Jul 31 2008

30% Of Republicans Plan To Vote For Obama!

Published by at 10:14 am under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

OK – I lied, it ain’t happening. What would be the thinking across the country if 30% of Republicans or Conservatives planned to vote for Barrack Obama? It would be seen as the death knell for McCain. So what should we think about the current trend of mass defections of Democrats from Obama?

New data released today shows that 30% of conservative Democrats plan to vote for John McCain. Nineteen percent (19%) of White Democrats say the same.

In 2004 only 11% of democrats defected to Bush. Now I know 11% of all democrats is not the same as 30% of conservative Democrats or 19% of white democrats – but these numbers are pretty damn stunning. The question is whether this trend is increasing, ebbing or holding. Only time will tell, but most democrat candidates, at this time in the election process, have 10%+ leads on their challengers.

Obama is in trouble, and the help he is getting from the likes of Ludicrous (aptly named) is just going increase his problems with Americans looking for a leader instead of an American Idol.

12 responses so far

12 Responses to “30% Of Republicans Plan To Vote For Obama!”

  1. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Well people are fairly predictable when they run out of options. They go into default mode – based on race, nationality, creed, age and gender etc — the sort of prejudice that is gradually becoming outlawed in the more advanced western countries, so I wouldn’t be at all surprised in this political climate to see voting patterns change on a scale that has never been seen anywhere.

  2. Redteam says:

    Ray, as usual, you’re misunderstanding the issue. Obama’s team is the one playing the race card. He is the one turning them off.

    I think the COLB issue has developed a new wrinkle. It’s pretty clear now that Obama is certain he was born in Bethlehem, he’s just trying to get his forgeries lined up. (I’m not serious, but I’m not sure about Obama)

  3. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Redteam wrote:

    Ray, as usual, you’re misunderstanding the issue. Obama’s team is the one playing the race card. He is the one turning them off.

    No, I can see what’s happening alright. He’s acting like a citizen of the world, so he should be aiming to be head of the U.N. or the E.U. – not America of all places.

  4. Redteam says:

    Yeah, you’re right about that, but I didn’t read that in the earlier comment. But I think the people of the US are beginning to wake up to that.

  5. ivehadit says:

    AJ, I respectfully ask that you revise the headline of this post to add “JUST KIDDING!”…so that the kos kids, et al can’t use it against McCain…if you know what I mean.

  6. AJStrata says:

    Pullleaase! If they are duped by this that is just proof they are not ready for prime time!

  7. ivehadit says:

    LOL! You know how they are! 🙂

  8. Ray_in_Aus says:

    Redteam wrote:

    Yeah, you’re right about that, but I didn’t read that in the earlier comment. But I think the people of the US are beginning to wake up to that.

    It’s not only a matter of people waking up. They/we had no idea until recently that he wanted to totally reorganize America. Hell, even a tag-team Presidency of JFK and Nixon couldn’t achieve what Obama wants to achieve.

    I suppose the best thing Obama can do now is to fall on his sword and say that it ‘s best for the Democratic Party if he steps down.

  9. Ray_in_Aus says:

    AJStrata wrote:

    Pullleaase! If they are duped by this that is just proof they are not ready for prime time!

    What about a bold headline like “Iraq agrees to be 57th state or territory”?

  10. Birdalone says:

    do not over-estimate any factor except trust.

    you do not have to be a ‘conservative democrat’ or closet racist to be uncertain about Obama. the Kos kidz are a scary base for any politician.

    Five million dollars for advertising during the Beijing Olympics? Can’t wait to see who is running faster and higher this time.

    half of voters are independent. and half of eligible voters are >45.

    yes, you need a better headline.

  11. Continuum says:

    Has anyone asked these conservative Dems who they voted for in the last elections? These conservative Dems, the so called Reagan Dems, are just Republicans. They always have been.

  12. VinceP1974 says:

    My Congressman , Lipinski voted against an amendment that would prohibit the govt from banning the words “jihad” , “islamic terrorist” etc.. So this is the letter I wrote him:

    I’ve become aware that the Congressman voted no on an amendment to HR5959 that was proposed by Rep Hoekstra. The amendment read:

    “None of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act may be used to prohibit or discourage the use of the words or phrases ‘jihadist’, ‘jihad’, ‘Islamo-fascism’, ‘caliphate’, ‘Islamist’, or ‘Islamic terrorist’ by or within the intelligence community or the Federal Government.”

    I want to know why the Congressman voted against this amendment.

    This amendment is required because the terms that are being banned are exactly the language needed to understand the threat of Islamic Terrorism.

    The Federal Govt’s primary responsibility is to provide for the National Defense.

    Congress is a major disappointment.. especially under Democratic leadership. I really wonder who it is you are representing , because I feel that it isn’t me.

    Of all the things that I care about, the Congressman seems to be MIA.

    I called your office a few times to find out if the Congressman is going to sign the discharge petition to allow the bill banning the Fairness Doctrine to get a vote because Pelosi won’t allow it. Everytime I call to find out the position of the Rep, I’m told no one knows.

    Additionally, I can only assume the Rep is siding with Nancy Pelosi to ensure that no new oil drilling is allowed. I view this as an attempt by Congress to crush the people in this country. You are trying to impoverish us… you must want all of our wealth to go to the Arabs.

    I guess that goes along with the Congressman wanting to make it easier for the Arabs to attack us too.

    Taking into account how the Congress-created monsters Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac have been allowed to become black holes of debt, in addition to the refusal to permit the development of Domestic energy supplies how can anyone not blame Congress for steering the country and the people in it into bankruptacy.

    You are not protecting us…. you are robbing us blind… you are destroying our wealth.

    Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat Party, the inept Republican Party, and Daniel Lipinski disgust me to my core.

    Please respond to my request why the Representative voted against the amendment.

    That is if you’re not busy having hearings on Valerie Plame or steroids or naming post offices or any of the other super critical work you people do.