Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Oct 06 2008

Obama Surrogate Springsteen Gets 10,000, VP Candidate Palin Gets 10,000

Obama just cannot match Sarah Palin’s ability to draw crowds. Today Obama surrogate ‘The Boss’ Springsteen serenaded a crowd of 10,000 – most of which I am sure came to just hear the music and all of which were not Obama supporters. Also today Sarah Palin, VP Candidate for the GOP, drew 10,000 supporters. They were all […]

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Oct 06 2008

US And Global Markets Take A Beating

The Global Markets are taking a beating (so much for that emergency band aid passed on Friday). One has to wonder if the country is will to hand the fate of all us to a know-nothing Junior Senator from Chicago who has done nothing of any import or noteworthiness in his short career? There does […]

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Oct 06 2008

The Ayers Implosion Of O-Bomba!

For those wondering why McCain-Palin is bringing up Ayers (and others) now it is to hammer Obama with his deceptions and terrible past associations in the final lap of the race. If every week a new problem arises for Oabam, he will be on the defensive and hemorrhaging supporters.  The media is going to cry […]

4 responses so far

Oct 06 2008

More Poll Posting – Obama May Be In Real Trouble If Polls Weight Samples Wrong

With Barack Obama pulling ahead in the polls, it seems a lot of us on the right are concerned about the validity of the message we are seeing. I am still of the opinion something is wrong with the polls and have shown why record crowd levels at Palin events, record viewership of the Biden-Palin […]

13 responses so far

Oct 06 2008

How Many Terrorists Does Obama Have Dinner With?

What kind of mindset does it take to have many, many dinners and discussions with an agent of the PLO, and then think it will not be brought up during an election for President? Obama and his media puppets are really playing the end game in this election poorly. His connections to American Terrorist Bomber […]

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Oct 06 2008

Obamas And Ayers Hold Panel On Violent Youths, Obama Law Suits Funneled Bad Loan Money Into His Campaign Coffers

The irony of this news story up at Drudge is incredible. Ayers and the Obamas were on a panel talking about how youthful violence should not be considered violent acts to the same standard as adults. The subtitle is great: Close-up on juvenile justice Author, former offender among speakers Ayers has the distinction of being […]

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Oct 06 2008

One October Surprise – Oil Prices

One of the most nagging economic issues of the year has been gas prices at the pump. It is arguably one of the prime reasons so many people finally sunk financially and started losing the their homes. It is hard to keep making money when the cost of getting to and from a job is […]

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Oct 06 2008

Where Will The Polls Head Next?

There are some modest indications polls may be heading back toward McCain-Palin this week. Some of this can be seen in the state polls which bounced towards Obama during the debate on the Financial Bailout/Rescue package debate. For example, Colorado is apparently done with its bounce if you look at the current RCP polls: Poll […]

3 responses so far

Oct 05 2008

The Failing McCain-Palin Campaign Still Drawing Record Crowds

Update: Well Obama tried, but Palin actually got a crowd of 30,000 in Carson CA, which is 50% more than Obama got in Asheville, NC. Update: It seems Obama was able to pull about 20,000 today at a rally in NC. Impressive – he is as good as Palin, which makes me wonder all the more […]

30 responses so far

Oct 05 2008

Political Industrial Complex Reacts To Palin – And Shows ITS Weakness

Two talking heads on NBC’s Meet The Press illustrated why Palin is the premier candidate in this race. Paul Begala tried to address Palin’s comments about Obama’s relationship to Bill Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist. Begala’s efforts to turn this around were laughable. He started by saying “guilt by association” would not work Bush-McCain, Bush-McCain, Bush-McCain). […]

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