Nov 08 2005

Able Danger Alert

Published by at 10:46 pm under Able Danger/9-11,All General Discussions

Topdog was kind enough to pass on this alert about a pending news conference tomorrow (November 9th) by Rep Curt Weldon.

The latest findings include: information Able Danger provided to defense officials about terrorist activity in the Port of Aden prior to the terrorist attack on the USS Cole back in October 2000; a discovery of another Able Danger member who confirms a set of Able Danger data not accounted for by the Pentagon; recent statements by the 9-11 Commission about Able Danger; and the latest efforts by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to smear Able Danger member Lt. Col. Shaffer who broke the silence about the Pentagon’s efforts to track al-Qaeda worldwide prior to September 11.

Needless to say I will probably have something to write about this tomorrow!

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