Aug 19 2008

McCain-Giuliani Ticket?

Published by at 12:44 pm under All General Discussions

I could dig this!

I think he’s considering Giuliani.
– Might put NY in enough play to make Obama spend a lot of money there. 

The McCain campaign has already hired a Giuliani staffer as the unnamed veep’s communications director…

Now that team would rock.

24 responses so far

24 Responses to “McCain-Giuliani Ticket?”

  1. Terrye says:


    I think the term true conservative is meant as a bit tongue and cheek here. Obviously a real conservative would not just sit back and let some unqualified light weight liberal win the White House. But some “true” {as they call themselves} conservatives have threatened to do that as a form of extortion. Do my bidding or all you will see of me is my keester going out that door. That sort of thing.

    I doubt that Rudy will get the nod. I doubt that anyone McCain could pick will please everyone. No way that will happen. People will bitch no matter what.

  2. Stix says:

    I guess I am one of those phoney conservatives, kind of like Ronald Reagan. It is better to get 80% of something than nothing. No one person is going to be 100% of what you want. And if anyone thinks that they are fools.

    Conservatives are turning on themselves and eating their young with this purity “true” conservative crap. It is not good for the country or the conservative cause. To vote for somone you know is not going to win and let a Liberal win is ridiculous if you are a”true” conservative. Why throw away a vote or stay at home.

    I will never walk, but sometimes it is frustrating that the Republicans act more like Democrats. They lost their way and lost Congress because they started to spend and act like the Democrats they fought hard to beat. They need to stick to the core beliefs of smaller government, less taxes,and a strong defense, but they became drunk with power and started to loose their way.

  3. stevevvs says:

    on 20 Aug 2008 at 7:09 am

    I think the term true conservative is meant as a bit tongue and cheek here. Obviously a real conservative would not just sit back and let some unqualified light weight liberal win the White House. But some “true” {as they call themselves} conservatives have threatened to do that as a form of extortion. Do my bidding or all you will see of me is my keester going out that door. That sort of thing.

    Your defenition above could describe either candidate!
    Also, I’m not threatening anyone. I could care less who YOU vote for. Why is it, If I have principles, and wish to vote for someone who reflects those principles, I’ve somehow offended YOU?
    I Have no respect or admoration, nor TRUST of John McCain. HE caused this, not me!

    If he’s your guy, then do as I have done for mine. Send him CASH, Post Yard Signs, get a bumper sticker!

    I did not leave the Republican Party, they left me!

    This administration killed the party, plain and simple. I understand your in denial, that’s fine.

    But please, allow those who value Freedom and Liberty to vote for people who intend to Govern with that in mind.
    At World New Daily, Joseph Farra makes a great case for not voting for John.

  4. stevevvs says:


    Okay, I’m curious, especially about your statement “GWB has changed me” – what caused the change?

    The Doubling of the Federal Budget. Creating new Burocracies, EARMARKS, Signing McCain/Feingold, Islamic Law placed in the Iraq and Afghan. Constitutions, by us, Procecuting American Marines, Going after Chris Simcox through the Patriot Act, Going to the World Court to save the life of an Illegal Alien Double Rapist and Murderer, rather than standing up for the American Families. Mexican Trucks on our Highways, despite congress voting against it, Sanctuary Cities still alive and well, despite Federal Law against it, Need I go on??

    How strictly do you define “Pro Constitution”?

    It is what it is, it says what it says. If you don’t follow it, as written, how can you possibly be for it?

    Can you give examples of where the two current major candidates are currently anti-Constitution?

    McCain- See Above. Obama, what do you think?