Archive for the '2006 Elections' Category

Aug 04 2006

Another Liberal Fantasy

E.J. Dionne splashes another liberal fantasy out on the pages of the Washington Post. He posits the perennial question for libs: Is it our turn yet? Of course, he uses more words so that a rationalization can be built into the question which supports his deepest fantasy: Conservatism has run its course after only a […]

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Aug 04 2006

Petulent Democrats

Family owned small businesses once again take a hit from Democrats who cannot abide anyone succeeding in life and passing the fruits of their efforts to their children. Their petulance has blocked a compromise on the infamous death tax where greedy bureacrats take the hard earned poperty built over a lifetime for their own wasteful […]

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Aug 03 2006

Democrats Have Drunk The Kool Aid

The one third of America which calls itself ‘liberal’ and ‘strong democrat’ can now also be classified as ‘not working with a full deck’, because these people have bought into the BDS hallucination that 9-11 was an inside job. Proof from a Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll just out. More than a third of the American […]

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Aug 03 2006

Tom Delay Back To Congress

Looks like Tom Delay is heading back to Congress due to one of the dumbest political miscalculations by the left since 1994. I predicted as much a few weeks past.

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Aug 03 2006

America Stands With Israel, Jews Dumping Dems

Amazingly, after days of over-the-top misreporting on the Qana incident the American people have once again demonstrated a resiliancy to media mayhem. The media’s credibility is pretty shot in this country, so hyperventilating stories laced with insults tend to increase skepticism, not reduce it. The LA Times is reporting a poll that demonstrates this theory […]

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Aug 02 2006

Democrats Play To Their Own Parody

Drudge is reporting a new Democrat website called the “Fudge Report“. Talking about shooting yourself in the foot! We all know politicians “fudge facts” (aka spin), but to be so brazen as to post half truths under a truth-in-advertising label such as this is too funny. Sadly, in a country where we have serious issues […]

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Aug 02 2006

Democrats Surrender National Security

I thought I was tough on the Democrat Iraq plan for surrender and retreat in my previous post. But Michael Goodwin tears into the Dems in his New York Daily News column in such a way as to make me think I under estimated the damage the Dems did to themselves: With world attention focused […]

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Aug 01 2006

Democrats Unprepared For November

Not only do Democrats lack a unifying and leading message, not only have they become the antithesis of a strong America leading the world to a better future, not only have the Democrats become the party of “cut and run” and “let’s Impeach Bush”, they don’t even have their act together to get out the […]

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Jul 29 2006

Political Genius

The GOP have just stolen a big issue right out from under the Democrats by passing a minimumn wage hike (first in 9 years, so there is plenty of cost-of-living room to raise this safely) along with making permanent a series of middle class tax cuts that are just common sense (like education tax deduction). […]

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Jul 28 2006

Impeach Bush For Being An Ally Of Israel!

Ramsey Clark is the poster child of what went wrong with liberalism and the Democrats. A key figure in ancient Democrat administrations, Clark is well known as Saddam Hussien’s lawyer. But his insanity doesn’t stop there. Today he is calling on the Democrats to impeach President Bush (and I gather Tony Blair should be tried […]

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