Mar 09 2009

If Johnny Liberal Jumped Off A Bridge …

Published by at 7:32 am under All General Discussions

As should be well known, folks on the right have found clear evidence of liberal democrats wanting President Bush to fail. Heck, I can find evidence of Amnesty Hypochondriacs on the right wanting Presidente Bustrada -Ze Traitor –  to fail as well. No shocker here, except for those crazy souls who think only Rush Limbaugh has dabbled in the absurd act of wishing ill will would come to America to prove them right.

Which brings me to my main point – so far the right has been rationalizing their zealotry by pointing to the zealots on the left and claiming ‘they did it too!”. This is not providing a clear choice of a better direction for the country, one which MOST people could rally behind. Rush got his ratings hit, the GOP got a black eye for defending the absurd. Instead of even mentioning failure (we seem to be neck deep in it right now) what people need to present are ways out of failure. We don’t need to be praying for more of what we have.

Addendum: You know what is wrong with the conservative movement? Look at the comments section. I simply point out Rush is not helping the image of conservatism and this is seen as an attack. Look folks, we either grow some back bone and face our problems or let the liberals tank the country. Stop being so defensive. Rush is not going to collapse just because I find his recent antics counter productive. On average Rush is a net positive, but he is by no means the epitome of conservatism. As I pointed out many times, he has his own warts which simply make him another conservative voice, not the second coming.


50 responses so far

50 Responses to “If Johnny Liberal Jumped Off A Bridge …”

  1. crosspatch says:

    “In the long run, urge your little right-wing son or daughter to consider a career in journalism.”

    I was married to a journalist for about 10 years. You will never make it through school without having the “correct” world view. You certainly won’t make many good career networking connections. It isn’t like someone with a great opening that you would be perfect for will go out of their way to get you in for an interview if you are “one of them”. Believe me, I went to enough cocktail parties with that crowd. Besides, the entire trade is falling apart. Even Fox. Heck right now on the front page of Fox they don’t know the difference between “wary” and “weary”.

    It isn’t about skills anymore.

  2. AJStrata says:


    As I tell my kids ini soccer, you still can win even with a biased ref – you just need to crank your game way up.

    This is why Rush was reckless (I heard yesterday he is going after Newt). He purposely used loose language to inflame.

    We don’t need flame throwers. I am not worried, most moderates and independents don’t follow or drool over Rush. Once the alternative shows up to be the political leader (not the AM lead mouth) then there will be an attraction to that new face of conservatism.

  3. GuyFawkes says:


    “You won’t see Katie leading off her news broadcast with a serious toned report about the active monitoring of a private citizen’s broadcast to pick out a morsel of misspeak with which to use to pit him against their opposition party. Roles reversed, and this would be a horrible scandal to them.”

    Yes, you’re right. Just imagine if CNN did a segment on Michael Moore, and went after him for something that had been in one of his documentaries. Scandal!

    Oh, wait….

  4. combat18 says:

    Opposing the amnesty and other Bush policies was not wanting Bush to fail, other than fail at pushing through the amnesty. I wanted him to succeed at cutting taxes, but neither issues makes me want him to succeed or fail as a President. I just want him to pursue policies I agree with. When he doesn’t, I hope he fails at pushing through those particular policies. Now Baraka Hussein Obama is advocating no policies that I support, so I hope he fails, as success in his eyes is a Marxist social, economic, and political transformation of America. Can I say I hope he succeeds as president when I oppose everything he does? Hoping a President fails is not the same as attacking America, at least for conservatives, but for liberals, their hatred of America is usually expressed by their hatred of Republicans, men, whites, Christians, the Constitution, gun owners, etc. I hope Obama fails because he is out to destroy America. No, he is not a misguided patriotic liberal, those died out with Scoop Jackson.

  5. gary1son says:

    Not really a very good example, Guy. The CNN story is hardly an expression of the kind of disapproving serious toned top of the fold/broadcast report we’re saying would be produced if things were mirror reversed.

    In fact, it gives Moore pretty much an equal voice/footing in the portrayal. Even the headline:

    “Michael Moore, Dr. Gupta square off over ‘Sicko'”

    There’s no real winner or loser implied or concluded. It’s just a debate. In fact, one could almost say it gave the upper hand to Moore:

    Both agreed, however, on the basic premise of “Sicko”: Problems abound in America’s health-care system and need to be fixed.

    “I thought it was a good movie, and I wanted to say that,” Gupta said. “I think it strikes at the irrefutable fact — it’s broken. We get it.”

    He praised Moore for raising awareness of the issue……

    …….”It’s a shameful system, especially when I’m dealing with some of my patients,” Gupta said.

    CNN has been a little better on balance lately, I’ll give em that. “No Bias, no Bull” There’s a reason they had to name a show such.

  6. Redteam says:

    Let’s be clear:



    There is not one single, solitary project that Obama is embarking on that I want to be successful. He only has the downfall of this country as an objective. And I want him to not achieve his objectives.

    So let’s be clear:


  7. browngreengold says:


    I’m not sure how you really feel. /sarc

    By the way, we agree 100%.

  8. Terrye says:

    I am not saying Rush does not have the right to say anything he wants, he does of course. I am saying that giving Obama something to hide behind does not help Republicans. It has nothing to do with being squeamish.

  9. GuyFawkes says:


    “There is not one single, solitary project that Obama is embarking on that I want to be successful.”

    You’re against tax cuts for 95% of the country?

    You’re against merit based pay for good teachers?

    You’re against increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan?

    You’re against cutting the deficit in half by the end of his first term?

  10. Redteam says:

    GayF….Are you serious?

    You’re against tax cuts for 95% of the country?
    I’m willing to bet you that 100% of the people in this country will get tax increases. Wait til your power costs go up because of his fiasco of an energy non-policy. That’s a tax, wait til your gas price goes up…that’s a tax….. on and on.

    You’re against merit based pay for good teachers?
    There is no such thing, there is only something called, Make the NEA happy, they’re union members. are you really in LaLa Land?

    You’re against increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan?
    I’m for winning the war in Afghan, Obama is for losing it. very simple.

    You’re against cutting the deficit in half by the end of his first term?
    You mean the deficit that he has quadrupled since he’s been in? so he cuts that in half, it’s still twice what he inherited.
    Now if he would propose cutting it to half what it was when he came in….. Yep, you’re in LaLa Land.