Nov 14 2005
Dean Slaps Down African American
Howard Dean is such a putz. First he makes the instulting comment that the only way for Republicans to fill a room with African Americans is to invite in the Hotel and Restaurant staff (I guess it never occured to him to invite the current and previous US Secretaries of State).
But now he comes out and endorses racist comments against an African American running for the Senate.
The former Vermont governor was asked by host Tim Russert on NBC’s “Meet the Press” to respond to the statements, in an appearance that Mr. Dean insisted be separate from an interview with Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman.
Mr. Dean gave no response, aside from saying he didn’t receive an apology for being called an anti-Semite by a member of the Republican Party.
What bravery, what sacrifice, what honor! That’s the way to stand up to racism – whine and pout.
It seems ‘Ol Howie Dean knows when to put uppity African Americans in their place when it is necessary for the white political establishment’s needs.
Mr. Steele, a Republican candidate for the Senate, is the first black elected to statewide office in Maryland, where Senate President Thomas V. “Mike” Miller Jr. labeled him an “Uncle Tom” in 2001. Some black political leaders maintain that Mr. Steele is not exempt from racial comments because of his political views.
Got that? Tow the line or we will tell you what we really think about blacks. Pathetic
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