Archive for the '2006 Elections' Category

Sep 09 2006

Dashing The Democrat Dream

John Hinderaker at Powerline notes what could be a political bombshell in the race leading up to this fall’s elections. A PA website has word that the PA Senate race is now a statistical tie between incumbent Santorum and challenger Casey: Members of Camp Casey in Washington unwittingly revealed to a source of the Fly […]

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Sep 09 2006

The Fall Election Choices

RCP has provided, as usual, a good picture of debate America is having on the run up to this fall’s elections. Today is a truly good day for comparisons as the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfled, and the previous Democrat candidate for President, John Kerry, discuss the war on terror and where we are heading. […]

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Sep 08 2006

Bush Owns National Security

IBD has come to the conclusion (and I agree) in an editorial today that Bush owns the subject of National Security. he series of speeches the president has been giving on the global war on terror show how and why the Bush administration has batted 1.000 in protecting the homeland from terrorist assaults in the […]

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Sep 08 2006

Bullish On Reps

A really good election round up site is at CSPAN – surpringly! And at this point the site shows a it pretty much impossible for the Dems to take over the House and basically impossible to take over the Senate. On the right hand side of the site they have a small summary table for […]

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Sep 08 2006

National Security Verses Impeachment II

This election for the far left is all about vengeance. Not vengeance for 9-11, but vengeance for 1994, 2000, 2002 and 2004. The first and most obvious means is through the impeachment process. As a Cabinet secretary, Rumsfeld may be impeached and removed from office under Article 2 of the Constitution for “treason, bribery, or […]

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Sep 07 2006

Joe Lieberman Trouncing Lamont

As I predicted many times before (here and here and here and here), some of the polls coming out after the CT primary were a bit too optimistic. Now another Poll confirms the initial Qinnipiac numbers (and my analysis of the other polls) to show Joe Lieberman trouncing Ned “Runaway” Lamont: Lieberman leads on the […]

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Sep 07 2006

Clintons On Full Damage Control

Nothing stings like the truth. Seems the Clintons are all in an uproar because they think the media is misrepresenting their acts and intentions (gee, that happens to Bush on an hourly basis!). [H/T Drudge] ABC took some literary license and collapsed numerous instances of missing Bin Laden under Clinton’s watch into a single scene. […]

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Sep 07 2006

What To Be Concerned About

The Democrats are once again demonstrating why they are just not ready to lead this nation during these troubled, dangerous times. The left has become so obsessed with their loss of power they cannot see beyond their minority status. For example, what are the telling us we should be concerned about? Here is one example: […]

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Sep 07 2006

A Time Of Trouble, America Still Looks To Bush

The latest CBNews poll out has some interesting numbers that confirm the impression I have had recently that the UK Airline Bomb plot, which impacted millions of people travelling that day and still echoes to this day in recently enacted travel restrictions, has changed the dynamics heading into this fall’s elections. With a rush, reality […]

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Sep 05 2006

How Many Ways Did The Dems Screw Up National Security?

Let me count the ways.

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