Sep 10 2008

What Drove The O-Bomb – Peer Pressure? Updated: Proof!

Major Update: Reader Perdogg points us to some clear evidence the Pig attack on Palin was a coordinated smear on the woman by the Democrat Party and Obama Campaign. Just go read the whole thing. Good-bye Democrats – we don’t need your muck in this proud nation. The entire party establishment was participating and it was aimed directly at Palin – end update

The O-Bomb about Palin and the Pig may have been in response to nervous Democrat Leaders demanding Obama take the gloves off against Palin:

Since Palin made her national political debut last week, Obama’s campaign and other Democrats have been slow to criticize Palin, preferring to let mainstream news outlets and liberal blogs raise questions about her record. 

But Democrats are growing concerned that Obama’s campaign has not challenged Palin’s lack of experience and views on abortion, creationism and the Iraq war more aggressively.

“There’s anxiety developing because of a perceived lack of aggressiveness,” said Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), an early Obama supporter. “There’s natural anxiety when one feels they’re behind.”

There is concern,” said Rep. Ed Pastor (D-Ariz.). “We were feeling a little laid-back, and now we’re saying, ‘Oh hell, this is slipping away, we’ve got to get to work.’ ”

Pastor said he expected his Democratic colleagues to become more involved in Obama’s campaign in coming weeks, predicting they would start contributing more from their own campaign accounts.

That would explain how lipstick was the topic of the day, culminating on Obama’s botched joke.  He was apparently was trying to be like Palin and screwed up horribly. Now he has lost all composure, as reported on his own trip to VA today:

Obama said the McCain campaign moved to “seize an innocent remark and take it out of context because they knew it’s catnip for the news media.”

“See, it would be funny, but the news media decided that would be the lead story yesterday. This happens every election cycle. Every four years, this is what we do. This is what they want to spend two of the last 55 days talking about…Enough!” he said.

Obama called the attacks “lies, outrage and swift boat politics.”

Dude, it was your words, your message, your screw up. Stop blaming everyone else. BTW, as I noted in the original link above a simple sampling of the Kos-Kids musings on the comment made it clear they too got the message about Palin. If those folks figured it out it was bluntly obvious.

You want to sling mud at us, we’ll throw ten times the mud at you….

hum…who cares? they are both pigs!

Pigs are fine animals, clean and intelligent.

They have nothing in common with Cain or Unable.

Palin introduced the Lipstick and pitbull meme…

Surely someone with her political EXPERIENCE ought to have been able to predict the very obvious rebuttal.

Now they cry “sexism”? Wow. If lipstick isn’t a symbol for the female gender, I don’t know what is!!

No She’s an Evil Cow!!!

No confusion from the leftward fever swamps. And the Dems got what they asked for.

10 responses so far

10 Responses to “What Drove The O-Bomb – Peer Pressure? Updated: Proof!”

  1. ivehadit says:

    The democrats and media are indeed getting what they deserve…can we say “Macaca? (sp)

    I am so excited about this race. It’s a twofer: take out the dems AND the media. Whoo Hooo!! Let’s Rolllllll!

  2. Phil-351 says:

    This wasn’t an innocent comment. Everyone knows that at this point in the campaign, every word and phrase used in public can be twisted and construed if not chosen and used wisely. So what is it? Total ignorance of the conference or botched job of targeted inference. Either way, more evidence of lack of sound judgement.

    OFF TOPIC: Did anyone else see this offering from BHO’s BFF, Bill Ayers? It seems an odd format for an explanation, but makes sense if he considers the explanation a joke. A written essay or commentary would have been a consideration, but a political cartoon format really makes it laughable.

  3. owl says:

    As a MSM watcher, I say this was deliberate. Now he might have botched it a little, but that man went out to deliberately call Sarah a pig. They were wandering around lost as to how to attack her. The media bombed when they tried to take her down. For the first time, they could not find a way to put Obama as The One to watch. The story was the huge crowds and energized public. They absolutely had to change the picture back to Obama. Even a negative is better than being lost in the Silence.

    I watched him get airtime today to be the Strong One, plus accuse McCain. Airtime. ABC started it off this morning, as usual on GMA.

  4. The Macker says:

    Seems like there should be double outrage. O’bama’s pig reference to Palin and his dead fish reference to McCain. Sexism and ageism. BOB can dish it out, but can’t take it. He is thin skinned.

    Check out who the “protectors” of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were:

  5. Redteam says:

    I’m sure many saw Bob Beckel use the term pig before Obama did. I saw a video clip, he kept saying Rottweiler instead of pit bull and when someone corrected him that it was pit bull he said “well, pig or whatever”
    haven’t seen too many referring to this, but it was definitely the beginning, guess Beckel had already been in the Dem Strategy session by that time.

  6. missy1 says:

    And now we have a crude Carol Fowler, South Carolina Dem Chair saying:

    “Sarah Palin’s primary qualification is that she hasn’t had an abortion.”

  7. AJStrata says:


    I would bet it was Bob’s idea.

  8. MarkN says:

    Intrade has McCain at 51 and Obama at 47.

    AJ’s landslide prediction may come true after all. A few % points in the right states and its McCain – 345: Obama – 193.

    Not that farfetched.

  9. […] came out of multiple mouths on the same day Obamb dropped his O-Bomb. I initially thought it was simply due to peer pressure. But now I am seeing something else more […]