Mar 22 2009
Tea Parties Growing
No doubt Obama’s reckless policies are creating a grass roots response in the form of Tea Parties, which are growing in number and size if Orlando is any indication.
Mar 22 2009
Published by AJStrata at 9:46 am under All General Discussions
No doubt Obama’s reckless policies are creating a grass roots response in the form of Tea Parties, which are growing in number and size if Orlando is any indication.
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Ever wonder why the grass roots Tea parties are not getting attention in the MSM while ACORN’s rent-a-mob- agitators who are being bussed out to AIG executives homes to threaten and intimidate them, are all over the news media? ACORN is a part of the now rulling party, which includes administration and Congressional officials, the MSM, and various Soros and taxpayer funded organizations who can turn out a mob or “organize an action” on a moment’s notice. ACORN, which has connections with hundreds, if not thousands, of local organizations who have been trained to get out in the streets and demand whatever they want, can turn out a mob on demand for whatever the cause of the day needs the impression that there is a widespread public demand for it. All they have to do is pay for transportation, lodging and food, and their “demonstators” get a free trip to where ever the action is. ACORN and other “social justice” organizations operate on the principle that if they set up a scenario, people will react in a specific way. They used their rent a mob strategy to generate millions of letters, calls and faxes to Congress demanding they vote for the McCain-Feingold Election Reform bill, to create the impression there was widespread demand for this bill, which stripped citizens of rights and empowered Soros funded 527’s to control our election process.
I speak from personal knowledge, having been a part of the left wing dissident movement at a national level for 5 years. While once people like Barbara Striesand and Robert Redford, and Foundations like Ford, PEW (which was setup by it’s founder to promote consersative causes but was taken over by left wing zealots and now funds only anti American causes,) Ted Turner’s New World Found., and anonymous donors who washed their donations through the TIDES Found., funded these big demonstrations, today the US taxpayer contributes a major protion of the funds.
ACORN’s history of voter registration fraud and voter fraud, it’s extortion and protection racket, (ala Jesse Jackson and other civil rights leaders, threatening businesses with mobs of demonstrators, and charges of racism, bigotry, sexism, etc. and then demanding big donations to call off the pressure) is nothing more than a crime syndicate and should be prosecuted under the RICO statutes. But dont’ expect this administratin to do it. And the Repulicans don’t have the balls to take them on either.
Everyone, including the news media, should be leery of demonstrators who arrive by the busloads. This is an indication of a rent-a-mob, because someone is paying for them to be there. Have you ever tried to get a bus to take a bunch of people somewhere and then wait until they are ready to go back where they cme from? It takes organiztion and money. So the question is, who gains from diverting our attention to rented mobs demonstrating in front of AIG exes homes while ignoring the real grass roots uprising, the tea parties? What are they doing that they want our attention diverted elsewhere. ?
Let me make sure I’m clear on this:
Populist mob-rule rage aimed at Obama is an expression of freedom.
Populist mob-rule rage aimed at AIG is proof that the Apocolypse is nigh.
That about sum it up?
To make it clear – protesting against the Government in power is the quintessential American tradition. Not long ago the Democrats themselves were proclaiming it the “Height of Patriotism.
Sending mobs to the homes of private citizens who are being scapegoated by the administration is the modus operandi of Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin. See the difference? Government? Private Citizens?
Guy – the boy who looks at guaranteed trillion dollar per year deficits and can only say “whatever”. Apparently unless it’s a tv show he can’t be bothered with it.
40 people protesting AIG get major news coverage. The media actually out numbered the protesters. 3000 people protesting “taxation without deliberation” (a rubber stamp congress raiding the treasury) gets not a peep of national coverage.
Sounds like a partisan press to me.
Read the Constitution Guy… protects the people from the government, not the other way around.
Actually Guy, the way it works is rent a mobs that are outnumbered by reporters get the press because it helps Obama, while spontaneous groups of taxpayers are ignored by national media.
The latter are not part of the narrative.
However, the local media is covering them and if they continue to grow it will become more difficult for Obama’s cheerleaders in the national media to ignore them.
Terrye, there is a certain feeling among journalists that if they can just keep something from “getting oxygen” from press coverage, it will just go away. It is this sort of narcissistic view that nothing is anything until they say it is something.
It is probably best that the media aren’t covering it at the moment because then Democrats would start trying to find ways to shut the protests down by such ploys as refusal to issue permits, etc.
We probably won’t hear about it on the news until traffic is disrupted in DC.
They did the same thing with the Civil Rights movement. They ignored it for years, pretended nothing was there until they could not ignore it anymore. After all, it was not their idea so it did not exist.
Time and again the national media has been blind sided by their own arrogance.
According to modern science, Earth has existed for about 1.5 trillion days. Obama’s budget is almost the equal of spending a dollar a day for every day Earth has existed.
Yes, and George W. Bush added $5 trillion to the national debt. That is equivalent to $3.33 a day for every day Earth has existed.
National budgets, and national debts, are big numbers. What’s your point?
More… Here is what Senator Gregg said today about Obama’s massive deficit:
“Your listeners have to understand how staggering the numbers are. We’re talking about a deficit in the trillion-dollar range for as far as the eye can see. We’re talking about deficits which are 4% to 5% of GDP – which is not sustainable under any form of government. We’re talking about a public debt – this is a debt that people own of the federal government – that will be around 80% of GDP. Historically, it’s been around 40% of GDP in the out years. The practical implication of this is bankruptcy for the United States. There’s no other way around it.”
Obama’s Trillions Dwarf Bush’s Dangerous Spending
Now, under Obama, the national debt — and the interest payments — will increase at a far faster rate than during the Bush years.
Oh please. Bush was downright frugal compared to Obama and his crew. To try and blame Bush for Obama’s spending is just plain cowardice.
And to think … 2 years from now we will be looking back on this period and thinking .. you know, it was so much better then.
Now isn’t that a scary thought.
Go back and read what I wrote. I am not “blaming” Bush for anything related to the current budget.
crosspatch’s point came down to:
“$1.5 trillion is a lot of money.”
Yes, it is. Whoop-dee-doo. We spent an astronomical amount of while Dubya was in office. And Clinton. And Bush Sr. And Reagan.
So, what’s the point?
Yeah, Guy, there is no point at this stage, they should just issue of a deficit prediction of “gazillions”.
It doesn’t matter, we are out of money. They have spent it all. There is no choice at this point but roll the presses. There isn’t enough money in the economy at this point to cover the costs. The deficits are expected to be 80% of GDP which means the government would need to tax 80% of the entire economy to pay for what they are doing which is impossible.
Obama has bankrupt the country if his budget passes.
Put in another way, on one fell swoop the Federal Government has become nearly as large as the rest of the US economy and it is doing it with money that doesn’t exist. People might lend us the money the first go ’round but at is pretty much going to be the end of it. The money only exists as numbers on paper.
Imagine you make 100,000 dollars a year and decide to help out your community with a 200,000 dollar donation … and you have no savings, only debt from years of deficit spending in the past… but you just write a check for $200,000 anyway. That is pretty much what the government is doing … hoping someone will lend it the money to cover the check. In the meantime, the Chinese are saying they are tired of lending us cash that we throw down various rat holes.
To prevent the check from bouncing the government can just print the money to cover it. This devalues the currency and we end up in the same mess we were in under Carter … stagflation. Stagnant economy due to government siphoning off the capital and inflation from government printing money that doesn’t exist.
Democrats live in Never Never Land. A fantasy world where they think they can make wishes come true if only everyone would just “believe”. What nincompoops!
Well Fox News has acknowledged the Tea Parties…
I recently saw an old movie about Poncho Villa, an uneducated peon who organized a rebellion and overthrew the Mexican government, starring Wallace Berry. The first thing Poncho did after seizing power, was to call in the local printer and tell him to print him some money. This movie reminds me of what is going on in Washington DC now. These clowns know about as much about running a government as poor old Phocho did. This new trillion dollar “investment” paid for by new Federal Reserve printed dollars will make all our money as worthless as Poncho’s was.
Just out of curiousity:
Why was spending a whole bunch of money on infrastructure projects, etc. for Iraq between 2003-2008 perfectly fine, but spending it in *this* country over the next couple of years to get us out of a recession so wrong?