Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Sep 27 2008

CBS Edits Palin Response To Create Bad Impression Of Palin, Obama Compaign Edits Out Half A Sentence To Create A Lie

SJReidhead over at the Pink Flamingo notes why Sarah Palin came off so incoherent in those CBS News interviews with Katie Colic – Palin’s responses where edited to make her appear to stumble: “…(2:58) Couric: What, specifically, in your view, could be done to convince the new government in Pakistan to take a harder, tougher […]

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Sep 27 2008

When “Experience” Is “The Past”

Lamest political spin of the night from the Obama camp (Biden especially). The Dems tried to claim all the experience John McCain was “just the past”. In fact, a lot of the commentary was a joke. The talking heads at CNN were especially lame.  But O’Reilly was showing off his double digit IQ when he […]

7 responses so far

Sep 26 2008

Live Blogging The 1st Presidential Debate Of 2008 – I Have A Bracelet Too!

Update: Michelle Malkin notes O-bomba had to READ the name on his bracelet! (Near the end of the clip): Dumb move Obama. When you plan a political stunt like this, make sure you rehearse it enought to ensure it comes off genuine. Update: Obama’s Kissinger fiction was when McCain turned Obama into a floor mop: […]

36 responses so far

Sep 26 2008

Kathleen Parker Is An Embarrassment

Kathleen Parker is a whining embarrasment to the GOP.  She is wringing her hands because an average American, Sarah Palin, is poised to become part of the leadership of this country. Her solution, demand Palin to step down becuase Ms Parker, Goddess of all Knowledge, is embarrased. Well Ms Parker is a joke and an […]

5 responses so far

Sep 26 2008

The Most Important Video To See This Year

Someone has put together the story of how we got into the financial mess we are in, and who has the fingerprints all over it. My only criticism is you need to be a speed reader (which I am) to keep up in real time. But that is why God invented he “pause” button! If […]

4 responses so far

Sep 26 2008

Will Obama Run From Financial Bail Out Talks?

We all know the Obamabots want Obama to go debate himself tonight in Mississippi if John McCain doesn’t show up. But Obamabots are not the American people, and there are poll indications McCain’s bold move is being cheered in the nation. One sign this is true is the fiscal conservatives are looking very comfortable in […]

9 responses so far

Sep 26 2008

Obama’s “Change”: Gestapo Tactics Against Critics

The Obama campaign is using a new tactic to win the public debate – threaten and intimidate anyone who wants to debate him: St. Louis and Missouri Democrat sheriffs and top prosecutors are planning to go after anyone who makes false statements against Obama during his campaign. This is so one sided I can’t even […]

9 responses so far

Sep 26 2008

Democrats Need To Compromise

The House GOP is not happy with the current bailout plan, yet Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid demand majority support from both sides of the aisle. Answer: Dems – start compromising. I have had my doubts about the bailout bill since it was liberal policies which forced banks to make unsafe loans that got us […]

3 responses so far

Sep 25 2008

OMG – People PRAYED For Sarah!

OK, I am not religious and am not affiliated with any church. So I was curious to see all the hoopla over the video of Sarah being prayed for in her Church in 2005.  Needless to say I found the hoopla to be a show of ignorance. I have a lot of evangelical pastors and […]

6 responses so far

Sep 25 2008

More Evidence McCain Took Sincere Action On Bailout

You only need to read a few articles today to realize the screaming from the left about McCain taking the leadership mantle is all gut level fear.  First, from Bob Schieffer: John McCain got involved in the bailout negotiations after Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson told Sen. Lindsey Graham yesterday that the bailout plan would fail unless […]

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