Oct 23 2008

We Will Distribute Our Wealth As We See Fit

Published by at 4:06 pm under All General Discussions

Thank you to reader Duhize for pointing out this article regarding Obama’s plan to redistribute our wealth. This election has become focused on the economy (and rightly so). But the reaction by undecided voters to Obama’s economic plan is very interesting.

By a more than two-to-one margin, undecided voters disagree with such efforts to redistribute wealth. In total, 57 percent of undecided voters said they disagreed, while only 24 percent said they agreed (19 percent are not sure).

A majority (52 percent) of self-identified Independent voters also disagree with efforts to bring social justice through wealth redistribution. Only 39 percent of Independents agree (10 percent are not sure).

And to think that this is the basic question that “Joe the Plumber” asked. Well I guess there is no point in ridiculing “Joe” since other Americans wanted to know the answer as well. And it looks like a majority do not agree. Could this possibly sway votes over the next 12 days?


28 responses so far

28 Responses to “We Will Distribute Our Wealth As We See Fit”

  1. norm says:

    obama is doing away with 401k’s? right…and a girl in pittsburgh was attacked by a 6’4″ black man who cut a “b” in her face. where do you guys out on the fringes get this stuff?

  2. conman says:


    Oh my god, I just realized what point you were trying to make and I almost fell out of my chair laughing. Here you are slamming me for being a math idiot and you have no idea that YOU are the one that is completely confused. So, let me dumb this down as much as I possibly can so perhaps you might understand it.

    Here was my statement: “One of the biggest contributing factors for this redistribution was the Bush tax cut, of which 31% of which went to the top 1% wealthiest in the US.” My point was that the top 1% wealthiest in the US received 31% of the tax cuts under Bush’s plan. The 31% represents the proportion of the TAX CUTS that went to the 1% wealthiest. So if Bush’s tax cuts resulted in a $300 billion cut in taxes, that would mean that the top 1% wealthiest in the US received approximately $100 billion (one-third) of those tax cuts. Get it?

    That is not even close to saying that the proportion of overall taxes paid by the top 1% wealthiest was reduced by 31%. In fact, my statement has NOTHING to do with the percentage of reduction in the overall proportion of taxes that are paid by the top 1% (although I’d be curious what that number is as well). How you confused the two is beyond me, but it sure did give me a good laugh for the day! Thanks.

  3. Cobalt Shiva says:

    Here was my statement: “One of the biggest contributing factors for this redistribution was the Bush tax cut, of which 31% of which went to the top 1% wealthiest in the US.” My point was that the top 1% wealthiest in the US received 31% of the tax cuts under Bush’s plan.

    Since they were paying 33% of the total taxes, that would indicate that they didn’t receive a transfer of wealth from other people, they simply paid lower taxes. Thank you for proving my point.

    The 31% represents the proportion of the TAX CUTS that went to the 1% wealthiest. So if Bush’s tax cuts resulted in a $300 billion cut in taxes, that would mean that the top 1% wealthiest in the US received approximately $100 billion (one-third) of those tax cuts. Get it?

    Which would roughly track with their portion of the overall tax burden. Thank you for proving my point.

  4. Cobalt Shiva says:

    obama is doing away with 401k’s?

    I would not put it past him. One idea from his corner of the Democratic party is to do a “one time” tax on 401k accounts.

    Now, you may be stupid enough to believe that it would only happen once. And if you are stupid enough to believe that, you really do deserve to be poor.

  5. norm says:

    can you even define socialism without googling it?

  6. Redteam says:


    can you even define socialism without googling it?

    absolutely. Socialism is Obama supported by norm and conguy. That clear enough?

    here’s the link about 401k’s

  7. norm says:

    redteam…you are quoting a rightwing blog that quotes a right wing blog? do you not think you owe it to yourself to find a credible source? seriously…if your opinion is based on crap, isn’t that what your opinion is?

  8. Redteam says:

    norm, go back up and check your links, to left wing blogs. So by your standard, your statements are crap. Same goes for your alter-ego, conguy.
    while you’re at it, name the two ‘right’ wing blogs in my link.