Apr 09 2009

Republican Blunders Continue

Published by at 2:00 pm under All General Discussions

This is one reason why the GOP has lost its way – out of control nativism:

The comments caused the Texas Democratic Party on Wednesday to demand an apology from state Rep. Betty Brown, R-Terrell. But a spokesman for Brown said her comments were only an attempt to overcome problems with identifying Asian names for voting purposes.

Pure Horse Hockey. Maybe she should get out of her little bubble and face the real world.

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “Republican Blunders Continue”

  1. kathie says:

    This is why the Democrats have lost their way, I’m wondering if they should ever be in power again? They are contemplating brining warriors from Gitmo, the Chinese ones, to the United States and settling them in cities of their choice. Gitmo is a national embarrassment to some and we must solve the problem of our reputation. If we close Gitmo, many who hate will love us and love is very important in protecting a nation from further attacks. This decision will be made by May.

  2. han_solo says:

    The only reason Gitmo is a ‘problem’…is because Bush was a PUSSY.

    According to the rules of war, those people should have either:

    a) Been lined up against the wall and shot as spies by a firing squad

    b) Let go.

    A simple military tribunal should have been held within MONTHS of their being captured but…no…he was pussy and didn’t want the ‘political problems’.

  3. browngreengold says:


    I’m hoping that you’re being facetious.


    You’re absolutely correct. If we had followed the Geneva Conventions to the letter the Gitmo issue would have never evolved to even become an issue.


    I would ask you if the comments from Ms. Brown were a late April Fool’s joke but, unfortunately, I already know the answer.

    How can anyone be so mindless as to think that we should ask people to change their names in order to make voting easier?

    Gimme a break!

  4. kathie says:

    Brown……….. I was. I was joshing with AJ a bit. The State House rep is clearly short a penny, but does she represent the Republican party? I wouldn’t say that. Do the House Dem’s represent all Dem’s, probably not, but their recent trip to Cuba and the gushing report of Castro was a little off putting to say the least. Sometimes I wonder if the President and some Dem’s just came down in the last rain shower. History doesn’t seem to be their forte.

  5. browngreengold says:

    That’s a relief kathie.

    I thought for a second there that I had either a) come across a different kathie or b) stepped through a worm hole into an alternate plane.

  6. browngreengold says:

    All right AJ.

    We have a bit of a problem here that it really needs to be resolved.

    Here’s the YouTube video of the meeting in question.


    It turns out that Ms. Brown did NOT propose that people change their names.

    She was very, very clear in her intentions in the video.

    I felt it important to set the record straight.

  7. AJStrata says:


    Really? Then why did she apologize?

    Too late, that one is over.

  8. browngreengold says:

    You know as well as I do that the left will take selected quotes, twist them into something that they feel is damaging and then run with it in an all too willing and complicit media.

    I hold your site to a higher standard than that and, quite frankly, thought that you would hold yourself to a higher standard than that.

    Things are not always as they are presented.

    Not speaking for Ms. Brown but it doesn’t surprise me that she would issue some sort of statement indicating that she had been misunderstood and didn’t mean any offense, etc.

    As far as “too late, that one is over”, it’s never too late to tell the truth and it’s never too late to correct the record when you’re wrong.