Feb 07 2009

Orwell’s 1984 Finally Arrives

Published by at 5:01 pm under All General Discussions


President Obama is pulling a Tom Delay – so claims the Washington Post at least. The comparison comes by the fact that in Texas Delay pushed a legal legislative process to re-align Congressional districts that had been so far out of line they did no reflect the views of most Texans. The history rewrite of this event is interesting as another piece of liberal news media fiction (the primary product now of this decaying industry). The comparison was made because, on the national level, Fearless Leader Obama has taken the enormously disturbing step of taking control of the US Census himself (note that the liberal news media claims it is White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel who is supposed to manage the US Census, but Rahm works for no one but Fearless Leader). To control the census is to control the make up of power, and the flow of money, in America. For all those suffering from a liberal public education (I was able to survive mine and turn my life around) here is what the US Census is used for:

The United States Census is a decennial census mandated by the United States Constitution.[1] The population is enumerated every 10 years and the results are used to allocate Congressional seats (congressional apportionment), electoral votes, and government program funding.

To put it under political control is to put the framework of our representative government under party control. It is a natural first step if someone was preparing to set the stage for a new form of government in the United States of America.  It is as if Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four has finally arrived. Look, the liberals are trying to rewrite the Earth’s historical temperature records to claim we are on the verge of a global warming catastrophe. They lied about our chances of winning in Iraq, and to this day lie claiming we have not ended the war (now we are in the stabilizing phase before departing). They lie about the danger of al Qaeda and a nuclear armed Iran. They rewrite events in their minds (if they still have ‘minds’) and believe in their self made fantasies as if they actually happened (Bush/Cheney and 9-11 come to mind). They lied about 9-11 and our nation’s efforts to avoid another one (remember all those false claims of spying on Americans?). And now they try to grab the US Census which dictates the flow of power and funds across the nation? And of course, we should expect a nicely worded lie about why this makes sense. Update: Just a reminder of who will be running the next national census for Fearless Leader. Here is Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel on Inauguration Day representing the United States of America and all her glory and fallen heros. 


Addendum: Why is this so worrisome? There is no GOOD REASON to move the US Census under Obama – none. The only reasons to do this all fall into the dangerous power grab category.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Orwell’s 1984 Finally Arrives”

  1. Redteam says:

    There must be a law on the books about how the census is to be done, who controls it, etc. I’m pretty sure that law wouldn’t say that the President’s appointed Chief of Staff (which is not even a position that is subject to Senate approval) is the person that is in charge. So I would say that if it is not done according to the law on the books, the executive would be guilty of violating some law. I’m sure all those ‘really law abiding’ libs out there that wanted Bush impeached for every thing imaginable would want that law breaker impeached… wouldn’t they?

  2. Frogg says:

    Obama just screwed non union construction workers big time:


    The Association of Building Contractors, which represents 25,000 businesses around the country, condemned an executive order signed by Obama that restricts bidding on federally funded construction projects to union-controlled businesses.

    “Today’s decision to repeal Executive Order 13202 opens the door to waste and discrimination in federal and federally funded construction contracts… This action removes the safeguards that prohibited discrimination based upon union affiliation in the awarding of federal contracts…

    Absent the economic benefits of competitive bidding, union-only PLAs are known to increase construction costs between 10 percent and 20 percent and discriminate against minorities, women and qualified construction workers who have traditionally been excluded from union membership.

    Union-only PLAs drive up costs for American taxpayers while unfairly discriminating against 84 percent of U.S. construction workers who choose not to join a labor union… All taxpayers should have the opportunity to compete fairly on any project funded by the federal government. ”


    Screw everyone! Yes, we can!

    You have to tie all of these little things together along with his latest of putting the Census Bureau under his control to see the social engineering going on here. If Americans are complacent in all of this (out of stupidy or blindness or the spell of the cult) then the road to socialism/marxism just got shorter.

  3. Frogg says:

    Reporter physically restrained for asking a question after Panetta hearing


    Yes, we can!

  4. kathie says:

    Frogg……I asked this question in an earlier post. How can the President decide which group of people are going to do the jobs that are being paid for by tax payers? Where does it say that the President has that power to make that kind of executive order or decision? If discrimination is illegal by color and gender, it must also be illegal by association. I strongly protest. Next the President will say, only the currently unemployed, for more then 2 years, or never employed, will get the construction jobs. Now that is building from the bottom up. Our new workers are going to have to pull their pants up, cut out the gang signs and turn their caps around.

  5. Terrye says:

    This is so absurd. There is no way Republicans can look the other way and let this guy get away with something like this.

  6. […] this act and the grabbing of the US Census to now be controlled by the President it is becoming clear the liberals will only share in the […]