Oct 24 2008


Published by at 5:30 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Update: Seems this was all a lie. Sorry folks, but I was traveling 12 hours before I could get to a point to make the update.

Obama asked his followers to go out and get “in their face”, speaking of independents and McCain-Palin supporters. We know the leftward fevered swamps can be a trashy place (remember all the sick rumors about the Palin daughter’s pregnancy and their new baby Trigg?), but this shows the fascist nature that permeates way too much of the Obama movement:

A knife-wielding man robbed a McCain-Palin campaign volunteer and etched a “B” into her face after he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the woman’s car, Pittsburgh police said.

Todd handed the man $60 she had in her pocket and stepped away from him, investigators said. The man then noticed the bumper sticker on the woman’s car, which was parked in front of the ATM. The man became very angry, made comments to Todd about John McCain and punched her in the back of the head, knocking her to the ground, police said.

The fact is the liberals have been trying to oppress and threaten McCain-Palin supporters. They have done it in the media, through attempted legal action and other ways. All the while claiming the GOPs focus on national security and the threat of terrorism is somehow akin to scaring people into voting GOP. I wonder what this new ‘face’ of the Obama campaign will do for the vote. Is there a silent wave of anger about to crash onto DC, the Political Industrial Complex and their ‘Chosen One’?

If one looks at the polls today at RCP, sadly the answer is maybe not. But if the McCain-Palin supporters and the Obama opposition (not necessarily the same group) get out and vote, they may send a signal to the democrats there are limits to what is acceptable in a candidate. Yes, some conservatives can be over the top and a bit pushy, but clearly there are just as many on the left with the same problem – and then some.

34 responses so far

34 Responses to “Liar!”

  1. dave m says:

    I think this is more Black Ops. Ace and Malkin both
    report problems with her story.
    If I was a smart DNC person, I might try to convince
    a gullible McCain supporter to do this to herself and
    just sit back and wait.
    Apparently the ATM she said she used isn’t showing her there,
    and (fortunately) those cuts don’t look deep enough to have
    been a knife attack. I do hope they completely heal.

    I think somebody hopes that we completely overreact to this story.
    I’m going to disappoint him.

    Upsides and downsides?

    Story is real = no effect on Obama, most understand there are a few nutters.

    Story is false = discredits every McCain supporter who shouted about it.


  2. norm says:

    not even malkin believes this story.

  3. BarbaraS says:

    What, does everyone think she gave herself black eyes? She said she wasn’t sure of the ATM location. She was, after all, not a native of this city. And if anyone thinks this guy will be apprended they are naive. There are thousands of these muggers out ther and very few are caught. It should be an easy task to find out which ATM she visited. The banks do keep records.

    Just picture a 20 year old girl in a strange city who was mugged and beaten and the public said she was lying. That must be devastating. And what good would this story be if she made it up. It would not reflect on Obama. just on his nutty supporter. It is no news that he has them in droves. The biggest mistake she made was to go to a ATM at night in an iffy area. She should have had more sense.

    And about not going to the hospital. There was no reason to go. There was nothing they could do for her that she couldn’t do for herself. The cut is not deep. Maybe she has no insurance and didn’t have the money for a hospital bill which everyone knows is astronomical.

    Everyone should not be so quick to deny this scenario. The cops didn’t seem to doubt her story why should we? And as far as Malkin goes, since when did she become the arbitrer of truth. I quit reading her years ago. She decides on a subject and that is it. Case closed.

  4. Toes192 says:

    AJ… Watch yourself on promoting stories like this one.

  5. norm says:

    this is now officially a scam. i mean the story about the mugging is a scam, not this blog…although…

  6. swimbikerun says:

    The girl confessed she lied…


    God only knows what this will do now for both the election and race relations in Pittsburgh…

  7. conman says:


    This hoax is such a good illustration of what a joke the Republican party and this blog have become. You jump all over every single rumor or scam that negatively portraits Obama without any regard for its accuracy or truthfulness. This story had so many holes from the very beginning (at least some conservative blogs didn’t fall so easily for it) that I can’t believe someone who regularly touts how smart he is feel for such a novice scam. I’d say it was hilarious but for the fact that once again it is a sad case of Republicans trying to stir racial tensions and divide our country at a time when we need to come together.

    Don’t you realize that the reason McCain and the GOP are tanking in the polls is that the rest of the country sees how desperate and pathetic you all have become. The entire conservative ideology has now been reduced to smearing the opposition with rumors because you have no new ideas and nothing positive to offer the country.

    Oh boy, I can’t wait to see what tomorrow’s lame fear-mongering rumor of the day is on your post!

  8. norm says:

    conman…blogs like this do not represent the conservative ideology. they represent the furthest right extremists. to the right of michelle malkin even…impossible as that seems.

  9. Cobalt Shiva says:

    This hoax is such a good illustration of what a joke the Republican party and this blog have become. You jump all over every single rumor or scam that negatively portraits Obama without any regard for its accuracy or truthfulness.


    Trigg Palin
    Banning books
    Blowing up levees during Katrina
    Marines committing atrocities in Haditha
    Scott Beauchamp
    Flushing Korans down the toilet
    Jesse MacBeth
    Duke LaCrosse rape case
    Rathergate (documents were “fake but accurate,” typed in Microsoft Word 1972)

    And that is but a mere sample . . .

  10. LJStrata says:

    Thanks Cobalt, I was about to post similar comments but you beat me to it.

  11. conman says:


    Since all but 2 of your examples involve stories that are several years old and occured well before the start of the 2008 election, I’ll assume you concede that the level of smearing in this election is far worse on the GOP side. If we are going to go that far back we might as well throw McCarthy’s communist witch-hunts to the list! This month alone we have the GOP and conservative sites like this discussing ad nausium rumors that Obama is a terrorist, Obama faked his birth certificate, the Whitey video, the API story, etc.. While liberals are hardly perfect in this regard, there is no comparison to the level of rumor mongering from the right.

    Nor is there any comparison in the danger of these rumors. While the rumors about Palin’s kids were wrong and distasteful, they were not intended to incite hatred and violence. This pathetic McCain-Palin supporter faked this incident specifically to incite racial division and violence. Repeatedly calling a presidential candidate, no matter how much you disagree with him/her, a terrorist is irresponsible fear-mongering.

    Need further convincing – ask yourself why McCain and the GOP are free falling in the polls and well respected conservatives are increasingly endorsing Obama.

  12. Mark says:

    I have it on good authority that ConMan and Norm are the same guy, a guy who lives in his momma’s basement at age 37 and has never dated a woman.

  13. Terrye says:


    If I had a dollar for every time some Obama supporter or Democrat had come up with some half baked delusional tale I could quit my job and retire early.

    As for calling Obama a terrorist, oh please. Look at the crap lefties have been calling Bush and Republicans for years.

    Speaking of hoaxes, according to the Security details on duty no one ever screamed Kill Him directed at Obama or anyone else at a McCain rally, it is a myth, a lie, a hoax and yet Obama himself as used it on the trail.

    This girl is obviously disturbed. She has hurt herself, physically at the very least. If the press had just waited one day until the facts were known before they went with the story they could have spared a lot of people trouble. She has been fired from her job and no doubt there will be more for her to answer to.

    But that does not change the fact that a couple of weeks ago an Obama supporter took a McCain sign from a woman in NYC and hit her over the head with it hard enough to send her to the hospital. He is facing assault charges.

  14. Terrye says:

    As for well respected conservatives endorsing Obama, that is an oxymoron. If they are endorsing Obama, they are not well respected conservatives. I think they are endorsing him because they think he is going to win and they want to be invited to the right dinner parties. After all the Democrats are rich and powerful and elitist, if you know what is good for you…you will kiss their asses.

    If they have to run something other than their mouths it will be interesting to see what they do. Thus far liars and thieves and crooks like Frank and Dodd have gotten away with the Fannie Mae debacle, thanks to the press. The Democratic Congress however only has an approval rating of 12. I know they think they can go on indefinitely fleecing the American people and blaming Bush, but sooner or later they will have to do more than bitch and moan and whine and point fingers and lie out their asses.

    We shall see what happens then.

  15. Cobalt Shiva says:

    Since all but 2 of your examples involve stories that are several years old and occured well before the start of the 2008 election, I’ll assume you concede that the level of smearing in this election is far worse on the GOP side.

    No, conman, I’m pointing out that Democrats engage in that sort of thing, on a continuing basis, far more often than the GOP does, and that you have no moral high ground to stand on.

    If we are going to go that far back we might as well throw McCarthy’s communist witch-hunts to the list!

    OK . . . then why don’t we add Walter Duranty’s deliberate cover-up of Stalin’s induced famine in the Ukraine? I mean, that one only aided and abetted mass murder.

    Oh, that’s right. Those kulaks were evil capitalists who were not willing to “share the wealth.”

    This pathetic McCain-Palin supporter faked this incident specifically to incite racial division and violence.

    Please explain how you know this woman’s intent. Here, I’ll answer that for you: you don’t.

    Need further convincing – ask yourself why McCain and the GOP are free falling in the polls and well respected conservatives are increasingly endorsing Obama.

    “Free-falling” in the polls? Only in conman’s math-challenged brain. Consider ye this: Obama should be ahead by at least 20 points nationwide. He isn’t.

    As for “respected conservatives” endorsing Obama, please name some. I really cannot think of any actual respected conservatives; I do recognize some Washington hacks who are hoping to remain on the A-list for social occasions.

  16. conman says:

    It looks like the story is getting worse for McCain. Here is the latest:

    “John McCain’s Pennsylvania communications director told reporters in the state an incendiary version of the hoax story about the attack on a McCain volunteer well before the facts of the case were known or established — and even told reporters outright that the “B” carved into the victim’s cheek stood for “Barack,” according to multiple sources familiar with the discussions.

    John Verrilli, the news director for KDKA in Pittsburgh, told TPM Election Central that McCain’s Pennsylvania campaign communications director gave one of his reporters a detailed version of the attack that included a claim that the alleged attacker said, “You’re with the McCain campaign? I’m going to teach you a lesson.”

    Verrilli also told TPM that the McCain spokesperson had claimed that the “B” stood for Barack. According to Verrilli, the spokesperson also told KDKA that Sarah Palin had called the victim of the alleged attack, who has since admitted the story was a hoax.”


    Boy, if this connection to McCain’s campaign is true McCain is in deep, deep trouble (if it is actually possible to get any worse than it was before today’s hoax).

    By the way Mark, my momma says “hi”.

  17. Terrye says:

    BTW, there is also a story over at Power Line about a Republican in Florida getting his house shot up. But golly gee I am sure that no Democrat would do that. After all, they hate guns and think we should get rid of the second amendment. They would never do anything like terrorize people.

  18. Terrye says:


    Why is it getting worse for McCain? What does he have to do with it? If the guy who is shooting up houses in Florida or the guy that is beating women over the head in NYC are not a bad reflection on Obama, why would this sad girl be a bad reflection on McCain. The girl was a staffer or something and she has been fired. Stop slobbering and making up conspiracy connections where there are none.

    BTW, 70% of the people in the country think the media wants Obama to win. That might be why they have not run the story on fraud. Fraud being that his site has dropped all the security features on donations so that thousands and thousands of illegal donations have been made from all over the world. I read yesterday that the RNC will file a charge of fraud against the campaign.

    I don’t expect you to care. After all as far as you are concerned Democrats can lie and cheat and steal with impunity.

    BTW, has Dodd or Frank given up their committee seats yet? I know they got caught taking money from the Fannie Mae sources, but I assumed that since the Democrats controlled the Congress they would overlook this obvious conflict of interest. They usually do when it includes their own.

  19. conman says:


    She is a McCain volunteer who carved a “B” on her face, gave herself a black eye and completely made up a story that a black Obama supporter attacked her simply because she supported McCain. Why else would she have done it other than to incite racial division and violence? I can’t wait to hear your theories.

    As for “respected conservatives” endorsing Obama, let’s look at this week alone. If you won’t admit that Colin Powell and Charles Fried (President Reagan’s Solicitor General of the United States) are respected conservatives, then you are a lost cause.

    As for the polls, first thing to clear up. We don’t elect the president based on popular vote. Remember, Bush won in 2000 despite losing the popular vote. As a result, national polls are not important. What is important is how the candidiates are polling in the so-called battle ground states. Obama is way ahead and increased his lead this week alone in every single one of them. Regardless, no presidnetial candidate in the history of our country as ever won the election after trailing in the national polls two weeks before the election by as much as McCain is trailing right now.

  20. kathie says:

    The whole thing is stupid except that a young girl might have been hurt for what ever reason. McCain would never support a hoax if that’s what it was. But MSM will make a federal case out of it on race for sure. What ever happened she needs help.

    I’m sure there are many people of both parties that are voting for the other guy for a myriad of reasons. I’ll even bet Hill and Bill vote for McCain. They have been friends for years. What do they have in common with Obama, they know he is an empty suit, they know his alliances, and they know he doesn’t have a clue, so the answer is nothing, and they are both serious politicians.