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I have always been under the impression that history would treat Mr. Bush well. The vitriol we have heard from the left has ultimately stemmed from sour grapes over the 2000 election. They laid into him because of the Florida issue, only grudgingly paid lip service to his leadership after 9/11, supported the invasion of Iraq until the moment troops crossed the border from Kuwait and have been trying to create another Vietnam so they could elect another Jimmy Carter ever since.
They even tried to turn the Plame incident into another Watergate/Pentagon Papers scandal. And all they got was a conviction of Libby for telling the Grand Jury he might have told Russert that Plame was Wilson’s wife when he didn’t. So he was convicted for NOT leaking and not covering up anything.
The Democrats live in a George Orwell novel.
I have to say that I just loved it, from a Brit no less!
And let’s not forget, Cross, that the dems saw how popular George was after 9/11 and sought, WITH INTENTION, to destroy him…so they could try to remain relevent.
I am sorry to say but the Left is for those who hate America and everything for which we stand. They have been exposed BIG TIME and that is a good thing. They have done it to themselves…again.
And lastly, the thing that has got to bug them the most is this: WE KNOW THE TRUTH. After all their bias and propaganda and attacks, we know. And that is powerful and their is nothing they can do about it.
I want a bumper sticker that says: I’m Happy in America!
on my SUV, no less.
Happiness separates me from the Left/global socialists…and the terrorists.
“People in life who are the happiest don’t have the best of everything.
They make the best of everything they have.”
G_d bless America!
That was pretty good.
“Obama’s lucky he hasn’t been sent to Guantanamo with a middle name like Hussein.” HaHaHaHa!
And so the reassessment of the Bush years begins; and it begins in Europe, where it’s likely to inflict the most pain on the American left’s fragile psyche.
I visit Europe a lot, since my wife’s family still lives in Austria. The Austrian opinion of Bush was very low once the US entered Iraq. Like the American left, Austrians are staunchly anti-war, but once they began to see the benefits to the Iraqi people, opinions began to change. I don’t know about the rest of Europe, but the Austrians I know never had the visceral hatred of Bush, they simply thought he was wrong on Iraq, and it hasn’t been a grudging transformation at all; I think I’m seeing them revel a bit in what they see as a comeuppance for the American left, whom they’ve never seemed to view as kindred spirits.
Our media has attempted to write the history, but events, in the end, always do the heavy lifting.
There’s more of this to come from Europe, I think. It’s going to be fun to watch.
I’ve always been an admirer of President Bush. I have been collecting articles like this during his entire Presidency. This article is not that uncommon. You would be surprised (I have enough articles to fill a book). I’ve collected the photo’s of his warm welcome in many places also, such as Africa:
How I will remember Bush the most:
“If standing for liberty in the world makes me a dissident, I wear that title with pride.†— George W. Bush, Prague, 2007
If my memory serves me correctly, Bush was first tagged as the “dissident President” by Natan Sharanksy:
Dissident President
George W. Bush has the courage to speak out for freedom.
Monday, April 24, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT
There are two distinct marks of a dissident. First, dissidents are fired by ideas and stay true to them no matter the consequences. Second, they generally believe that betraying those ideas would constitute the greatest of moral failures. Give up, they say to themselves, and evil will triumph. Stand firm, and they can give hope to others and help change the world.
Political leaders make the rarest of dissidents. In a democracy, a leader’s lifeline is the electorate’s pulse. Failure to be in tune with public sentiment can cripple any administration and undermine any political agenda. Moreover, democratic leaders, for whom compromise is critical to effective governance, hardly ever see any issue in Manichaean terms. In their world, nearly everything is colored in shades of gray.
That is why President George W. Bush is such an exception. He is a man fired by a deep belief in the universal appeal of freedom, its transformative power, and its critical connection to international peace and stability. Even the fiercest critics of these ideas would surely admit that Mr. Bush has championed them both before and after his re-election, both when he was riding high in the polls and now that his popularity has plummeted, when criticism has come from longstanding opponents and from erstwhile supporters.