Strata-sphere and Dollard. […]

  3. Soothsayer says:

    Liberals weren’t the last to know that George W. Bush is a cocaine-addled liar.

    Ivehadit can continue to drink the “bold and courageous” Kool-aid, but Scott McClellan, a man who saw Bush up close and personal, lets us all know jsut how disingenuous and corrupt Dubbya is:

    Bush was able to convince himself of his own spin and relates a phone call he overheard Bush having during the 2000 campaign, in which he said he could not remember whether he had used cocaine. “I remember thinking to myself, ‘How can that be?’ ”

    The former aide describes Bush as a willing participant in treating his presidency as a permanent political campaign, run in large part by his top political adviser, Rove.

    “The president had promised himself that he would accomplish what his father had failed to do by winning a second term in office, and that meant operating continually in campaign mode: never explaining, never apologizing, never retreating. Unfortunately, that strategy also had less justifiable repercussions: never reflecting, never reconsidering, never compromising. Especially not where Iraq was concerned.”

    Other charges made by McClellan:

    • Bush relied on “propaganda” to sell the war.

    • Two top aides held a secret West Wing meeting to get their story straight about the CIA leak case at a time when federal prosecutors were after them.

    • McClellan asserts that the aides — Karl Rove, the president’s senior adviser, and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the vice president’s chief of staff — “had at best misled” him about their role in the disclosure of former CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity.

    • One of the worst disasters in our nation’s history became one of the biggest disasters in Bush’s presidency. Katrina and the botched federal response to it would largely come to define Bush’s second term, and the perception of this catastrophe was made worse by previous decisions President Bush had made, including, first and foremost, the failure to be open and forthright on Iraq and rushing to war with inadequate planning and preparation for its aftermath.

    • The collapse of the administration’s rationales for war, which became apparent months after our invasion, should never have come as such a surprise. … In this case, the ‘liberal media’ didn’t live up to its reputation. If it had, the country would have been better served.

    • Bush was “clearly irritated, … steamed,” when McClellan informed him that chief economic adviser Larry Lindsey had told The Wall Street Journal that a possible war in Iraq could cost from $100 billion to $200 billion: “‘It’s unacceptable,’ Bush continued, his voice rising. ‘He shouldn’t be talking about that.’”

    [In retrospect, of course, we could only WISH the war cost just $200 Billion – instead of TRILLIONS]

    • History appears poised to confirm what most Americans today have decided: that the decision to invade Iraq was a serious strategic blunder. No one, including me, can know with absolute certainty how the war will be viewed decades from now when we can more fully understand its impact. What I do know is that war should only be waged when necessary, and the Iraq war was not necessary.

    As for the Strataspheristas misguided take on Iraq – Iraq has been supremely successful for Osama bin Laden. He has never cared whether or not the US defeats al-Qaida in Iraq, he is much more concerned about the US suffering the death of 1,000 cuts.

    Read Imperial Hubris and be aware that bin Laden, through the dastardly attack on the WTC, was able to lure the US into a quagmire that will cost us $3 Trillion before its over. The military has been weakened, 4,000 troops are dead, and US standing around the world is at its lowest point since before WWII. Oil is at $130 a barrel, and if you don’t understand that destroying Iraq’s oil infrastructure and foolishly threatening Iran hasn’t contributed significantly to the price we pay at the pump, then I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

    Add to that the failure of the government to govern, the total inability to regulate the mortgage loan industry, which has led directly to the sub-prime debacle and significant recession in the economy, all the while more than doubling the national debt on this ill advised foreign adventure in Iraq, adn it is clear that your bold and corageous Bush is the most inept president in the nation’s history, and according to one of those closest to him, a self-deluding propagandist who misrepresented the nation into a disastrous war.

  4. AJStrata says:

    Wow Sooth, you mean Bush fought the war to win it? What a concept!

  5. Soothsayer says:

    Really freakin’ funny – especially for the families of the 4,000+ dead soldiers. For a war that was built on a lie and, according to Scott McClellan, was not necessary.

    What is it about “not necesary” don’t you understand? You seriously think 6 years later we are SAFER????

    Give me a break.

  6. gwood says:


    Does anyone else sense the desperation and anguish in Sooth’s opus? As to what Scott McClellan says about Bush………so?

    “Iraq has been extremely successful for bin-Laden……” What? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound when you say that, Sooth?

    “destroying Iraq’s oil infrastructure………..” Huh? They are pumping more today than pre-war, Sooth, do facts mean anything to you? Do you think you can just say things, and make them so?

    “disastrous war……” ‘Sounds like the outcome’s been pretty disastrous for you and your anti-war colleagues, Sooth. I feel your pain.

  7. Soothsayer says:

    Excuse me? Pumping more? What’s your source?

    Pre-war production was 2.6M bpd. Record high since the invasion was 1.93M bpd in February. Don’t know where you get your misinformation from.

    As for the disastrous natrue of this war, it’s been disastrous for 750,000 dead Iraqis and 4,000+ US troops and families. And it has raised the national debt to 9 trillion dollars.

    The War in Iraq has damaged our economy just as the war in Afghanistan damaged the USSR.

    As to what McClelland says about Bush — that he is a delusional liar – so what?? Just another example of the Koolaid swillers reasoning.

  8. Redteam says:

    Soothie, our condolences.
    “Ivehadit can continue to drink the “bold and courageous” Kool-aid,”
    You seem to be well beyond the KoolAid stage.

    “The former aide describes Bush as a willing participant in treating his presidency as a permanent political campaign,”
    What pres in his first term doesn’t do that?

    “never explaining, never apologizing, never retreating. Especially not where Iraq was concerned.”
    Why should he apologize for winning in Iraq?

    ” • Bush relied on “propaganda” to sell the war.”
    And that’s different from other presidents tactics? how?

    ” • Two top aides held a secret West Wing meeting to get their story straight about the CIA leak case at a time when federal prosecutors were after them.”
    So? isn’t that the normal procedure?

    ” • One of the worst disasters in our nation’s history became one of the biggest disasters in Bush’s presidency. Katrina and the botched federal response to it”
    Look, I live in Louisiana and we voted out the problem with Katrina’s response and replaced her with Jindal. The response in Mississippi and La were the same by the Feds, the Ms gov handled Ms very well. Blanco? disaster.

    ” • Bush was “clearly irritated, … steamed,” when McClellan informed him that chief economic adviser Larry Lindsey had told The Wall Street Journal that a possible war in Iraq could cost” ‘He shouldn’t be talking about that.’”
    Was the cost of the war the objective? Suppose that had been the objective in WWII, we’d all be talking German or Japanese.

    ” Iraq has been supremely successful for Osama bin Laden. ”
    Just ask Osama.

    ” and significant recession in the economy,” No economist claims that there is a recession.

    Soothie, you are in dreamland.

  9. AJStrata says:


    McClellan is a press secretary, not president, not commander-in-chief, not defense secretary, not secretary of state.

    He is a PR specialist! No wonder your panicking – all you got is some talking head’s book (for the almighty dollar) to grasp onto.

    Now that’s funny, I don’t care who you are! Did you check with the guys who pick up your trash to get their views on our pending victory in Iraq as well?

    AQ is being defeated in the Muslim community of the ME, that means the war was more than worth it. As AQ becomes the enemy of Islam, and not its future, America becomes safer exponentially.

    I can see why you feel all your dreams are slipping away – because they are!

  10. norm says:

    if you look objectively at the white houses own statements and goals iraq and the surge have NOT been successes. but keep moving those goal-posts cheerleaders. sis-boom-bah.

  11. Redteam says:

    Worm, two goals in Iraq. get rid of Saddam and defeat AQ. both goals achieved. Where’s the defeat?

  12. AJStrata says:


    If you look at the damage done to AQ (which is the real goal) there is no doubt about the success we are having.

    Liberal lost in minutia, as usual.

  13. VinceP1974 says:

    My initial reaction to sooth is that he deserves to live in a place like Saudi Arabia.

  14. ivehadit says:

    And it just goes to show you that the lashing out is happening. hehehehe

    And soothie, if you think that Scott M. was in the “know” with this president, you are sorely “out of the know”.

    The “orchestration” has had to start early for the dems because they are on the defensive BIG TIME… Arresting Rove, Scott’s book (is it a fund raiser for his mother’s political run?)hehehe.

    And again, you do not personally know George W. Bush. Nor do you know how many military families LOVE him nor do you have the moral authority to speak for them. You don’t! So hush up with your comments about those who have given the ultimate sacrifice…for you.

  15. WWS says:

    once again, Norm and Soothie show up in the same thread on the same day after weeks of blessed silence. What a co-inkydink.

  16. tomk59 says:

    By the way, AJ, in case your not aware of it, you’re featured on the main page over at real clear politics. Congrats.

  17. AJStrata says:


    Thanks – I can’t help but notice the traffic when that happens!

  18. gwood says:

    Soothie………….”Excuse me? (Iraq) is pumping more? What’s your source?

    From the BBC……., an article titled “IRAQI OIL EXCEEDS PREWAR OUTPUT”.

  19. norm says:

    aj is projecting again…it is you who is stuck in minutiae, although you lack the critical skills that would enable you to see it, much less spell it. so you sit there basking in some imagined glory that requires a gross exaggeration of benefits and total ignorance of costs. anything that youy think has been accomplished could have been accomplished in a far better ways…and far more should have been accomplished. aq is not defeated in spite of your cheerleading. and iran is stronger. i do not think victory means what you think it means.

  20. Crzy4politks says:

    Hey Norm,

    Next time you wanted to criticize someone about their spelling you might want to make sure your grammar is correct.