Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Oct 09 2008

Gut Check For Obama

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! It seems they have reopened one of the bombing murders by the Weather Underground group and the case points to Dohrn and Ayers. The unsolved murder of two San Francisco police officers has languished as cold cases for 30 years until now. A federal grand jury has been […]

10 responses so far

Oct 09 2008

Why I Am A Conservative Independent

Want to know why I am proud to be a conservative independent and happy to remain outside the cult of a national party? David Brooks illustrates the fact that the rot in the Political Industrial Complex of Pols, Pundits, Media and Power Brokers cuts across party lines: David Brooks spoke frankly about the presidential and […]

12 responses so far

Oct 08 2008

Obama Is Sliding In Other Polls Now – Updated!

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! It seems Obama is floating back down to earth in the polls out today. For example, Obama has dropped from a +7% lead to a +1 statistical tie in the Diageo/Hotline daily tracking poll in the last three days. The following graph shows the trend […]

20 responses so far

Oct 08 2008

A Tie Goes To McCain. He Will Change Washington, Not America

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! Reading through the views of the politically obsessed this morning (me being one myself) one has to step back and think about the country and our choices. Just about everyone agrees the debate was boring (after Sarah Palin, of course it was boring) and basically […]

8 responses so far

Oct 07 2008

Live Blogging 2nd Presidential Debate For 2008

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! 2nd Summary – I need to add the scariest comment came from Obama, who wanted the government to fire executives he disagrees with. This is not the USSR dude. The focus groups bothered me too.  They did not hear what they wanted to hear, and […]

34 responses so far

Oct 07 2008

Ohio Early Voting Bad Omen For Obama In November – 80% Of His Voters Are AWOL

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! People have to understand how national campaigns will avoid the look of failure at all costs. In the case of novice Barack Obama this is all the more important since confidence in him is as fragile as a spun sugar figurine. So when Obama’s camp […]

12 responses so far

Oct 07 2008

Polls May Be Exaggerating Party Affiliation

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! I noted in a previous post that the polls seem to be weighted on Party ID and not Policy Preference, where conservatives and independents dwarf liberals by a whopping 72-23.. Party ID has dems ahead of Reps 43-36, which means if people vote party Obama […]

One response so far

Oct 07 2008

Why Obama Is Sinking Again In The Polls

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! It seems McCain is not the only one who took a hit in the public eye on the financial bailout – Obama is also starting to lose ground. Two recent polls show the erosion. First is a Democracy Corps poll I noted in an earlier […]

11 responses so far

Oct 07 2008

Anderson Cooper On Bill Ayers And His Friend Barack Obama

Last night Anderson Cooper had on a reporter (I believe he was Drew Griffin) who did a great piece on Obama and Bill Ayers. If someone can rustle up the video let me know. If CNN did more of this kind of real reporting Obama would be in much more trouble than he already is. […]

17 responses so far

Oct 06 2008

Some Scary Polls Out For O-Bomba

Ok, color me totally confused here. Two left leaning (and I mean they tilt sideways) polls have come out showing a shrinking Obama lead. First is the CBS News Poll showing Obama losing half his lead 5 days, going from a +9 (49-40) to a plus +4 (47-43) – that is a statistical tie (MoE […]

13 responses so far

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