Apr 16 2009

CNN Reporter Goes Drama Queen On Tea Parties – Far Right Loses It Too

Published by at 7:39 am under All General Discussions

A CNN Reporter (who probably is getting a reprimand) claimed the Tea Parties were anti-government (should be against unbridled government spending and high taxes) and anti-CNN! What in the world does CNN have to do with this?

Supposedly, in this warped little mind, these protests across the nation are anti-CNN since Fox News was reporting on the Tea Parties (as did a lot of news outlets, as I noted yesterday). Granted, Fox communicated these events to its listeners well in advance and the mainstream media waited until the day of the events, but there were directions to the protests, directions on how to find them.

This poor, picked on CNN reporter (to be fair – who knows how much harassment she took off camera before the live shot) even went on to say the protests were anti-family! Right after interviewing a dad with his baby in his arms whom she kept trying to shout down. I don’t think she approved (like anyone cares).  While I get the feeling we tuned into the end of some longer encounter that started before the shot, it is enlightening to see the anger and paranoia that jumped out of her so spontaneously.

Seems the new “in thing” with politics are the drama queens playing the victims. It just reinforces the fact that we need a centrist 3rd party in this nation like never before. And I do mean centrist. Most 3rd parties have extreme platforms. Libertarians are for no government, socialists want all government, environmentalists want an all-green government.

I want a national ‘neighborhood council’ government, like the ones where neighbors get together and decide a fair budget, how to do safety patrols, who to hire for the landscaping and pool staffing, etc. Nothing fancy, nothing radical.  Nothing strange. No Chicken Littles crying “Wolf!” in full drama queen garb. Just simple sanity. Limited pay and term limits as well.

Update: Drama Queen meets Drama Queen in this encounter (which proves my suspicions this CNN reporter was getting hot under the collar over something):

Obama was voted in by a significant number of voters. They still trust themselves and their vote.
And when the far right goes off like this, all they do is cement Obama voters to Obama. When you attack him like this you also attack those who voted for him. I know, being a Bush supporter and having to listen to years of the far right bash him, and by extension me as a supporter.

Obama has not done anything to resemble the Nazis and Hitler, which is what people think of when some incoherent clown throws out the word ‘fascist’. He is our duly elected President and deserves a modicum of respect. But since the far right could not respect this nation and the presidency under Bush (remember how El Presidente Jorge Bush was a “traitor”?), why would they be able to muster a small dose of class under Obama? And I don’t mean elite ‘class’ here, I mean small town America class where people show respect to one and all.

44 responses so far

44 Responses to “CNN Reporter Goes Drama Queen On Tea Parties – Far Right Loses It Too”

  1. Frogg says:

    That CNN reporter was like a “pitt bull” as soon as the guy opened his mouth. I did see one “CNN sucks” sign in the crowd. Maybe tha is what riled her so.

    I have to say this about the “tea parties”…..

    I watched a lot of the crowd behavior and interviews and it gave me the same sense as all the flag wavers right after 9/11. This is grassroots (not fake astroturf funded by the rich as Pelosi remarked). These are average, everyday, working Americans who have bonded. They are not about ideology or politics, they are “American” all the way….and, they are united in a way that can’t be described. There is clearly a sense of people coming together about taxes, spending, debt, and corruption in our government. Obama may not “bring change” in the sense that he planned; however, he may be the “reason for change” none-the-less. Strange how things work out sometimes.

  2. kathie says:

    Though Obama claims he had no idea these tea parties were going on, (according to spokes person) I think all the signs could be instructive for him. They are the thoughts of ordinary people in this country to his many proclamations of where he wants to take the country, who is at fault for the economic down turn, and how he is going to rebuild the country on a rock rather then sand. As his wife said, life will never be the same if we elect Obama, he will ask you to make scarifies, and ask all to participate for the greater good. The greatness of America, of the American spirit is that many don’t fall in line with dictates, we push back when told of great plans for our lives. Americans are pushing back with their home made signs. Personally I don’t think any are inappropriate, just an expression of, not in my name you’re not.

  3. DJStrata says:

    I think that CNN reporter went and found the someone to single out who would make the whole effort look bad (the guy with Obama as Hitler). Then she messed up by going and talking to the average American father who has every right to feel frustrated with President Obama. Obama did compare himself to Lincoln a lot on the campaign trail, that man was right he is not following through with his comments, he is doing the opposite.

    That reporter also had an agenda of her own, claiming that FOX news (“right wing news outlet”) was behind this, and then claiming that it wasn’t family viewing when a lot of people had their families there.

    I think the Dems (like Pelosi) were shocked at how well this was pulled off since they didn’t help to promote it. But thats the beauty of grassroots. People will rally behind a cause they believe in no matter what political party/group ignited the spark.

  4. kathie says:

    More on Rosa Brooks, from the “Thinker”

    April 16, 2009
    Dept of Defense hires LA Times columnist who belittled terror ‘threat’
    Richard Baehr
    The Weekly Standard blog notes:

    LA Times columnist Rosa Brooks once wrote that al Qaeda was “little more than an obscure group of extremist thugs, well financed and intermittently lethal but relatively limited in their global and regional political pull. On 9/11, they got lucky. . . . Thanks to U.S. policies, al Qaeda has become the vast global threat the administration imagined it to be in 2001.” She’s now headed to Obama’s Defense Department.

    This lady is Barbara Ehrenreich’s daughter. Ehrenreich has gotten rich off her book Nickle and Dimed, which is required reading at many colleges, as it bemoans the helplessness of Wal-Mart employees. Brooks, of course, is highly pedigreed: Harvard, Oxford, Yale Law, and she worked for Harold Koh, just appointed to Justice Department.

    The LA Times ran an op-ed by Ehnrereich’s son just a couple of weeks ago that was a left-wing rant. Nepotism in the newspaper business is just generally not a good idea.

  5. KauaiBoy says:

    Respect is earned not elected and unfortunately the office of the Presidency no longer deserves the unquestioned allegiance it once held. Not since elections have been hijacked by the two reigning mobs resulting in some of the most unqualified and undeserving people representing the American people. And not since people have responded to the pandering of politicians who promise something for nothing.

    As far as I am concerned Obama is a socialist which is against everything I stand for as an American and thus I hope his four years ends quickly and the awakening generated by the tea parties gathers momentum.

    But to compare the reaction of the right wing to what the traitorous left did during the height of the Iraq war is ludicrous. The left aided and abetted our enemies and directly led to the deaths of American military personnel.

    And who watches CNN anyway?

  6. Jules Roy says:

    I watched a lot of the crowd behavior and interviews and it gave me the same sense as all the flag wavers right after 9/11.

    In other words they behaved like morons.

    I’ve been reading reports from these ‘tea’ parties and many of them involve calls to ‘support the troops’ (ie. support federal government employees and foreign wars that eat up taxes) and the most hated chant in the world ‘USA! USA’. (Don’t they realize that their beloved America is the cultural Marxist capital of the world? Frankly, I doubt the average ‘patriotard’ would care)

    I think the Dems (like Pelosi) were shocked at how well this was pulled off since they didn’t help to promote it.

    Rubbish. The polls show most Americans are pro-Obama. The only demographic in America that is slightly against Obama (around 60-40) is the white Christian demographic. That demographic will soon be replaced, especially if Obama pushes through another amnesty. Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, single women, and to a lesser extent Asians all love Obama the way whites loved Ronald Reagan. The anti-tax protesters are a minority grievance group. Their candidate lost the election and they are throwing a hissy fit.

    Advice to the protesters: If you want to be taken seriously by the majority population speak out against the waste of taxpayer dollars in Afghanistan and Iraq. That way you won’t be seen as mindless partisan ‘Dittoheads’.

  7. marksbbr says:

    Keith Olbermann claimed on his show that these tea parties were people complaining that they had to “pay taxes like the rest of us.” I couldn’t help but scream at the television that his beloved president picks tax evaders for top positions.

    I honestly don’t see the tea parties as protests against current taxes (remember Obama gave us all a $12/week tax cut!). But the way he’s spending right now, this is more of a protest against future federal tax hikes, which are inevitable.

  8. DJStrata says:

    Jules Roy,

    You are stereotyping…I’m a single woman.

  9. crosspatch says:

    nah, the tea parties are all right-wing extremists, don’tcha know:

    One senior [Congressional] aide has been circulating a document to the media that debunks the effort as one driven by corporate lobbyists and attended by neo-Nazis…

    In addition, the tea parties are “not really all about average citizens,” the document continues, saying neo-Nazis, militias, secessionists and racists are attending them. The tea parties are also not peaceful, since reporters in Cincinnati had to seek “police protection” during one of the events, it states.

    The leveraging of the DHS report by the left-wing has begun.

  10. gary1son says:

    Some great information from folks who were actually there:


    I spent a good part of my life kind of assuming that the media was basically even handed and fair. It’ just in the past dozen or so years that it’s become clear just to what extent (most of) the media is merely an arm of the Democratic party.

    It’s really taken the existence of a Foxnews, who is only possibly a little right of center in terms of news coverage, to expose these people for what they are. Surveys have revealed that media people are vastly more liberal than even your average Democrat, not to mention the population as a whole.

    Foxnews, that “ultra-rightwing” network, according to this CNN “reporter”.

    This is a sentiment shared by the vast majority of all the rest. Most are better at keeping it under wraps, understanding that their job is to report, not advocate.

  11. MerlinOS2 says:


    Longer version of the situation after she cut away to CNN


    Three months ago she interviews a lefty protester with devil horns and such and thinks he is a cute look a like

  12. Frogg says:

    Jules, you can drink the “tea” or you can drink the “kool aid”. There were liberals, democrats, and Obama voters at that tea party yesterday. Many of them were interviewed. Some were organizers.

    Most people like Obama, and want him to be successful. However, they are worried about his economic policies.

  13. Frogg says:

    Oooooh! This is good video:

    Awesome: Chicago tea partiers confront CNN hack after hit piece

    I love the part where they force her to look at one of the signs.

  14. GuyFawkes says:

    So, AJ, are you in the mood to truly prove your newfound independent cred?

    How about writing something about the Bush Admin’s secret legal memos on torture?

    I noticed a severe lack of reference to them amongst the major right-leaning blogs out there. But you, as a committed independent, shouldn’t feel any partisan reason to pretend they don’t exist.

  15. GuyFawkes says:

    Okay, so I just found the Hot Air thread about the memos. (I usually depend upon memeorandum to provide right-leaning links (that’s how I found this site), and for some reason, NONE of them are showing up under this subject.)

    Of course, it just focuses on the fact that Obama and Holder have stated that they don’t plan on prosecuting CIA agents for “following orders”. And in this case, that actually seems fair to me – if the DOJ and/or OLC gave legal cover, then I don’t think the CIA should be prosecuted either.

    But Yoo and Bybee should be nailed to a cross in the public square. (Metaphorically speaking, of course.)

  16. marksbbr says:

    Jules Roy, you remarked that
    “The anti-tax protesters are a minority grievance group. Their candidate lost the election and they are throwing a hissy fit.”
    -hmmmm… if they were a bunch of sore losers, wouldn’t it make more sense for them to throw a ‘hissy fit’ immediately after the election, instead of five months after? Like the email Kerry sent out in Nov. 2004 alleging the election was stolen without offering evidence, or the New Orleans “funeral for democracy” held that same month? That is what throwing a temper tantrum over an election is. You should know, Democrats are experts at it.

    But, WHEN WILL ALL OF YOU OBAMA LOVERS REALIZE THAT MOST OF US HERE DO NOT SUPPORT/OPPOSE ANY OFFICIAL BASED ON POLLS? I think for myself, and I judge President Obama the same way I judge any politician- based on what I think of his/her performance… NOT based on what your precious polls say or any other factor. Personally, there are things Obama has done that I strongly support, but all in all I can’t say I “approve” of his job thus far.

    In regard to tax money being spend on foreign wars, I understand your criticism of Iraq. It is more complex and controversial. But how could you criticize funding operations in Afghanistan to fight a resurgent Taliban and al-Qaeda? Not to mention, have you conveniently forgotten that Obama has pledged more troops (money) for Afghanistan?!

  17. Frogg says:

    I think the public is going to be relieved when they hear about the “Bush torture memos”.

    “Ten techniques are approved, listed as: attention grasp, walling (in which the suspect could be pushed into a wall), a facial hold, a facial slap, cramped confinement, wall standing, sleep deprivation, insects placed in a confinement box (the suspect had a fear of insects) and the waterboard. In the latter. ”

    slapping their face? pushing into a wall? etc, etc etc? As a matter of fact, it sounds like they are describing the liberal college kids at a Tom Tancredo speaking event.

    Oh gasp!!! Such torture.

    Is that it?????? Is that all there is??????

    Ok, now, can they release the “al Qaeda beheading, acid bath, torture memos?”

    I think it might be educational to see what real torture is.

  18. crosspatch says:

    You know, they could solve this whole mess very easily.

    Just make taxes due on election day and you file your ballot with your tax return in advance or file your tax forms at the polling place. It would certainly increase voter participation and reinforce the connection between taxes and government.

  19. Frogg says:

    More on Bush’s torture memos:

    Hill Briefed on Waterboarding in 2002
    In Meetings, Spy Panels’ Chiefs Did Not Protest, Officials Say

    In September 2002, four members of Congress met in secret for a first look at a unique CIA program designed to wring vital information from reticent terrorism suspects in U.S. custody. For more than an hour, the bipartisan group, which included current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), was given a virtual tour of the CIA’s overseas detention sites and the harsh techniques interrogators had devised to try to make their prisoners talk.

    Among the techniques described, said two officials present, was waterboarding, a practice that years later would be condemned as torture by Democrats and some Republicans on Capitol Hill. But on that day, no objections were raised. Instead, at least two lawmakers in the room asked the CIA to push harder, two U.S. officials said.
