Aug 22 2008

Obama Screws Up, Announces Too Late On Summer Friday Evening

Published by at 5:03 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Friday evenings are when bad news comes out that people hope will be missed by most of America. Summer time Fridays are the best because people are off work and heading for their weekend. It is now 5:00 PM Eastern and Obama has missed the window on his VP selection for America this week.  

Is he just not smart about these things, or is his selection so bad he wants to sneak it out?  Who knows, but the inexperience of Obama is showing again.

33 responses so far

33 Responses to “Obama Screws Up, Announces Too Late On Summer Friday Evening”

  1. Redteam says:

    My General Contractor embellezed from me, and did so in a manner that it took me months to figure it out, and how he did it. (He was a smart theif.) Would you like to further insult me by insisting that there are no evil people in the world, and how dare I accuse someone of trying to steal from me?

    If you are of the opinion that every single person or corporation is 100% responsible for everything that happens under them, even when the people under them act illegally

    First, you said it went over budget, you didn’t say someone stole from you, so why would I accuse someone of trying to steal from you. Evil in the world, yes. Obama thinks America is responsible for it. He doesn’t seem to think the muslim terrorists are responsible for evil.
    I hope you were able to bring suit against the crook, and collect, but probably not. Conguys are usually slick, like Rezko, but he got caught, probably for 1/100th of what he actually did and I’m sure will still be a millionaire when he gets out of the pen.

    and that second thing, Conman and your position aren’t the same he thinks all the guys in charge at abu gharib were responsible for all that went on under them.

  2. breschau says:

    I did sue, and I did win – but I didn’t get nearly 100% of the money back. And I’m still trying to collect – just because you win a civil suit, doesn’t mean you automatically get the money.

    And getting back to the original point: if someone embellezed about $50K from McCain, he wouldn’t even notice – drop in the bucket for him. So how is he going to relate to someone like me – who isn’t poor by any means, but had their life go into a tailspin because of that? Do you think he has any IDEA of how it can affect your life if your credit score goes below 600?

    Obama grew up with a single mom, who often had to rely on food stamps. He knows what it’s like to struggle. Meanwhile, McCain was the son and grandson of an Admiral, got into the Naval Academy despite being a poor student (while I worked my ass off to try and do the same), and is now worth well over $100M.

    Which of these two is actually supposed to understand why people are struggling in this economy, and what “struggling” actually means?

    Obama is fighting to help fix the housing industry. McCain’s solution is “Well, why don’t you just buy another house?”

  3. WWS says:

    Wow, look at you dropping into the class warfare argument – How’d it work out for John Edwards? That’s a classic loser in American politics, especially coming from someone who grew up in Hawaii, went to school at Harvard, and bought (with the help of his underword friends) a $1.3 million dollar house himself.

    Obama knew what it was like to struggle? HA!!!! This is a made up story that didn’t even appear in “Dreams of my Father”
    Just try to document it – Obama’s grandmother, who he lived with, was the Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii. So why claim his mother was a welfare queen? Even if she was, Obama was raised by his rich grandparents.

    here’s a chronology of the foodstamp claim:

    [Barack Obama] was born in 1961 but his mother could not get food stamps then because a) she was married and b) they were not available then.

    Then [Barack Senior] moved to a foreign country. I don’t think that we were sending food stamps to foreign nations.

    When she moved back in 1965, food stamps were not available in Hawaii in 1965.

    In 1967, she married the second time and moved to Jakarta. Nope, no food stamps then.

    By the time she moved back once again, he was living with his grandparents who had jobs and food stamps were not being handed out like Halloween candy in those years.

    So when did he live off foodstamps? What year???

    and here’s another howler:

    Obama is trying to help the housing industry? How? Name one concrete proposal Obama has made to actually help the situation! And yes, I have read the proposals on his campaign website. They are a list of nothingburgers combined with throwing money blindly at the situation – except for the last bullet point, about allowing bankruptcy courts to modify payments. That sounds good to the unsophisticated, but that would lead to the complete collapse of the mortgage industry which would make the current problems 10 times worse than they are. Once you take away the absolute security of a financial contract, you destroy the credibility of about $5 trillion in outstanding debt, which becomes essentially worthless, and you also destroy the promise of collateral on which mortgage notes depend. It only takes the change that Obama is proposing to make that happen. It’s that kind of braindead sounds-good-but-is-destructive proposal that is so typical of Obanomics.

    Let me be clear – I don’t like subprime loans, or subprime lenders. Never have. But it doesn’t help us to burn the entire system to the ground just to make the bad players bleed – they’re all going out of business anyways. Of course, I think that what Obama really supports is the idea of allowing mortgage holders to pay whatever they think they can afford, and then have the treasury give hundreds of billions of dollars of “assistance” to the mortgage lenders so that they don’t all go bankrupt when this wave hits. Let’s just have the Fed. Govm’t make all home loans, and let everyone pay whatever they feel like. Won’t that make everyone feel good? What could go wrong????

  4. Redteam says:

    breschau, I was going to dispute a few of the things you said but WWS did a great job. but WWS, where did you get the proof that Obama’s mother was married to Obama. I’ve never seen that anywhere. maybe I just haven’t looked hard enough. But yes, breschau, you can’t use people’s success against them when they got it legitimately in the capitalist system that we (excuse me, most of us) all love. Obama seems to have a lot of plans to convert the system to socialism, and we all know lots of countries where that has worked out really well, don’t we?
    Incidentally breschau, that guy that shafted you, what did he do with that money? Well, substitute that guy for Rezko and give your money to Obama, that’s where Obama seems to be getting all his dirty money from. Well, check out some of the other embezzlers and con men that have benefited from Obama’s and Michelle’s(not proud of America) inside dealing, that are big contributors to Obama. That what you want? Giving government grants to crooks so they can donate it back to their slush funds. Give me some examples of where McCain has benefitted from dirty money? And talking about rich, have you checked out Chia’s worth. and he made all that money while in congress, i didn’t think congressmen were all that well paid. and you think McCain was raised with a silver spoon, check out US Navy officers pay back in the ’40s, 50s and 60s. I was in the Navy during two of those periods and I know. but at least he learned what America was all about. notice his standards when he refused to be released early and the torture that he went through because of his standard.
    Just curious, did the government bail you out when you had some bad luck, did you want them too? If you did, you’re a socialist and that would account for your supporting Obama.
    One more point I’d like for you to clear up for me. what period of time did just Obama and his mom live alone together. I can’t find any. According to the history I’ve heard as soon as Obama left them, she moved in with Soetoro(or he moved in with her) he was also a classmate of Obama’s at UH. Just a point, take an adult photo of Obama, Obama Sr and Soetoro and tell me which two match most closely in appearance, wonder if that’s why Obama Sr. checked out?

  5. breschau says:

    Sorry guys, I got distracted by the Biden thing. I don’t have time to go through all of this, but I did want to hit two points:

    WWS: “When she moved back in 1965, food stamps were not available in Hawaii in 1965.”

    Oh? Says who? The Food Stamp program began in 1939. Hawaii became a state in 1959. Why wouldn’t food stamps be available?

    In fact, why don’t we ask Hawaii?

    “The Food Stamp Program traces its earliest origins back to the Food Stamp Plan, which helped needy families in the Depression era. The modern program began as a pilot project in 1961 and was authorized as a permanent program in 1964.”

    But hey – go ahead and keep lying about Obama’s dead mom, if it makes you feel like a better person.

    Redteam: “Give me some examples of where McCain has benefitted from dirty money?”

    Man, I love the easy questions. The Keating Five. You do remember the Savings and Loan scandal back in the 80’s right? (Thanks for throwing that hanging curve over the plate, btw.)

  6. WWS says:

    Redteam, it seems that Feb 2, 1961 is listed as the marriage date in the divorce records, although no one’s found an actual marriage certificate.


    I thought I’d give Obama the benefit of the doubt. If his supporters want to argue that he really was on food stamps because he was a little bastard (using the word in it’s correct sense) than they’re free to do so. Obama has certainly denied that claim.

    For Breschau: Food stamp availibility in 1965

    here’s a brief history of the food stamp program:

    Only 22 states participated in the Food Stamp act of 1964 – Hawaii was not one of them, joining later. I don’t have a link to show the exact year Hawaii joined – sometime between 1966 and 1970. But we don’t need that, because in Time magazine Obama has already explained the claim.


    Obama said: “I was going to a fancy prep school, and my mother was on food stamps while she was getting her Ph.D.”

    This would be circa 1974-1977, which was when the young Barack was attending one of Hawaii’s most elite private schools and in fact living full time with his grandparents.

    So Barak’s claim to have lived off foodstamps in fact happened while he was living in the house of the Vice-President of the Bank of Hawaii and going to an extemely exclusive prep school.

    Oh, the poor malnourished and underprivileged darling!!! Exit question – does this mean he’s just a grown up, good looking Gary Coleman?? Watchoo talkin’ bout, Willis????

    We’re going to have to set up a scorecard system between Obama and Biden to see who tells the most lies per day.

  7. WWS says:

    Well I posted this reply once and it vanished. Here goes again.

    Redteam, even though no marriage certificate has turned up, divorce records give a marriage date about 6 months before Obama’s birth. So I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. If his supporters want to claim that he was really a little bastard (in the correct sense of the word) they can, but Obama himself has never made that claim.

    Food Stamps:

    Breschau, here’s a brief history of the food stamp program.

    Immediately following the Food Stamp Act of 1964, the food stamp program was expanded to 22 states. Hawaii, however was not one of them. I don’t have a link to show exactly which year Hawaii joined, but it was sometime between 1966 and 1970.

    However, we don’t really need to worry about that since Obama himself has already told us exactly the time frame he’s talking about.

    From the October 15, 2006 edition of Time Magazine, Obama claimed: “I was going to a fancy prep school, and my mother was on food stamps while she was getting her Ph.D.”,9171,1546302,00.html

    His mother was earning her Ph.D. during 1974-1977, which was when the young Barack was attending one of Hawaii’s most elite private schools and in fact living full time with his grandparents.

    So, in fact, during the time that Barak makes the foodstamp claim, he was in fact living in the house of the Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii, and attending one of the most exclusive prep schools in the state.

    Oh, the poor malnourished and underprivileged darling! If anything, this makes his mother just a welfare queen living high off the government hog while she dumped her kid on her parents.

    But given that his grandparents who raised him are white, does this make Obama just a grown up Gary Coleman? “Watchoo talkin’ bout, Willis???”

    We’re gonna start to have to start keeping scorecards to see who lies the most about their background, Obama or Biden!!!

  8. WWS says:

    Okay, we’ll try this again.

    Redteam, divorce records indicate that Obama’s parents were married about 6 months before his birth, even though no marriage certificate has ever turned up. I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt, although if his supporters want to say that he is really illegitimate, they’re free to make the claim. Obama doesn’t.

    Food Stamps: Here’s a brief history of the food stamp program, Breschau.

    After the Food Stamp Act of 1964, the food stamp program was expanded to 22 states. Hawaii was not one of the original states. (see preamble)

    I don’t have a link as to when Hawaii began participation, but it was sometime between 1966 and 1970. However, we don’t really need to worry about that since Obama himself has already old us what time frame he’s talking about.

    In the October 15, 2006 edition of Time Magazine Obama claimed:

    “I was going to a fancy prep school, and my mother was on food stamps while she was getting her Ph.D.”,9171,1546302,00.html

    She was working on her Ph.D. from 1974-1977, which was when young Barack was attending one of Hawaii’s most elite private schools and in fact living full time with his grandparents.

    So, during the timeframe that Obama claims he was on food stamps, he was in fact living with the Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii and attending one of the most exclusive prep schools in the state.

    Oh, the poor underprivileged and malnourished darling!!!

    It does show his mother as a welfare queen who dumped her kid off on her grandparents while she could pretend to be busy and live high off the government hog.

    Hmmm…. since Obama was living with his rich white grandparents while his mother was supposedly on foodstamps, does this make Obama just a grown up Gary Coleman? “Watchoo talkin’ bout, Willis???”

    We’re going to have to keep score to see who lies the most about their background, Obama or Biden!

  9. WWS says:

    Redteam, divorce records indicate that Obama’s parents were married about 6 months before his birth, even though no marriage certificate has ever turned up. I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt, although if his supporters want to say that he is really illegitimate, they’re free to make the claim. Obama doesn’t.

    Food Stamps: Here’s a brief history of the food stamp program, Breschau.

    After the Food Stamp Act of 1964, the food stamp program was expanded to 22 states. Hawaii was not one of the original states. (see preamble)

    I don’t have a link as to when Hawaii began participation, but it was sometime between 1966 and 1970. However, we don’t really need to worry about that since Obama himself has already old us what time frame he’s talking about.

    In the October 15, 2006 edition of Time Magazine Obama claimed:

    “I was going to a fancy prep school, and my mother was on food stamps while she was getting her Ph.D.”,9171,1546302,00.html

    She was working on her Ph.D. from 1974-1977, which was when young Barack was attending one of Hawaii’s most elite private schools and in fact living full time with his grandparents.

    So, during the timeframe that Obama claims he was on food stamps, he was in fact living with the Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii and attending one of the most exclusive prep schools in the state.

    Oh, the poor underprivileged and malnourished darling!!!

    It does show his mother as a welfare queen who dumped her kid off on her grandparents while she could pretend to be busy and live high off the government hog.

    Hmmm…. since Obama was living with his rich white grandparents while his mother was supposedly on foodstamps, does this make Obama just a grown up Gary Coleman? “Watchoo talkin’ bout, Willis???”

    We’re going to have to keep score to see who lies the most about their background, Obama or Biden!

  10. WWS says:

    wordpress doesn’t like a link of mine. Let’s try without it.

    Redteam, divorce records indicate that Obama’s parents were married about 6 months before his birth, even though no marriage certificate has ever turned up. I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt, although if his supporters want to say that he is really illegitimate, they’re free to make the claim. Obama doesn’t.

    Food Stamps: Here’s a brief history of the food stamp program, Breschau.

    After the Food Stamp Act of 1964, the food stamp program was expanded to 22 states. Hawaii was not one of the original states. (see preamble)

    I don’t have a link as to when Hawaii began participation, but it was sometime between 1966 and 1970. However, we don’t really need to worry about that since Obama himself has already old us what time frame he’s talking about.

    In the October 15, 2006 edition of Time Magazine Obama claimed:

    “I was going to a fancy prep school, and my mother was on food stamps while she was getting her Ph.D.”,9171,1546302,00.html

    She was working on her Ph.D. from 1974-1977, which was when young Barack was attending one of Hawaii’s most elite private schools and in fact living full time with his grandparents.

    So, during the timeframe that Obama claims he was on food stamps, he was in fact living with the Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii and attending one of the most exclusive prep schools in the state.

    Oh, the poor underprivileged and malnourished darling!!!

    It does show his mother as a welfare queen who dumped her kid off on her grandparents while she could pretend to be busy and live high off the government hog.

    Hmmm…. since Obama was living with his rich white grandparents while his mother was supposedly on foodstamps, does this make Obama just a grown up Gary Coleman? “Watchoo talkin’ bout, Willis???”

    We’re going to have to keep score to see who lies the most about their background, Obama or Biden!

  11. WWS says:

    I apologize for the multi posts. They were each done about 6 hours apart, and they didn’t show up because WordPress was kicking a link out as spam. All of a sudden, they all show up at once. Sorry.

  12. breschau says:

    “Obama said: “I was going to a fancy prep school, and my mother was on food stamps while she was getting her Ph.D.”


    So Barak’s claim to have lived off foodstamps in fact happened while he was living in the house of the Vice-President of the Bank of Hawaii and going to an extemely exclusive prep school.”

    Ummm – no. Try reading that first paragraph again: his mom was on food stamps, not him. The only person claiming that Obama ever said he himself was doing so was… you. (Go back to what I originally wrote that caused this whole fit on your behalf: “Obama grew up with a single mom, who often had to rely on food stamps.”)

    Sooo… what was your point, exactly?

  13. breschau says:

    “I apologize for the multi posts.”

    Hey, no worries -if you have more than 3 links in a post, it automatically goes into an approval queue. If AJ is on the road, or otherwise isn’t sitting by his computer just breathlessly waiting to see what we all think about this, then it came take some time.

    Been there, done that, all good.