Archive for the '2006 Elections' Category

Aug 22 2006

The Democrats Failure On Terrorism

The verdict on the Democrats is coming in and it is not good (the link to the new poll is at the end if you want to bypass the narrative). The Democrats played a risky game all year in their grasping attempts to paint President Bush as a fear mongering, power hungry, out of control […]

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Aug 19 2006

Yes, Safer And Smarter

The Democrats and their media puppets have come down on a really catchy phrase for this year’s election: “Are we Safer?” The phrase is pregnant for possibilities – especially after the left has done all they can to make us unsafe! Number of attacks on US soil by Al Qaeda? Zero. That is pretty darn […]

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Aug 18 2006

Polls Verses Ballots

I am still chuckling over all the fantasies being generated by the left regarding the latest Qinnipiac Poll showing Lieberman clobbering Lamont 53 to 41 among likely voters (previous post here). They have truly come with some amazing ideas on how Lamont is actually winning! The most hillarious claims are the huge gains in Democrat […]

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Aug 18 2006

National Security Verses Impeaching Bush

I was reading this interesting post at RCP and realized it was confirming something I felt for some time. The table is being set for the fall elections and I think it will be a very needed debate. Our nation is at war inside and out. Al Qaeda and their Islamo Fascist comrades are attempting […]

9 responses so far

Aug 17 2006

The State Of The Democrats

Here is an extremely cogent, observant and in my opinion accurate assessment of the current political forces flowing through America, especially as they relate to Iraq and Lamont and the Dems: Still, the outcome at least focuses a bright light on a debate that is now taking place in the national Democratic Party, and which […]

6 responses so far

Aug 17 2006

Lamont Fever At Kosland

I am really enjoying the mental gyrations the lefties are going through to paint the latest Lamont-Leiberman poll as good news for sinking Ned! Here is one diary and a second diary which are fun to read if you are a conservative. The delusional logic goes like this: In a prior Quinnipiac Poll (see

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Aug 17 2006

Senate ’06 Update

Santorum’s rebounding in the polls is not only amazing, it is a harbinger for the dems. I said before if Santorum wins (or even comes close) that means there is national tide swelling – and it is not going to be a tide that sweeps out Reps. And that tide seems to be coming in. […]

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Aug 17 2006

Goodbye Ned, Welcome Back Joe

It seems Ned Lamont has had his moment and will soon be an asterisk in the history books. The latest poll from Quinnipiac shows Lieberman with over 50% in a three-way race and ahead of Lamont by 12%. I feel for Alan Schlessinger – the Rep candidate. From what I have seen he is pretty […]

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Aug 16 2006

Dem Nuclear Scare Tactics

I was watching the all stars roundtable on Special Report and was wondering where in the world all the fretting over a nuclear bomb getting through our shipping system was coming from only to find indications of a coordinated (and very naive) scare campaign being run regarding our national security. First off, we should not […]

5 responses so far

Aug 16 2006

Dems Tar Hispanics As Terrorists

The Democrat Message Machine does have a lot of screws lose as it links Hispanic immigrants to terrorists: A Democratic political ad is under fire from Hispanics who say it unfairly compares Latino immigrants to terrorists. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee sponsored a 35-second ad on its Web site that shows footage of two people […]

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