Sep 17 2008

Rothschild Mops Floor With Campbell Brown – Updated

Published by at 8:57 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

It’s Out! – see below

As soon as I can find it on YouTube I will post it, but Lynn Forrester de Rothschild just mopped the floor with Campbell Brown, who was having an emotional meltdown over how the former Clinton backer was supporting McCain-Palin.  The problem for Brown is de Rothschild is ten times the woman with ten times the class and brains of any CNN talking head. It was a wonderful moment in political TV, and should open the gates for more dedicated democrat women supporters of Hillary to move camps. If CNN wanted to help Obama, they should have never put de Rothchild on – she is damn convincing.

Update: While we await the Campbell Brown event, here is Rothschild earlier on Wolf Blitzer (no doubt what sent poor Campbell over the proverbial edge):

Update: OK, it’s finally out, so sit back and enjoy the show. Keep your eyes on Campbell Brown.



9 responses so far

9 Responses to “Rothschild Mops Floor With Campbell Brown – Updated”

  1. Neo says:

    I saw the video of Lynn Forrester Rothchild being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. She shut him down on the subject of abortion, saying the Democratic Party was strangling women with this threat that survived 8 years of Bush. I was impressed.

  2. CatoRenasci says:

    That’s certainly the Lynn Forester I knew. Campbell Brown was relentlessly hostile, and Lynn made an absolute fool of her. Worth the price of watching CNN….

  3. Mark78 says:

    what a partisan jackass blitzer is, wow, he sure KNOWS the dem angles on issues, wonder why

  4. TomAnon says:

    Mopped the floor with her allright. Every point was well presented and poor Campbell was totally outclassed.

  5. cochino says:

    I thought I’d seen it all. But that was almost surreal. Two people, Blitzer and Brown, whom I think everyone would consider journalists (although with liberal bents) in good standing (unlike people like Olbermann or Matthews), abandoned any pretense of objectivity. Both were clearly upset and angry with de Rothchild. Blitzer’s tone was essentially pleading in his interview with de Rothchild: ‘please don’t do this; come back to the fold’. Brown, on the other, clearly had no interest in trying to get any information from her (i.e. “interview” her), but just wanted to attack her and try to embarrass her. Again, I am rarely amazed by anything in the media these days, but those clips are amazing!

  6. VinceP1974 says:

    I never heard of this lady before but I do have to say I am impressed. I like the way she speaks too… very deliberately.

    Anyway.. yeah these CNN reporters are such arrogant asses. Neil Cavuto interviewed her too and it was a much more respectful dialog.

  7. Redteam says:

    Two liberal reporters in a panic. They tried to get Lynn to change her mind and admit she was wrong. very strange but expected.

  8. Aitch748 says:

    Finally watched the second video just now, with Campbell Brown — who starts out making a huge, huge deal about Lynn Rothchild calling Obama an elitist, and keeps interrupting Rothchild when she tries to give an answer longer than ten seconds. I kept wanting to tell Brown to shut the hell up and let Rothchild talk.

  9. […] Clinton backer Lynn De Rothchild crossed over to McCain was big splashed across the media and really upset the pro-Obama CNN ‘news’ team. Donald Trump, another Clinton supporter, announced this week on Larry King he was also crossing […]