Archive for the '2006 Elections' Category

Sep 27 2006

Two Polls For Dems To Cheer

If the Democrats want to crow about our defeats, two polls are out to warm the dark cockles of their cold hearts. First is a Gallup poll putting more blame on Bush than Clinton for getting Bin Laden (though I assume that doesn’t equate to who had more chances to prevent 9-11). The second is […]

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Sep 26 2006

Democrats Plan To Aid Terrorists And Stop NSA Surveillance

Here is some news Americans need to know heading into these elections: Democrats plan to surrender Iraq to Al Qaeda and will certainly aid the terrorists by dismantling the NSA’s Terrorist Surveillance Program (TSP) if they win. And the will do it with glee. But most independent political analysts expect Democrats to pick up between […]

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Sep 26 2006

Florida Governorship Heading To Republicans

Another of the top 4 states, Florida, is also well on its way to electing another Republican Governor with a 15 point lead for Crist in the latest poll.

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Sep 26 2006

Democrats Losing CA Governor’s Race

The Governator is expanding his lead in CA to 17 points – which should rattle Democrats. All the Reps need is some credibility in CA to cripple Democrats in national elections. Without CA they have no hope at EC wins. The Angelides has made surrendering Iraq to Al Qaeda a major thrust of his campaign, […]

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Sep 26 2006

The Allen Handwringing

I am amazed at how conservative bloggers are giving credence to the sham attacks on Allen by the Webb campaign and Dems. Not a single poll is out showing the attacks have any credibility and there is a lesson to be learned here about VA politics. I may be naive and too much the native […]

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Sep 26 2006

Oh What A Tangled Webb We Weave…

When we set out to decieve. It seems the James Webb campaign is in serious trouble with the revelation of his sexist views as a young man regarding women in the military and their inherent leadership potential (in his case, his view they had no leadership potential). Why do I say this? Obvious coincidence. [links […]

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Sep 25 2006

That Great Steele Ad

Here is that excellent Micheal Steele ad I mentioned in an earlier post. Don’t you wish all ads were like this? I would call this the political ad of the entire 2006 election.

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Sep 25 2006

The “Tone” In DC

One thing the left has to come to grips with is they need to work on being more professional, mature and cool-headed. No one wants to see a hot-head in charge of our country. All in all I think Clinton’s meltdown on Fox provided, yet again, a clear differentiator between left and right. George W […]

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Sep 25 2006

Useless Handwringing On Allen

John Mcintyre at RCP has gone out ahead of the news to claim George Allen is in trouble, or will be if polls show he is: Bottom line, George Allen is in trouble. And if these next round of polls show this contest tied or Webb ahead, Allen will be in big, big trouble. Puullease! […]

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Sep 24 2006

The October Surprise

Captain Ed has a great denunciation of the stupidity on the left by applying some commen sense logic and historic perspective to Gary Hart’s prediction George W Bush will attack Iran before the elections in order to win the elections. To wit (pun intended): Now we have yet another mainstream Democratic figure pushing through another […]

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