Archive for the '2006 Elections' Category

Sep 14 2006

Senate Dems Proud For Destroying Our Defenses Against Terrorist Attack

Remember 9-11? How could we less than a week from the 5th anniversary of the horrific day. Do we recall how stunned we were that we had let Al Qaeda kill 3000 innocent Americans, only to find we had tied a legal blindfold over our eyes so that once terrorist forces reached our shores they […]

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Sep 14 2006

What Mac Said

I was going to write a post about the new polls coming out from Fox and Rasmussen regarding the continued drop of the Dems but Mac Ranger said all that needs to be said. Tried to fix the link – AJStrata

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Sep 13 2006

Dems Boxed In

This Schumer response: “Given the basic environment is in our direction, you have to stand up to them every time and show strength and that you are not afraid of them,” said Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Was Schumer talking about our enemies? No, he was […]

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Sep 13 2006

Can Dems Pull Another Torricelli In New Jersey?

The New York Observer is contemplating the possibility that NJ Dems will try and pull another “Torricelli” by illegaly replacing their tainted candidate prior to the General Election. A candidate that was handpicked by the Democrat Governor (and party it is presumed) whose Senate seat the candidate (Menedez) now holds. My guess is the Dems […]

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Sep 12 2006

Lieberman – I Told You So

I know there are a lot of seasoned political hands out there in the media and the blogosphere, but the latest Survey USA poll up at RCP once again supports what I have been saying since the CT primary – Lamont’s numnbers with Democrats are inflated and Joe is sitting just above 50% in a […]

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Sep 12 2006

Chafee beats Laffey – Reps Hold Senate

While Chaffee is not what Virginians would want in a Republican Senator, his primary win means the GOP will, in all likelihood, will hold the Senate. Do I wish the country was more conservative? Most times. But I would rather have a beachhead in RI than another Liberal Democrat and Democrat Committee chairs. You get […]

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Sep 12 2006

If Cardin, Then Steele

Maryland was one of the Senate races I picked for a possible GOP pickup (along with WV – ain’t going to happen – NJ, MN and WA – not likely). If Cardin wins, which looks likely, then I think Rep Steele will win in the general election. I live outside DC and the black community […]

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Sep 11 2006

Not Much Change Since 2002

A stunning NBC/WSJ poll out today shows the mood of the country has not changed much since 2002 regarding terrorism and the country being secure. Public opinion on whether the war on terror has succeeded in disrupting international terrorism remains roughly where it was in September 2002. Today, 15% say the WOT has succeeded in […]

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Sep 11 2006

CIA Fears Democrat Congress – Lawyers Up

Want furter proof the Democrats are on the wrong war path going after Bush and the GOP instead of addressing our enemies? Well, those in the CIA who have been working to find the perpetrators of 9-11, and those attempting new 9-11’s, are fearful of a Democrat Congress and the fact Dems will target our […]

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Sep 11 2006

ABC News Mystery Poll

There is a stealth ABC News poll out there supposedly ‘just released’ which is being referenced in various news articles, but which is not being publicized by ABC News!?! Could it be because the poll results are bad for Democrats? A poll released yesterday found that 55 percent of those surveyed think the country is […]

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