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Now that is a terrific comparison. Thanks for the link.
Ok, Aj. I think I am getting the hang of it at my blog… I read you… You link to the Wolf… then… I link to the Wolf at… and… my specific readers also link to the Wolf… etc.
Pretty soon, some guy in outer Mongolia sees one of us and votes for our Sarah. My god, I went over to the Kos kids and the viciousness [remember, I am a 70 years geeze] just leaves me breathless and absolutely jaw dropped that people can act and talk so ugly.
Check out… for another side by side comparison of our Sarah vs Barack… It is an excellent post…Not a fair fight… heh & 🙂 [Hay, what can you say for a guy who bowls a 37]
Is Sarah inspirational?… Consider this… Although moose wander through our front yard occasionally, I have never actually had a mooseburger. Now, Fuanglada [yes, the in the person Fuanglada who is my Thai wife] will cook me one today… and… I will post a pic of me eating it probably tomorrow. Be sure to tune in at for a pic of Maysman in Alaska eating moose.
And do not worry about the nasty stories… They do not call her Sarah the barracuda for nothing. Save your pity for Slow Joe. He’s the one who has to debate her.
I get the fact that she appeals to the GOP base and religious right wing of the party, which McCain really needs to shore up, and stirs up some much needed excitement for his campaign. I even understand why AJ and most of you like her – ever since McCain won the nomination you’ve loved everything he has said or done. But as AJ frequently says, this election will be decided by the independents/moderates and undecided. Palin is increasingly looking like a bad pick for McCain for these folks.
McCain’s biggest criticism of Obama and a big question for undecideds and independents has been Obama’s experience – especially foreign policy. Palin completely undercuts that argument. How can McCain question Obama’s experience when his own 44 year old VP has far less? Sorry, but Independents/moderates are not going to be comfortable with the person a heart-beat away from a 72 year old president relying on her 18-months as govenor of a state that ranks 48th in population and two-terms as a mayor of a city with 7,000 people. Palin’s youth and inexperience will only highlight McCain’s weakness – his age.
She won’t give McCain the Clinton women voters. I initially thought she might until I learned about her policy positions. She is strongly pro-life (even in the case of rape) and is opposite Clinton voters on almost all of their most important policy issues (health care, pro-choice, equal pay for women). That won’t cut it for these folks, especially after Clinton and Obama made nice at the DNC convention.
She will actually hurt McCain’s efforts to re-brand himself as the maverick anti-corruption candidate. Palin is closely tied to indicted Senator Ted Stevens. Can you imagine what will happen if Stevens is convicted of fraud less than one month before the election and the media is all over her connections to Stevens? She also has the on-going formal investigation over her alleged abuse of govenor powers to get her sister’s ex-husband fired as a state trooper. Now we find out that her unmarried, 17-year old daughter is 5 months pregnant? Did McCain bother to even vet her?
Palin will help McCain with the GOP base. But that won’t be enough for him to win the election. McCain needs to win the moderates and Palin will really hurt him with this group. After a strong DNC convention and this bad pick by McCain, he better hit it out of the park at the RNC convention or he is in real trouble.
The troopergate fiasco is nothing so is the Bridge to No Where. Flopping Aces has the facts and timelines for both posted.
I find it amusing that a party that elects Robert Byrd is all of a sudden worried that a 72 year old can’t serve four years. So, now, Sarah Palin has to run against Obama. Guess what, she runs the guard and Coast guard in Alaska, she’s also already been dealing with Russia and Canada. That alone is more foreign policy and governing experience than Obama.
Obama is a lightweight and the McCain/Palin ticket is shaking the lefties up.
BTW, perhaps you might want to inform Ted Stevens that Palin is closely tied to him.
The troopgate fiasco is such a nothing that the republican controlled Alaskan legislature approved $100,000 for the investigation and Palin hired an attorney the day she was announced as the VP.
Robert Byrd is not a president with a 44-year old rookie with zero foreign policy experience.
The general of the Alaskan national guard says she plays NO role in defense related decisions.
Stevens knows she is connected to him – she was the direcotr of his 527.
scandals galore.
Nice, conman – excellent points.
Just poppin’ in to let you all know: I figured that my time would be better spent discussing issues with people who aren’t all-in partisan hacks for the GOP. It was fun for a while, but you all get repetitive after a couple of weeks.
So, you won’t see me here anymore. Lie to your heart’s content. And enjoy the echo chamber that produces an average number of comments per post of around 3-5.
See ya.
The Mag. Gen also had this to say:
Maj. Gen. Craig Campbell, adjutant general of the Alaska National Guard, considers Palin “extremely responsive and smart” and says she is in charge when it comes to in-state services, such as emergencies and natural disasters where the National Guard is the first responder.
She may have been involved in his 527, so what, that did not stop her from knocking out his bridge to nowhere. Seasoned members in our Senate were afraid to go against him on that.
She wasn’t afraid to criticize him either:
From NBC’s Doug Adams
Ted Stevens, the grand-daddy of Alaskan politics, has a wary relationship with the new Republican VP pick — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.
When Palin was running for governor in 2006, she ousted long time Alaska fixture Frank Murkowski in a hard fought primary. Stevens and Murkowski are long time friends and Palin was able to defeat the sitting governor by running on ethics and clean government reformist platform.
Stevens ultimately came to endorse Palin, but it was late in the game. He endorsed her less than three weeks before the general election, although he did cut a television advertisement for her.
In July of last year, Palin shocked and angered Stevens by publicly criticizing him for his role in the VECO scandal and called for him to speak out about it.
“I think I join others in wanting to know of the senator’s innocence,” Palin said. “Right now, we’re not hearing anything.”
Yep, a whole $100,000 on an investigation, a political witch hunt that was started by a bitter, disgruntled opponent that lost to Palin and can’t get over it.
She fired one of her political appointees because he was not effective in the job, but, she did offer him a job that she lot he was better suited for and he declined it. Besides, she really didn’t even need a reason to fire one of her political appointees.
Thanks to Mata Harley at Flopping Aces, quality work, sourced work.
While campaigning, she said that the bridge may not be built, a better option may be to upgrade the ferry system. After her election, she reviewed the facts and numbers, she decided against the bridge.
Bridge to nowhere: