Archive for the '2006 Elections' Category

Sep 24 2006

The Clinton Meltdown, The Democrat Meltdown

The Clinton meltdown on Fox News Sunday is indicative of the frustration on the left at, once again, screwing up the politics. As their mistakes come out, they lash out at everyone else. Clinton was the first to bring up President Bush having been thrust into the War on Terror, as an anology on how […]

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Sep 23 2006

Kean Is Klobbering Menendez

Dem interum Sen Menendez is the quasi-incumbent in this year’s NJ Senate race, and he is getting clobbered by is Rep challenger Kean. Menendez looks as bad as Santorum now that he is polling under 40% – a sign of sure defeat in a race of this nature: Menendez now trails Republican challenger Thomas H. […]

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Sep 23 2006

In MD, No More Being Taken For Granted

The Black revolt in the Democrat party is about to start in MD. Rep Lt. Gov Michael Steele is running against the classic white democrat in a race for the US Senate. Steele, an African American, is the perfect candidate to leverage Black power in the Republican Party (which needs good, strong Black leaders). The […]

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Sep 22 2006

The Trap Is Sprung

If you look over what I and many conservative bloggers have been posting regarding this year’s election and how the Dems have become the party against our war on terrorism, you will see all the same themes and subjects now rolled up in Ken Mehlman’s Op Ed today defining the differences between the two parties. […]

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Sep 21 2006

Democrat Political Suicide In Virginia

The media really stepped into it when they tried to make Sen Allen feel uncomfortable because his mom was raised Jewish (which means the media sees being Jewish as embarrassing). A view that is clearly held by Webb democrat supporters who have gone overboard making fun of Allen’s Jewish roots even though his Jewish roots […]

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Sep 21 2006

“Bush Gets Wins On Terror…”

The title of this post a snippet (it doesn’t include the last word “bills”) from an interesting article from the Baltimore Sun. On an initial glance one would think administration has nabbed a terrorist leader, or stopped another attack in progress. Did we get a lead on Bin Laden? Did we make huge progress in […]

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Sep 21 2006

Clear Republican Momentum Appearing

The reminder of our perilous threat in the news of the foiled UK Airline Terror Plot, followed by the President’s work on the stump to argue his positions on Iraq and the War on terror, combined with much better economic news, has created measurable momentum for the Republicans coming into the home stretch for the […]

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Sep 21 2006

Bad Actors On The Left

There are two ways to interpret the title of this post. One is to think of that fat clown Hugp “look at me” Chavez and see the epitome of lefty anger at being marginalized by a great President, George W Bush. Chavez speech at the UN was pathetic on multiple levels. First off, it sounded […]

16 responses so far

Sep 19 2006

2nd Gallup Poll With Generic Tied

Somethings to note about the polls, which seem conflicted to say the least. There is something going on in the electorate which is slamming the poll models. If you look at the generic Dem-Rep congressional horse race it is all over the place, but heading towards the Reps. The latest poll is tied on this […]

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Sep 14 2006

Kiss Webb Good-bye

James Webb deserves to lose the VA Senate race after his sexist comment about women in the military: In the Washingtonian magazine article, “Women Can’t Fight,” the ex-Marine Webb wrote of the brutal conditions during the Vietnam War and argued against letting women into combat. Allen’s campaign zeroed in on passages in which Webb described […]

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